Ch. 35 Travel The Ocean

Chleora did not think at all whether she could breathe for long or not in the water. Her eyes focused on the magical exhibitions she saw. There she could see the various colors of sea corals and several small fishes with attractive colors swimming among the corals.

She was too fascinated, too amazed… it was so magical that she felt like she was in a fairy tale.

Chleo was sure she would never forget these sights and experiences in her lifetime.

After diving a little deeper but still exposed to the sun, Vasili led Chleo by holding her hand and swam off her steed. Chleo, who had absolutely no difficulty holding her breath, followed Vasili's directions willingly.

They dove deeper to make Chleo feel that she is the beautiful mermaid princess about returning to her sea palace. Her brown eyes glowed when she felt a group of small fish swimming around her as if welcoming her arrival.

Vasili took her to a cave-like boulder surrounded by the seaweed. Inside was a bit dark because there were no holes other than the entrance tunnel. Nevertheless, Chleo was unafraid and followed Vasili's lead wherever the man went.

The more they dive in, the darker the environment around them will be. Chleo felt Vasili's grip tighten as if to say that the man would never let go of her hand.

Chleo did not feel afraid, but when she realized the tight grip on her hand, Chleo felt her heart fill with inevitable comfort.

Not long after, the curious little 'mermaid princess' saw the lights shining around her alternately. The light also had different colors to make her even more amazed. Not only that, but she also heard a singing voice that echoed through this cave along with the flickering light.

Oh my gosh! Is there a place as breathtaking as this? How come Chleo never found this place before?

The light shone brighter when Vasili brought Chleo to dive deeper, and then Chleo could see Vasili's face as if she looked at him under the sun. Chleo noticed that the flickering lights came from a tiny sea animal.

Chleo did not know the name of the creature because she had never seen it before. She felt that these tiny creatures were like a firefly glowed at night, but these were sea versions.

Chleo touched one of the 'fireflies,' which gave off a golden yellow light without fear. The little animal directly swam towards her, followed by other fireflies around her wrist like a beautiful gold bracelet.

Chleo presented a wide smile seeing these sea animals willing to become her beautiful bracelet, and showed it to Vasili. Miraculously, the sea animals swam along with the movements of her hand as if they had become real bracelets.

Vasili also smiled broadly at the cheerful and happy smile on Chleo's face. For the first time, he felt the satisfaction of successfully making his wife's face… er… his future wife smiled for him.

Once satisfied playing with this fantastic little marine animal, Vasili took her back outside and invited her to swim through the beautiful reefs below.

Without letting go of her grip, Chleo was enjoying the underwater view with sparkling eyes. She also saw a sea turtle swimming with its group. It was a giant tortoise, and she saw some young turtles swimming around the huge one. This was the first time Chleo had encounter a sea turtle directly!

Then Vasili took her to pink weird tentacle-like sea plants. Vasili showed her something by touching the tentacle. Once the sea plants felt the touch, those pink tentacles close together at once. A second later, the tentacles slowly opened again, making Chleo stunned for the umpteenth time.

Chleo, who likes new experiences, imitates what Vasili was doing and touched the tentacles. It felt a tickling-like sensation as soon as she touched the pink-colored tentacles. She felt as if she was touching a chewy jelly which made her giggle.

The happy little girl felt enormous joy because she found a new toy, and once again, she touched the pink-colored plant. Chleo did it several times with her gaze full of shining, and a child-like grin was plastered on her face.

As if the adventure was endless, Vasili took Chleo to dive a little deeper to see a fish nest. There they saw tens or maybe hundreds of orange eggs gathered in a hole. They could see that a beautiful colored fish was guarding the nest of the egg.

If predatory fish were preying on the eggs, the guard fish would probably try to protect the eggs. But strangely, this guard fish stayed still on top of the egg nest as if it was willing to let Vasili and Chleo see the egg nest.

Like what Vasili said before, he took Chleo around to see the underwater beauty that was still exposed to the sun so that Chleo could still see it.

After going around seeing all kinds of underwater charms, Vasili summoned the same whale once again. Vasili settled Chleo in front of him on top of the aquatic mammal. Quickly but not in a hurry, the whale swam up to the surface.

Chleo instantly opened her mouth wide to take a deep breath because she held her breath too long. Due to being in the water for too long and enjoying the beautiful natural scenery that feels so magical, Chleo didn't realize that she had been breathing underwater several times.

Chleo didn't realize it and felt like she had broken the record by successfully holding her breath of water for a few minutes. But strangely, why isn't she breathing hard? On the contrary, her breathing was still regular and even, as if she had never held her breath before.

How is it possible?

Chleo looked at Vasili with a questioning look as if she felt sure Vasili was the one behind her mysterious yet enchanting situation. As if Vasili understood what the curious little girl wanted to ask, Vasili answered her in a gentle tone.

"This is one of my abilities. I can make you breathe underwater as long as I hold your hand." Vasili showed the entangled hands between Chleo and his making the little girl gasped in awe.

Chleo had been breathing several times while underwater! From the start, she didn't need to hold her breath!?

Chleo was even more fascinated and looked at Vasili with admiration. Because Vasili still didn't let go of his grip spontaneously, Chleo could feel Vasili's unusual skin temperature.

The skin on Vasili's palms was so cold it made her feel like she was holding a snowball in winter. Surprisingly, she did not feel as cold as when she formed a pile of snow to build a snowman. Instead, she felt indescribable comfort in Vasili's grasp.