Ch. 36 I Will Call You Ice Prince

Reflexively Chleo brought the man's hand to her cheek to enjoy the coolness. She wanted her face to feel the same cold as his hands did without realizing that her little act caused a certain heart to jump out of its place.

Vasili did not expect Chleo to bring his hand to the girl's face, let alone let him stroke the girl's soft cheek. If someone else sees him, Vasili will undoubtedly be taken to the police station.

"Woah. So nice!" Chleo rubbed her cheek against Vasili's hand as she closed her eyes, enjoying the chill.

Vasili's gaze softened at the memory of the incident where the adult Chleo did the same thing the first time they met.

Ah, Chleo had the same habit and taste since childhood, just like he remembered. Vasili still wanted to linger with the child when his head started to feel dizzy.

It seemed he had been under the scorching sun for too long, and it was time for him to return to his astral world.

Born as the blue king, he could not last long-standing under the sun, but at least he could still last for a few more hours, especially when he was above the ocean.

Alas, ever since he woke up for the first time back in the past, he felt like half of his strength was disappearing. He wouldn't have been able to stay under the sun as long before.

With his other free hand, Vasili snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the two of them were back in the snow. At the same time, their clothes which had been wet from diving instantly became dry.

"Aw... why are we back?" sulked Chleo showed a sense of disappointment. She still wanted to play in the sea for longer. She was sure that she would not experience it again after this.

"Sorry, but I don't have the strength. I'll take you again next time."

"Promise?" Chleo took out her pinky finger and pointed it at Vasili.

"Hm. I promise." With pleasure, Vasili hooked his pinky finger to Chleo's much smaller finger as a sign of their promise.

Chleo smiled broadly, then converted her gaze around her. When she woke up for the first time, Chleo had not had a chance to see this place, and now she realized she saw snow wherever she looked.

The air temperature was also a little cold, but it wasn't freezing enough to make her shiver. Only after observing this place with a free of fear from the kidnapping that happened a while ago, Chleo could see how beautiful this place was.

"What place is this? Why does snow pile everything up?"

"My private site," replied Vasili shortly. "I live here when I want to be alone."

"Your place is wonderful. I like it very much."

Vasili chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm. He didn't know whether Chleo realized it or not, but the little girl still didn't let go of his hand.

Vasili didn't remind her and enjoyed the little girl's handgrip. But…


Chleo quickly looked away to hide her flushing face due to the loud, embarrassing sound coming from her stomach!

Vasili chuckled with amusement at the cute behavior of this little girl.

"I'll cook you something. Wait here," stated Vasili, patting the top of Chleo's head gently.

While waiting for Vasili's cooking, Chleo decided to make a snowman in the front yard.

Vasili prepared a simple pasta with bolognese sauce. Then serve it on a ceramic plate he likes. After almost finished cooking his dish, a sound of gusting wind appeared behind him.

"Is it for the girl?"

"..." Vasili pretended there was no sound behind him and remained focused on his cooking. Neither did he drive away when his fellow ruler walked over to him. But when the person was about to sprinkle something on Chelo's food, Vasili held her hand. "What are you doing?"

"Are you forgetting something? This powder will make her remember. She will remember everything the next time she turns twenty-first. She has to remember what she should have gone through with you and also... what happened with her lover."

"..." Vasili released his grip on the violet queen's hand. In truth, he didn't want Chleo to remember anything she'd been through. He wanted Chleo to live her life happily and peacefully like this.

Furthermore, he had his own fear. What if that girl's memory comes back and Chleo chose Alexis over him?

If... Alexis and Chleo never met; would he have a chance? Will he be able to prevent their meeting?

The answer is no. Vasili knew that nature would bring the lovers together no matter how much he tried to prevent their encounter.

"Finally, my last mission has been completed. I will rest in my astral place after this. Taking you back twenty years in the past has taken up most of my energy. Good luck with your plan." the female violet ruler just left after saying her last wish.

Vasili just shook his head in response to the woman's whimsical attitude.

"Mister, is the food ready?"

"Yes." Vasili set the plates on the dining table. "Don't call me mister. It makes me uncomfortable." Vasili didn't want Chleo to treat him as a stranger she wouldn't need to remember once they got separated.

Vasili did have to wait for this girl to grow up, but he wanted at least little Chleo to remember him even though they wouldn't see each other for the next ten years.

"Then what should I call you? Uncle?"

"I'm not your uncle, so don't," he replied, then took a glass to drink. He was also wondering whether he should tell his name or not. If yes, which name he should give.

Vasili? Axel? Or other his real name given from his birth mother?

"Then I'll call you Ice Prince!"

Cough… Cough… The Ice Prince choked on his drink when he heard the new nickname pinned to him.

Ice Prince? Well, it has a nice ring on his ears, mainly because it came from the little girl's mouth.

Besides… his energy foundation indeed came from an ice element. He didn't see why he should dislike the new nickname.