Ch. 44 Alexsei Gone Mad

After trying to find one of the other nature rules to no avail, Vasil summoned Falcon to ask what was going on, proving futile. Since Vasili was recuperating in his astral world, Falcon also followed him and stayed there ever since.

Falcon had felt the flow of cold energy within his body starting to become unstable, so the guardian beast had to be by his side to control the flow of cold energy. Otherwise, his body would freeze and turn into ice if left too long.

In the end, Vasili had no idea what had happened while he was unconscious. Vasili told Falcon to go to Ukraine to see how Alexsei and Alexis are there. On the other hand, he decided to wander around Germany, searching for clues about other natural rulers.

Where's the yellow king and the time master? Why couldn't he contact any of them?

Vasili was still focused on tracking down the energies of the other three nature rulers as his white eagle guardian beast blended his sight with his eyes. Through the eyes of Falcon in Ukraine, he saw something unpleasant.

For some unknown reason, Alexis met his father secretly without telling him first. The boy did see his father often, even without Vasili or any other adults accompanying him. But since Alexsei's mental condition was not good, Vasili no longer allowed little Alexis to see his father alone.

But this time, the boy didn't listen to his advice and went to Alexsei alone. As he feared, Alexsei didn't recognize his son and got so angry that he was about to hit the little boy.

Luckily one of the maids came to stop Alexsei, so his hand didn't hurt Alexis.

Vasili took a deep breath, then focused all his strength to teleport to his home in Russia. This time he arrived in his room at the Peskhov residence in Ukraine.

Vasili dashed towards the east wing where Alexsei was being held. He saw Alexsei about to hit little Alexis once again, making Vasili jump into action. With agility, Vasili managed to hold Alexsei's hand, which was stretched upwards to beat his own flesh and blood.

Vasili pushed Alexsei away from Alexis violently. Then he crouched down to see the poor clueless boy, who was sitting on the floor with a bitter sob.

"Alexis, are you okay?"

Vasili's heart ached to see the teary eyes on the kid. Alexis was not a crybaby. He was a brilliant and understanding kid. Sometimes, the child could think more mature than kids his age. But now... this boy seemed to be overcome with sadness, disappointment, and a thousand 'why' questions.

Vasili had not told Alexsei's mental condition to Alexis. This child doesn't know that his father was now insane because Vasili doesn't want the boy to feel gloomy.

Now Alexis saw his father's actual condition. He had no other choice but to let the boy know the truth. There must be a lot of questions running through his little brain about his father's condition. It seemed Vasili had to give the boy a proper explanation. After all, Alexis had a right to know.

Vasili gently stroked his head while giving a warm smile.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Go back to your room."

Alexis bit his lip, then obeyed Vasili and followed the butler to his room. As Vasili had guessed, Alexis did have many questions because it was the first time he had seen his father spiral out of control.

He realized he was still a child who could not do anything even though he understood his father's condition. Therefore, he remained silent and did whatever his uncle said.

Vasili let out a sigh of relief at least the child wasn't hurt because the maid guarding Alexis did the right thing to protect him. Unfortunately, the maid could not escape Alexsei's slap, and now her left cheek was bruised and swollen.

"Go outside for a bit. Let me handle this," ordered Vasili gently.

The shocked maid nodded her head, and without being told twice, she dashed toward the exit.

As soon as the poor maid disappeared from the room, holding Alexsei back, there was a crazy laugh assaulting his ears. Vasili's smile vanished to be replaced by a gloomy expression.

Vasili turned to face Alexsei, who was still laughing like crazy.

"How long do you want to live like this? Mother and father will be very disappointed to see you now."

"You think I'll believe it? They only listened to you since the beginning. They just follow your wishes as if you are their master. At first, I was so confused and hated them! Why would they prefer to listen to strangers over me, who have blood ties to them! Now I know the cause. You… you are the blue king!"

Vasili was not surprised to hear that. He already knew that Alexsei knew his secret even though he didn't know how the man found out.

"I should have guessed it. You're not aging at all. You also have an abnormal body temperature. Your eyes sometimes shine brightly. Hahahaha... It turns out that all this time, I lived with the blue king."
