Ch. 45 Vasili Is Dead

"You're out of your mind. Better put your mind at ease." Vasili decided not to take it seriously. After all, everyone already knew Alexsei had gone mad, so his words would not be taken into account.

In addition, only a limited number of people who know the secrets of the rulers of nature live on this earth. The servants residing in the Peskhov residency would only regard Alexsei's accusations as the words of a madman.

Vasili decided to turn away from Alexsei because he was too tired to deal with the problems that had occurred these past few months. He wanted to rest and recover his energy first. Only then would he take care of Alexsei.


By the time he turned around to follow the warning voice of one of his servants, a piece of ceramic glass had pierced through the left side of his chest.

Vasili couldn't believe this older man's recklessness, let alone seeing Alexsei grinning like a madman. The next second, the man's expression turned pale, followed by pain before Alexsei finally fell lifeless.

Vasili held his chest, pierced by the sharp object while his legs had become weak and his knees fell on the floor…

What a stupid man. Thought Vasili.

If that person had known that he was the blue king, Alexsei should have also learned that attacking him head-on without any preparation would only invite his death. His cold energy will hit anyone who attacks the blue king directly as a form of defense. That's what happened to Alexsei at the moment, and he died instantly.

"Sir! Master Vasili! Quickly call an ambulance!" his servant shouted at his co-worker.

"Call Rothbert over here!" Vasili ordered the panic-stricken servant before he lost consciousness.

As a ruler of nature, of course, he could heal various kinds of wounds. However, each ruler has its weaknesses. The blue king's weakness was that he couldn't heal his own injuries. He couldn't freeze the bleeding himself. The wound would still be there and would heal over time like an average human.

Vasili could still feel pain and experience healing like a normal human. He could even die like the others, but the death of the blue king was quite different from that of a human.

In front of humans, Vasili was indeed dead, as his heart had been stabbed and stopped beating. He was no longer breathing either. But in truth, Vasili was in a 'coma' state.

The blue king was sleeping for an indefinite period until his entire body condition returned to normal. It could be a few days, and it could take decades, then he would wake up.

Remembering his stabbed heart, Vasili knew he would be asleep for a very long time. He genuinely wished he could wake up on time. That way, he could meet the girl when Chleo had remembered everything.

Rothbert was his assistant who served his father, the previous blue king. Rothbert and his ancestors had served the blue king devotedly for generations. That's why Vasili had the servants of the Peskhov mansion call Rothbert who lived in England.

Only the man knew his identity and what he had to do in handling the funeral procession and other things.

From now on... he could leave the rest in his assistant's hand.


Far away from the country, a beautiful little girl was fast asleep in her room. By the time Vasili's heart was stabbed by a shard of ceramic by Alexsei, a chill and snowflakes circled over Chleora's hand.

Feeling the chill that bothered her, Chleo slowly stirred, and her eyelids flickered. She wondered what made her hands feel cool out of nowhere.

Chleo yawned widely and rubbed her eyes a few times. After making sure that no one was in her room, Chleo decided to go back to sleep.

The little girl threw her body on the bed carelessly, making her hand touch something accidentally. Once again, Chleo woke up and was startled to feel something so cold. The drowsiness that was still felt suddenly disappeared.

Chleo sat back down to look at the cold thing. Because the lights in her room were dark, Chleo turned on the mini decorative lamp next to her bed. As soon as Chleo could see her surroundings clearly, her pair of round eyes widened at what she saw.

It was a rose made of ice! Why is there suddenly rose-like ice here?

Could it be…

"Ice Prince? Ice Prince," Chleo tried to call out to her savior. She knew the only person who could make something out of ice was her Ice Prince.

She got out of bed and opened the window. "Ice Prince?" called the little girl once again in vain.

She found no one, and she heard no voice responding to her call. Chleo looked back at the ice flower in her hand.

In the end, Chleo decided to go back to her room. Although drowsiness attacked her, Chleo did not close her eyes and continued to stare at the ice flower. She looked at the rose-like ice shape, smiling to herself.

Not long after, the ice, which didn't seem to be melting for a long time, suddenly cracked on the petals. Chleo panicked and quickly restrained it so that the crack wouldn't get bigger.

Unfortunately, the crack spread wider all the way to its thin stalk. Then the ice flower shattered and evaporated into one with the air.

Chleo was too shocked and wondered if she was holding it too hard. Is this ice flower broken because of her?

A sad expression adorned Chleo's cute face, and tears fell in her eyes involuntarily. Even though it's only a stalk of ice flower, but how could it make her this sad?

It was as if she lost something precious... or rather... someone.