Ch. 51 The Violet King

A few days after X, the blue king rose again; there was a great commotion in London. Dozens of cars chased a motorcyclist who was trying to escape.

The streets were very busy with the sound of police car sirens, and there was a chase on the streets of London. The motorcyclist is very clever in avoiding snow-covered roads and could control his motor perfectly.

Meanwhile, police cars often stop or turn to the road further because they cannot enter the small road or are blocked by a pile of snow. One by one, the motorcyclist managed to outsmart them and escape from the pursuit.

Not long after, the motorcyclist entered a long tunnel and left his motorbike in the middle of the tunnel. The man took off his helmet and let his long wavy hair down. His attire was all black with dark purple stripes on the jacket zipper and wrists.

The biker was none other than the violet king himself... It was the violet queen as the gender was a female.

"Fye, what are you doing?" a human form materialized from the wind appeared before Fye.

"I didn't do it on purpose. They were the ones who messed around with me first."

"You can't use your power temporarily, and yet you're creating chaos in the human realm. Are you trying to provoke Aslan? And now look what you've done. You're the target of police and detectives this time. You attract humans too much. Where are you going to hide this time?"

"My astral place?" was her short answer as if she doesn't care about the police and detectives who are hunting her and are eager to catch her.

The head of the materialized human form shook his head. "You won't be able to go there. Aslan has temporarily locked the gates to spring astral. No one will ever be able to open it."

"WHAT? Why?"

"What do you think? Isn't that because you violated your ethics as a ruler of nature? You know the rules. As a ruler of nature, you must not use your power to satisfy personal interests. You can protect your dear one but never harm the human with your power. You broke it and had to…."

"Serve the punishment and blah blah blah. I know. Hey, I've been helping the blue king as instructed by the mighty Aslan. I even had to pay the price for turning back time by twenty years. I can't use my time power in the same amount of time. Imagine twenty years! At least he can lessen my punishment."

"It's ten years left now, right?" was the short answer in a matter-of-fact tone.

Fye snorted in annoyance. "Not being able to control the time of day for just a week pisses me off, let alone twenty years. I wonder why at that time, I agreed to his request? I should have insisted on persuading him to turn back time by just two years."

"I understand your feeling. But that doesn't mean you can rob the biggest bank in London and kidnap the daughter of the bank's owner."

Fye said nothing else. She did not plan to rob a bank or kidnap the bank owner's daughter. What's more, the girl didn't do anything to her... yet.

She remembered she would meet that annoying woman around the year 2040. Her life became restless because of that woman. Her house was visited by loser men who want to have sex with her. As if it wasn't worse enough, she found many brochures promote her body as a prostitute in public.

At that time, she could not use her time control for a month, so her life was terrorized by men she did not know for a whole month.

To make her life like hell, the annoying Aslan didn't even allow her to enter her astral world, so she had to endure living hell for a month in unpleasant terror.

Now... since she has returned to the past with the blue king who asked to rewind his lifetime... Fye planned to attack first before meeting that woman.

"I'm just repaying what she did to me," announced Fye without feeling the least bit guilty.

"She hasn't done anything to you in case you forget. After all, you can leave this country to avoid her. You don't need to see each other again."

Fye chuckled with a mocking tone. "After living the same life a second time, wouldn't it be boring if I avoided it? I'm not that coward."

The human-like wind just shook its head and then disappeared again with a strong gust of wind. Fye strolled out of the tunnel. Now she couldn't go to the same house because the police must surround it, where should she hide?

Fye stopped in her tracks when she felt someone was watching her. Suddenly she turned alert and sharpened all her senses and instincts.

Tap. Tap. Tap

Fye saw someone appear walking towards her. Because the streets were poorly lit and there was no moon, Fye had to enhance her eyesight. As soon as the color of her eyes turned purple, she saw a pair of blue eyes with a cold mist around the person.

Blue king?

"Wow, how did you find me? No. That's not what I wanted to ask." Fye muttered to herself. "Where have you been? Did you know that yellow and I are always looking for you? You didn't even attend Katleen's wedding."

"..." Who is Katleen? Why does this person know him so well?

"Why are you silent?"

"Have we met before?" asked Vasili once they were close enough to see each other without having to use their vision abilities.

"What? After what I did for you, you forgot everything?"

"I don't remember what you did for me. But I want you to explain everything to me," demanded Vasili unceremoniously.

"Explain what?"

Vasili snapped his fingers, and the two of them changed places and were now on a snowy mountain, the blue king's astral world. Unexpectedly, this violet king seemed to feel very happy to be in his astral world.