Ch. 52 Winter Aconite Flower

"Finally... I can hide here for a while. Hey, can I stay here for the next few months? At least you can help me hide, right?"

"What for?"

"I'm being targeted right now, so I need a hiding place that ordinary humans can't reach."

"This is my place. You can hide in your own."

Fye huffed to hear that. "I would have gone to my place if our mighty Aslan had not locked my gates. Besides, I don't have the ability to move like you guys, and I'm not as rich as you. How can I live in public in peace?"

Vasili massaged his temple with resignation. He was looking for the violet king to find answers, but it seems that he is the answer to the violet king's problems.

"I don't know what you've done that the police are after you. I can give you protection if that's what you want."


"In exchange, I want you to explain everything to me. How can I go back twenty years, and why are you turning back time? Even if you deliberately turn back time, then why do I still have memories in the future and no memories from before?"

"You… you don't remember it at all? What happened to you? How could you forget everything?" the female violet king couldn't control her curiosity as if she still didn't believe that the desperate love-sickness blue king would ever forget his love.

"That's what I'm looking for. Maybe this is because the effect has been 'dead for ten years."

"Dead? What do you mean?" Fye's mouth gaped wide when she realized what he meant. "You… you died, and only now did you wake up?" Vasili nodded his head to answer her question. "But… even if you die, your memory won't have any problems when you wake up again."

"It should be. That's why I'm looking for you. I wonder what happened while I was 'dead. No. I want to know what I've forgotten. I want to know everything."

Fye took a deep breath, knowing she had a lot to tell to explain from beginning to the end.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything. First of all… let's start with you will meet your true love eight years from now."


When Chleo returned from Germany when the girl was only six years old, her family's mood was not as bright as before leaving for Germany.

Very weird. Chleo thought to herself.

Usually, they will go home in a happy mood, even more radiant than before leaving. Then why did her parents go home with heavy feelings?

Moreover, when Chleo saw her beloved mother crying in her room for a few days after their return, it made Chleo feel quite confused.

Little Chleo didn't understand anything, nor did she know what it meant to lose someone forever. She did have a very unpleasant feeling one night and shed tears, but she didn't know why she felt that way.

Chleo didn't precisely remember how sad she was because she had forgotten about it the next day and was cheerful again.

Plus, her two favorite uncles have returned to America, and they would be celebrating her birthday together. Chleo was looking forward to it because her two uncles didn't come for her sixth birthday. Therefore she was looking forward to her seventh and subsequent birthdays.

On her seventh birthday, her two uncles did come. Aunt Meisya, Aunt Tanya and her fiancé, and the rest of the family also came. But there was something odd about Uncle Kinsey's attitude. For some reason, her uncle, her mother's twin brother, rarely talks and prefers to be alone.

Well, Chleo knew very well that Uncle Kinsey was a lone wolf. But if there is a big family event like this, especially for the people he loves, Kinsey would not be alone like this. Moreover, put on an expression of deep sorrow as if he lost someone dear.

Chleo wanted everyone around her to laugh with her. She didn't want anyone to feel sad or put on such a gloomy expression. But… she doesn't know how to make everyone around her laugh because her knowledge was still very minimal.

That day when everyone wished her a happy birthday, Chleo welcomed everyone happily. Her school friends came, and she had a friend to play with on her birthday. But… why does she still feel like something is missing?

Oh, right. Hasn't her Ice Prince promised to grow flowers on every her birthday?

While everyone was busy talking to each other and trying to comfort her grieving uncle, Chleo sneaked out to see if she could see the flower the Ice Prince had given her. Of course, she wouldn't be far from where her birthday party was. She just wanted to find evidence... proof of whether her Ice Prince came to keep his word or not.

As she expected, she couldn't see the figure of that person. She couldn't find any evidence that the ice prince came to her birthday party.

But when she saw the white winter aconite flowers on the grass, Chleo smiled. Ah, it turns out that person came.

Chleo no longer felt sad and looked at the flower with a happy heart. The following year, she felt much more content. Because now her Uncle Kinsey was back as usual accompanied by her future wife. Everyone was so happy that Chleo felt delighted too.

Of course, the most anticipated thing from her birthday has now changed. She was no longer excited because of gifts, birthday cakes, or crowded events where the whole family gathers. She was more looking forward to the white winter aconite flowers that she could only enjoy on her birthday.

"How strange, why are there winter aconite flowers every time Chleo's birthday?" once her father wondered when Chleo turned thirteen. "Winter aconite flowers only grow in winter. Why does it even grow in the fall? And on Chleo's birthday too."

"Hmm. Surprisingly, that flower also grows wherever Chleo is," added Cathy could not contain her curiosity anymore.

Her parents looked at Chleo questioningly as if they were sure that Chleo knew the answer.