Meet the SSS-Rank Adventurer, Scarlette Overland



Ryan explained his opinion and when the black hooded woman heard his statement, she had to agree with him since it made sense.


The black hooded woman just nodded at him and Ryan felt frustrated because he never heard the woman speak again since they got into the reception area.


"Tricky one. We should go"


At last, Ryan heard the black hooded woman speak but he didn't understand what she meant again.


'Seriously?! Lady, do you have a problem with your speech?! Do you want some gold coins for me to pay you so that you could talk longer?! I don't understand what you mean to say!'


Ryan thought as he wants to yell at the black hooded woman because he felt frustrated just hearing that weird speech of hers.


When the person in charge heard what the black hooded woman said, she froze on the spot as she couldn't believe what she just heard.


For the first time, the black hooded woman would take someone on the mission!


Not just that, a newcomer would be her companion?!


Some of the adventurers in the area happen to hear what the black hooded woman stated and even though it's not that long, most of them understood her words.


All of them have their eyes wide in shock upon hearing this and it seems that Ryan didn't understand what happens around them as he had a confused and frustrated look at the same time.


'D-did you guys heard that?!'


'Seriously?! For the first time, she took someone to be her companion for the mission?!'


'Someone please slap me if this is just a dream or what?'


'I can't believe that this is happening!'


'What a lucky bastard! He is being chosen as her companion and this is the first time that she took someone else'


'This would be an interesting gossip around the Capital, even in the whole Empire, I presumed'


'What?' Ryan thought as he heard the whispers around the guild and he didn't have any idea what these people are talking about.


More and more whispers and gossips once again resurfaced around the guild and Ryan didn't know why these adventurers are making a big deal out of it.


He looked at the black hooded woman but the said woman didn't look at him and still looking through the files that the person in charge had taken out from the archive.


The person in charge looked at Ryan and smiled as she makes a thumbs up for him, much to Ryan's confusion.


'O-okay? What just happen? I don't have any idea'


Ryan thought as he thinks and it looks like it would take another minute for the black hooded woman to finished looking through all the files that are laid out at the reception area.


After that, the person in charge composed herself as she speaks; "Now that everything is now settled then, may I please have both of your cards for validation?"


Even though Ryan is still confused about everything, he took his card from his pocket and gave it to her.


Also, the black hooded woman as well took hers and passed it to the person in charge and that is the only time that Ryan took noticed of the different colors of their cards.


Since Ryan is registered as an E-rank, the lowest rank for adventurers and what you called "the beginners" is where the newcomers are being tested for their strengths and weaknesses.


Also, the ADVENTURER IDENTIFICATION CARDS are being divided into distinct colors so that you can tell who is on the higher ranks or in the lowest ranks.


Of course, their identification cards would change if they were promoted to another rank.


The ranks and their respective colors are as follows: E-rank (GREEN), D-rank (PURPLE), C-rank (COPPER), B-rank (WHITE), A-rank (GREY), S-rank (SILVER), SS-rank (GOLD), and the last but not the least is, the highest among the ranks, the SSS-rank (BLACK).


Ryan didn't know if his eyes are playing with him or what because he just saw the black card that the black hooded woman took out from her pocket.


He felt his chest tightens upon realizing something.


'Wait a minute! As far as I could remember, there is only ONE PERSON that holds a black card among all of the people within the Miris Continent! I can't remember that person's name but the features I remember it, somehow'


Ryan thought as he thinks carefully and then he remembered the black hooded woman's appearance the first time he laid his eyes on her. 


Crimson long hair and crimson-lilac eyes…






His eyes widen upon the sudden realization that hit him and he immediately looked at the black hooded woman.


Fear and awkwardness that he felt because of his past actions.


'I-If what I think she is then, this black hooded woman is‒'


"Mr. Ryan Wayne. Glad to finally know your name. My name is ALEXA by the way"


His thoughts were cut off as the person in charge called his name while looking at his identification card.


The person in charge, Alexa said as she introduced her name and Ryan took his identification card and thanking the woman.


He saw that Alexa take a stamp from the other side and a magic circle appeared and after that, she stamps the leaflet marking the said mission and she gave it back to the black hooded woman.


The said woman took the leaflet and put it on her pouch and Alexa returned the identification card to her and Ryan didn't imagine things because he saw it's a black card.


"Oh right! By the way, what is your name, Lady?"


Sometimes, some things can only resolve in a reckless action, as for what Ryan is doing right now.


He felt in an awkward situation as he blurted out that question coming from his mouth.


As soon as he said those words, the adventurers inside the guild stopped their tracks or what they are doing as they all looked at Ryan in disbelieve.


Ryan knew what that reaction is and there is no need to slap it on his face because he knew what he asked is the dumbest question of all!


He is the one who approaches the woman (More like pestering the said woman who ignored him for the whole time and then acknowledges later) and he didn't even ask the woman's name first.


'How I wish that the ground would swallow me from where I stood to escape this embarrassment!'


He thought as he looked down as he tried to hide his face from these people.


Most of the adventurers inside the guild were jealous of Ryan because he had managed to catch the attention of the crimson-lilac woman.


That is because most of them want to recruit the said woman but the woman is known for being indifferent and she used to do missions alone.


But to think that she would pick up this man as her companion?! Who wouldn't be jealous about that?!


The black hooded woman finally looked at Ryan when she heard the question coming from him and she saw that the man is facing down as the woman had an idea why.


Because she saw the tinted blush from the man's ears and the woman knew that this man is now embarrassed.


She looked around and saw all of the adventurers looking in their direction and she glared at them all and when those people saw the woman is glaring at them, they immediately looked away and went back to their businesses.


But the black hooded woman knew that some of them are waiting for what will happen and she didn't want any drama to happen.


She sighed as she held her temple to ease the incoming headache that she feels and she didn't imagine that she would meet someone weird today.


'Did I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today?'


She thought as she sighed once again as she speaks.


"I guess I owe you some favor since you told me your name. My name is SCARLETTE OVERLAND, an SSS-rank adventurer. A pleasure to meet you, my dear companion"