First Friend and a Helper



The black hooded woman, who introduced herself as Scarlette. She looked at Ryan who is still facing down on the floor.


But when Scarlette introduced herself, the man immediately looked up to her and his eyes wide in shock upon looking at her, and stumbled two steps backward with his jaw drop.


Scarlette could guess what the man is thinking right now.


'He never expected that he would meet someone like me here in this place and it happens that I am here'


Scarlette thought as she sighed once again and then speak again; "Tomorrow morning. Central Plaza. Seven sharp"


After that, she left the man without waiting for him to reply and Ryan was dumbfounded by the conversation that they had.


'What did she just say? I don't understand a single damn thing she said!' Ryan thought as he groaned mentally.


After Scarlette left the guild, the adventurers inside looked at Ryan where he is stood still and the man seems to have a shock for today.


One adventurer went over to his side and place an arm around his shoulder and that is the time that Ryan snapped himself back into reality and looked over at the stranger at his side.


"What a lucky bastard you are! You manage to catch the interest of the strongest adventurer here, bro! Tsk!"


The one who snickers at him is a woman. She had long aqua hair ponytailed and chestnut eyes. 


She wears a full set of leather armor and Ryan noticed her brass knuckles that are hanging around her waist. 


He felt uncomfortable by the sudden physical touch as he gently removed the woman's arms around his shoulder and he speaks.


"Who are you?"


He asked the stranger woman and the woman looked at him as she laughed out loud, causing the other adventurers to chuckle at the man's ignorance and Ryan makes a poker face because of his irritation.


'Yes, I know that I am ignorant not to recognize Scarlette Overland! I am sorry, okay?! Tsk! These people!' He thought as he groaned in annoyance.


Who would not know about Scarlette Overland?


Even though Ryan came from another kingdom, her reputation is widely spread around the Miris Continent and she is the strongest adventurer alive.


She might be an SSS-rank adventurer as Ryan heard some stories about her that she can do menial jobs as well.


If she were bored, that's what other people said about her.


Ryan thought; 'What a strange woman. Doing menial jobs out of boredom?'


He sighed as he looked around and he can see the emotions that the other adventurers throw at him; Envy, Anger, and Dissatisfaction.


'Why am I being targeted all of the sudden?' He thought as he had a confused expression on his face.


The woman saw this and she immediately understood what the other man is thinking and she shook off her head as she speaks; "Seriously? You don't even know that Scarlette chooses you as her first-ever companion? You didn't get what she said to you earlier?"


The woman chuckled at him and Ryan heard this as he immediately looked at the woman as he exclaimed; "What?! Does she choose me as her companion?! Seriously?!"


The man said in shock as he couldn't believe what the woman just said to him.


Ryan knew that Scarlette Overland is famous for being a solo adventurer and she never takes someone with her during missions or even joining a party nor creates her own. 


He looked around as he sighed; 'Seems like that woman sure declined the number of adventurers or party invitation, as the way they looked at me. Did I get myself into trouble?'


He sighed and then he received a hard slap on his back that makes him stumble for a bit but regains his balance as he glared at the woman and the same woman who put her arms around his shoulder once again.


The woman looked at him and smiled; "My name is KIRA STONE by the way and a party leader of Black Dust. What's yours, bro?"


The woman introduced herself as Kira said and asked for his name.


He composed himself as he speaks; "My name is Ryan Wayne and I just got arrived in this Empire yesterday. This is my first day in the guild and I never expected that things would turn up like this"


Ryan said and Kira chuckled as she heard the man groaning in a complaint and she shook her head as she speaks.


"You are quite bold to approach Scarlette, aren't you? And not just that, you pestered her all along and you didn't even recognize her? Even though you are not from here, you should have recognized her at one glance"


Kira said and Ryan admitted that he is an idiot for not recognizing such an important person.


Kira noticed that the man is a bit uncomfortable and she knew that some of the adventurers here are looking at him as if he is the prey and she pitied the man so she diverts the topic as she speaks.


"Since you are new here, do you want me to take you on a tour in the Capital? I heard your conversation with Scarlette that you guys would set out tomorrow morning. You should pack some supplies for the journey"


Kira said as she lends a helping hand to Ryan. 


'Is that even a conversation? I don't even understand anything about what she said. Am I going to be okay?' Ryan thought as he sighed because he never expected that Scarlette would choose him to be her first-ever companion.


Since the man is only here yesterday and today, he didn't know some places around the Capital. 


He accepts Kira's help and both of them left the guild and the adventurers inside are now gossiping with one another because of today's event.




"Thank you for helping me out for finding some supplies, Kira"


Ryan said as he thanked the woman who accompanied him back and forth at the market to buy supplies that he would need in the journey tomorrow.


"No big deal Ryan and it's an honor to assist you since you are handpicked by Scarlette as her companion. You have no idea that we are all jealous of you, bro!"


Kira said in excitement while Ryan just laughed nervously as he thought; 'I don't even know why I am being handpicked by her! I just ask her if I can tag along with her and never expected that this would be the outcome'


Ryan learned about Kira throughout the time that the woman accompanied him in the city.


He learned that Kira is an A-rank adventurer as she presented her grey identification card to him and he showed his card as well.


"Wow! I didn't mean to say these but you are just an E-rank and yet, you manage to catch Scarlette's attention and become her companion for the first time! I applaud you, bro!"


Kira said in a carefree manner and Ryan noticed that this woman is not the feminine type at all. 


What he means is that Kira is like a man the way she acts and the way she speaks.


'Unlike Scarlette that has a mysterious and dangerous yet feminine aura that you can't take your eyes off at her…W-wait a minute?! W-what‒?! Did I think that way to her?!'


Ryan felt the sudden heat that comes to his cheeks and he noticed that Kira is looking at him, weirdly.


"Are you okay, bro? Your face is red right now. Are you sick?"


Kira asked him and Ryan shook off his head immediately; "N-no! I'm fine! I-it's just…you know I'm just nervous for tomorrow's journey, haha!" 


It might sound defensive but Ryan maintains his composure as he smiled at the woman brightly with his redden cheeks in embarrassment.


Kira saw this and she shook off his head as she only put her arms around the man's shoulder to comfort him.


"Don't worry about it. Even though Scarlette is not your usual person as that woman didn't like to speak that much. But knowing that you are with her, I'll be at ease. We're friends now, bro! Man up!"


Kira said as she fist bumps at Ryan's chest and the man just smiled at her because of her carefree and friendly nature.


Ryan didn't expect that he would make a friend that easy on his first day in a place like this.


Now that Ryan thought about it.


Kira is a local citizen here and he wants to know more about Scarlette Overland as he didn't want to rely on the stories about her and it looks like Kira knew the woman that well.


"Kira, could you tell me more about Scarlette Overland? I don't want to rely on the stories that I have heard about her and since I would accompany her then, It would be better to know a thing or two about her"