The Largest and Powerful Nation, Silveria Empire



Scarlette reminds him and Ryan looked up at the woman with a confused expression written on his face as he didn't quite understand what she is saying.


'Doesn't just rely on your sword? What does she mean by that?'


He thought as he saw Scarlette turned her backs at him and walked back to their place.


But before she could go far, she stopped her tracks as she speaks again without looking back at Ryan.


"Cleanse your injuries and sleep for now. I'll be the one who is guarding for the whole night"


After that, she left Ryan on his own.


The chestnut-haired man looked dumbfounded at the disappearing woman at his sight. 


He scratches his head as he didn't know how to handle such an enigmatic woman.


'She is a mystery that needs to crack the code for me to understand her better.'


Ryan thought as he stood up from the ground and take his sword back to its scabbard.


As he was about to go back to their place, he noticed the tiny tree branch that Scarlette used for their battle and he picks it up to inspect it.


'Just an ordinary tiny branch yet how did she use it as a substitute for a sword? During the fight, it didn't break at all but it became like steel as a blade when Scarlette wields it.'


He doesn't know what to feel right now and the advice from the woman makes his mind wants to tear into pieces for him to understand Scarlette's advice to him.


He sighed and set aside the matters for now.


He needs to go back and take a rest as he felt bad that Scarlette would take over for the whole night just because he got injured in their battle.


He sighed once again and decided for tomorrow on how to make amends for this matter.




The country where Scarlette Overland is residing is called SILVERIA EMPIRE. The Empire is the largest and most powerful nation within the MIRIS CONTINENT.


The planet where the Miris Continent is situated is called HYPREN. 


Hypren is a place where magic and magical creatures exist. All of the residences of this planet are capable of using magic and since then, magic became part of their everyday lives.


Miris continent is composed of five influential Empires and some small kingdoms that have an alliance with each of the five major Empires.


Silveria Empire is the oldest among all other Empires in the history of the Miris Continent.


The Empire was established more than 2000 years ago during the Dark Abyss War.


There is a record from the history of the Silveria Empire about the first founding Emperor.


It is stated that he was summoned from another world by the magicians at that time as the war is still ongoing.


Because according to the ancient text, they need a person from another world that would obtain special abilities to fight against the demons.


"I know that there are some ancient stories about otherworlders that were being summoned in our world during those times. I don't have any idea if those are facts or just a fragment of fiction. What do you think, Scarlette?"


Ryan said as he opens a conversation with Scarlette since the crimson-haired woman is a local citizen of the Silveria Empire. For sure, she knows about the history of her home country.


Since Ryan's injuries haven't been healed yet, Scarlette took the initiative to be the one who rides the wagon.


Because Ryan is still recuperating on the backside since it's her fault that Ryan had injured during their "practice match".


When the crimson-haired woman heard this, she takes a peek at Ryan's situation as she saw some of the bruises and scars that can be seen in his body. 


She sighed as she went to look back at the front.


"Facts or not, we can't tell. Words are much more cunning and deceiving than seeing it for yourself"


Scarlette voice out her thoughts and opinions about the Empire's history and Ryan felt an incoming headache because the woman riddled wisdom.


'There are times that I'm glad that she speaks like normal but whenever she does that, she speaks with riddle words that I can't understand'


Ryan thought as he remembered something.


"Ahm, Scarlette? I know you didn't want to talk about it but why are you crying yesterday? Could you share it with me?"


Ryan asked the crimson-haired woman and when Scarlette heard this, she looked back at him and she raised an eyebrow as she speaks; "Why would you want to know?"


Her voice is cold and sharp that made Ryan gulped twice. It seems that he made the woman angry as he questioned her about yesterday's night incident.


"W-well…as a companion, even though we didn't know each other that much but there is a saying that talking with someone will lessen the burden that you felt. Have someone to listen and understand you."


Ryan said honestly and Scarlette just looked at the man and after that, she looked in front once again as she speaks.


"Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand it. No matter how much I explained, it will only confuse you more"


Scarlette said and Ryan noticed the crack tone when she said those words.


He couldn't help but want to comfort the woman who felt like she wants to take all of the burdens by herself.


'She might be strong but she is still a woman. A woman who needs to be comforted when all the pain she felt are now pilling up inside her but still, she didn't show any weakness and that makes me respect her even more.'


Ryan thought and smiled as he didn't speak any further when he heard the crimson-haired woman's response to him and he leaves it there.


He couldn't understand her sometimes whenever she spoke riddles because Ryan knew that every word she speaks, there is an underlying message there but he couldn't decipher what is the meaning of it.


'Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand it. No matter how much I explained, it will only confuse you more.'


Those are what Scarlette said to Ryan and he couldn't figure out what does she mean by these words.


'Truly, an enigma. A person who is like a closed book that's hard to read.'


"We're almost there. Get ready"


Ryan snapped his thoughts back when he heard the crimson-haired woman speaks.


He looked at the front and he saw not too far, the gates of the city that they need to enter and he set aside those thoughts that he is thinking earlier as he prepared himself.