The First City Stopped By, Merken City



After some time, Scarlette and Ryan had reached Merken City, the first city that they need to pass through for them to go to the Fordel Village.


Since it would be a long journey, they need to settle inside the city first.


When they have reached the city's gate, the guards who oversee the people who are entering the city stopped their wagon.


One of the guards went over and upon reaching the driver's seat, Scarlette removed her hood and reveal her face.


When the guard saw her, his eyes went wide upon recognizing the woman's signature appearance.


Scarlette knew that this would happen every time that she pulled off her hood to reveal her appearance but even so, she still followed the protocols that are set by the City Lord.


She took her identification card, she also asked for Ryan's identification card as well for the validation process and gave it to the guard, who still stood shocked upon seeing her.


"Just follow the usual protocol. No special treatment is needed. Some people got here first. We can wait"


The guard snapped back when he heard the crimson-haired woman's cold yet gentle voice.


Even though the woman had a veil that covers her lips, the guard looked at the woman with admiration and respect for her when he heard what she said.


The guard salutes her as the guard takes their identification cards and went back to the entrance gate. They just need to wait for their turn.


Ryan saw what happen earlier, went over at Scarlette's side to sit and he speaks; "It looks like in this Empire, you are quite a well-known figure. The guard recognize you at first glance without asking for your name"


Scarlette looked at her side when Ryan sit beside her and she heard those words coming from him.


She chuckled as she speaks; "It is understandable since I am the only adventurer who had the SSS-rank within the guild and have been recognized by both nobles and royalties of this Empire"


She paused for a minute before continuing; "It seems like my name has been also spread outside the Empire since you have heard about me. Even though you didn't recognize me at first glance when you approach me"


'Wow! This might be her longest speech ever! Her voice is usually cold and I'm pretty much used to it.'


He thought as he nodded but upon remembering what Scarlette said to him, he blushed in embarrassment.


"I am sorry, okay! No need to remind me of that embarrassing moment that I got back in the guild!"


Ryan exclaims as he cupped his cheeks to hide but Scarlette just chuckled at the man's behavior.


'I was mesmerized when I first saw her appearance. Her crimson-lilac eyes when you looked at it, you would feel that you have been hypnotized by its unique color–wait a minute?! D-did I just say that?! Seriously?!'


Ryan thought as he buried his face even more to the other side.


Scarlette just looked at the man with a confused expression as she raised an eyebrow to looked at him.


'Why are you in Silveria Empire, in the first place? Is it just a coincidence that you just approach me back at the guild or do you want something from me? Be prepared to face the consequences if you ever tried to do something.'


Scarlette thought as her crimson-lilac eyes darken and she is thankful that Ryan didn't look at her side so the man wouldn't see her killing intent gaze right now.




After 20 minutes had passed, the line has already decreased and then Scarlette moved the wagon forward at the entrance gate.


The guard from earlier, assist them and got their identification cards back at them and they have entered the city.


They have entered the city and Scarlette pulled over the wagon at the side. She looked at Ryan who is sitting beside her.


"Just stay here. Get some rest and I'll be back"


After she said that, she left Ryan without waiting for the other man to respond and the chestnut-haired man just sighed.


When he saw that the crimson-haired woman's silhouette disappeared from his sight, he sighed once again as he takes a rest inside the wagon.


Since his injuries are not healed yet.


However, he didn't have the time to rest that much when he felt an incoming attack from behind and took his sword as he jumped off the wagon and…




The wagon burst into pieces because of the unknown attack and their supplies have been wasted.


Ryan felt his blood boil because of that as he looked around to see who dared to attack him in broad daylight.


'Just who is that bastard dared to attack him?!'


He thought furiously and when the dust around the area have been cleared, Ryan saw an unfamiliar bulky man who looked at him with a smug face.


Ryan felt like this person is looking for a fight the way he is trying to provoke him.


He unsheaths his sword from his scabbard and pointed at the arrogant man who dared to attack him without reason.


"What is the meaning of this?!"




Scarlette went around to asked some of the locals there for an inn that she and Ryan could stay for tonight.


She even went to the apothecary to asked some medicinal herbs for injuries since Ryan's condition is not that a bit good.


Scarlette knew about Ryan's real identity and she shouldn't care about him.


But she didn't want the other man to suspect her so she needs to pretend that she didn't know the man and she needs to show that she cared for him as a companion.


'I went overboard for the lesson as I didn't restrain my bloodlust for battle. I shouldn't have done that. I was a fool.'


Scarlette thought as she scolded herself mentally for what she did.


After she finished buying the medicine and as she went out of the apothecary, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind her back.


"I never expected to see you here in this city, Scarlette Overland!"