Captain of the Falcon Knights and the Revered Marquis of Silveria Empire



Scarlette; "…"


She didn't need to look back as she knew who this bastard is and she couldn't help but roll her eyes in annoyance.


Scarlette sighed as she finally looked around and faced the auburn man with sapphire eyes as the man had a smug appearance on his lips that makes Scarlette wince in annoyance.


'This bastard! Does what he wants from me now?!'


Scarlette thought in annoyance and she stared at the other man with her blank expression as she speaks; "What now, Captain Middleton?"


The man standing in front of Scarlette is none other than the Captain of the Falcon Knights of Silveria Empire, Marquis JEFFREY ZENON MIDDLETON. 


He is the third son of Viscount Middleton from his third concubine.


Polygamy is a common thing in this world and it's not that surprising. 


Since Jeffrey is a son of a concubine, he doesn't have the right to inherit a noble title since he is not the son of the main wife.


At the age of 10 years old, Jeffrey went into knights training and suffered hardship during his childhood years as he is known as a concubine son that wouldn't have a right to inherit a noble title. 


He might be a noble birth but he is treated worst than a commoner from his fellow noble children in the Capital. 


He is an outcast among his peers as he is born from a low birth.


Even inside the family, most of the concubine's children suffered at the hands of the main wife, and their mothers couldn't do anything but obey since the Viscountess is from the Count's family and the other concubines are not noble birth.


Only Jeffrey's mother came from the Baron's household but his mother didn't have a standing in that family.


Since her mother is also a daughter of a concubine, unlike the Viscountess who is born in the Count family's main wife.


At a young age, Jeffrey knew how cruel the world is and he swore to become stronger so that he could protect his mother and himself since the Viscount Middleton Household is not a safe place for them anymore.


Even his father tend to ignore all of the sufferings he had, as well as the other concubine's children who suffered from the wrath of the Viscountess.


It was that not until he reaches the age of 17 years old that he became the Captain of the Falcon Knights, the youngest Captain in his generation.


He was awarded by His Majesty the Royal Emperor the noble title of Baron for his dedicated hardship and when he put his life on the line to protect the Emperor during the assassination attempt.


His reputation in the noble society skyrocket and all nobles who used to scorn him before are now trying to curry favor from him.


But at the same time, some of them are trying to observe him from the shadows, waiting to make some mistakes and to put a speck of dirt on his reputation.


Jeffrey had experience worst than this and he is not afraid of any hardships that would come to him. 


When a decreed ordered him to be sent into the frontlines to assist the Crown Prince at the battle, most of the nobles thought that he would die in the battle so they didn't make a fuss about it.


Especially the Viscount and Viscountess of Middleton household.


But, that was their mistake.


After the battle, Jeffrey brought back honor to the Empire and his name as he once again put his life on the line to protect the Crown Prince.


The Emperor is grateful for his sacrifices and that made him rise in the ranks and at the age of 20 years old, he became a Marquis and the Emperor gave him the rights for his marriage.


Since he is no longer part of the Viscount Middleton Household as he had his noble title, he moved out together with his mother.


His mother is granted the title of Grand Marchioness by the Emperor as she is the birth mother of the revered Marquis, much to the dismay of the people from the Viscount Middleton household.


The revered Marquis and the respected Grand Marchioness are now residing on one of the mansions that His Majesty the Emperor bestow upon him.


Scarlette knew about the story of the revered Marquis Jeffrey Zenon Middleton of the Silveria Empire as his life story has been spread around in the whole Empire.


He is a sought-after bachelor among noble society as he hasn't taken a wife yet.


'Sometimes I would suspect that this bastard is impotent or something.'


Scarlette thought and the said man walked over at Scarlette's place as the man had a smug grin plastered on his lips.


Scarlette is annoyed as hell because he didn't know what this man wants.


"Ouch! That hurts my dear Scarlette! It's been years since we last see each other and that is the only thing you say about your best friend!"


'And who is your best friend, you bastard?!'


Scarlette thought as she felt an incoming headache, just talking with this man alone.


The man, Jeffrey said as he acts as if he is hurting and Scarlette looked at him with a blank expression written on her face when she heard the man's "tearful remarks".


"Three weeks ago, Zenon. So dramatic. Your image"


Scarlette flatly said and Jeffrey knew that the crimson-haired woman is not much of a talker as he knows her better. 


"You know how much I cared about you, my dear Scarlette! Hey, I already improved my sword fight! How about a rematch?"


Jeffrey said as he grins and Scarlette felt like her veins are going to pop out because of the headache that would come to her.


She wants to smack this person but she remembered that this person is not just a Knight-Captain but also a Marquis, a noble, and didn't want to be accused of Lese-Majeste since she is just a commoner.


'He is still the same as before. A muscle-headed idiot that only knows how to fight'


Scarlette thought as she looked at the man in front of her, waiting for her answer and she couldn't help but sigh at how she ended up meeting this kind of person.


It all started three years ago…