The Friendship that Starts Three Years Ago



In Silveria Empire, a Knights Competition is being held every five years that is issued by the Royal family.


All aspiring youths who want to participate can join the said competition. 


Whether you are noble or not, it doesn't matter.


Scarlette just happens to be there and at that time, she is already an SSS-rank adventurer.


She happens to be there as a spectator and she didn't plan to join the said competition but that is not the case.


"Hey, why don't you join the competition? I heard that whoever wins the first place, His Majesty the Emperor would grant that person's every wish but there is a limit where you can make a wish so be careful what you wish for"


Scarlette looked at the person at her side when she heard the person spoke and she just raised an eyebrow.


"Not interested. I had enough"


The crimson-haired woman stated and some of her fellow adventurers who watch the competition heard Scarlette's words, they couldn't help but laugh or chuckled.


She only said a few words but most of them understood what she said.


Even though the said woman is wearing a veil that covers her lips, they can see the woman's crimson-lilac eyes how annoyed she is to become the center of the attention.


Not just in the guild but in the whole continent.


Scarlette Overland is the youngest SSS-rank adventurer and she is the strongest in her generation. 


Stories about her achievement have been spread worldwide and the woman knew that even the nobles and the royal family of the Silveria Empire know about her.


But they never saw what she looks like but Scarlette knew that they could tell by looking at her appearance alone.


That's why she is wearing a different hood than her usual so that no one would recognize her.


Her fellow adventurers persuade her to join the competition and Scarlette groans in annoyance.


"Fine. Don't expect me to win. I'm just bored"


Her fellow adventurers; "…"


'Woman, are you mocking us? You couldn't win? Does anyone can withstand your tremendous strength?!'


Those are the thoughts of her fellow adventurer and Scarlette didn't know that as she went over to the other side where the registration happens.


She didn't disclose her identity as an SSS-rank adventurer and she registered under a fake identity.


The rules of the Knights Competition are simple; Once your sword has dropped during the fight or surrendered, you are out of the stage.


Simple as that.


The purpose of the Knights Competition is to have a friendly fight only, no need to resort to violence.


If founded cheated or trying to used brute violence during the competition, that person would be apprehended and put in jail for interrogation.


When the competition starts, many challengers have won, some are defeated.


By the time the semi-final round will start, Scarlette is one of the finalists.


She didn't want to be in this round but she couldn't surrender or admit defeat when spectators saw how well she fights.


'Argh…I want to go home or it would be better if I just go to the guild and take some missions that would ease my boredom.'


Scarlette thought as she stood with the other finalist and Scarlette could see underneath her hood that these people are looking at her with a curious gaze.


That's given since she is the only person who wears a hood and wouldn't reveal her appearance in public.


The finalists are mostly nobles and there are a few commoners who manage to pass through the semi-finals.


The nobles, as arrogant as they can be, want to provoke Scarlette.


But for some reason, the woman's intimidating aura is emitting around her and none of the nobles tried to provoke the mysterious woman.


Well, except for one person.


"Hey! Why don't you take off that hood of yours and let others see your appearance?"


Scarlette looked at the person who dared to call her out and she raised an eyebrow upon recognizing this person.


'Marquis Jeffrey Zenon Middleton. Never expected to see the revered Marquis joining the competition.'


Scarlette thought as she looked at the revered Marquis of their Empire.


Jeffrey also joins the Knights Competition and the man only joins in because of fun as he wants to fight someone stronger.


It doesn't matter to him if his opponents are nobles or commoners and he just wants to fight.


However, some of the challengers want to surrender if they happen to be his opponent and Jeffrey felt disappointed.


He wants to withdraw from the fight, not until he watched the mysterious woman's battle on stage.


Jeffrey was fascinated by the woman's battle prowess and he wants to fight her to test her strength.


Because he felt that the woman is only using a little bit portion of her strength and she is not fighting all out.


To Jeffrey's eyes, the mysterious woman is only playing around on the stage.


'I want to fight her! She is so cool!'


Jeffrey thought as he made a smile and some spectator nobles saw this, they felt sweat drops as they knew what that means.


Even His Majesty the Emperor sighed as he saw the Marquis smiled like that and he looked in the direction where the Marquis is looking.


He raised an eyebrow upon looking at the mysterious woman's battle at the center stage.


'Ah…It looks like the Marquis is going to have his fun.'


The Emperor thought as he watches the fight and waits for the main event that would happen.


Back to where Scarlette and Jeffrey are, the semi-final round is about to begin and Scarlette just ignores the Marquis.


Jeffrey knows that he is being ignored by the mysterious woman and he didn't mind it.


"Since you are not willing to remove your hood then, I'll respect that"


He said and Scarlette heard this as she sighed and speak.


"Thank you for understanding, Marquis Middleton"


Scarlette said and when Jeffrey heard the woman's cold voice, he felt something that burst inside him and he felt his cheeks became hot all of the sudden.


The spectator nobles saw what happen on the stage and they looked confused about what those two are talking about.


They didn't saw the Marquis' blush face but the Emperor and the Crown Prince saw this.


Both father and son smirk upon looking at the blush Marquis.


"Royal Father, it seems that there will be a Marchioness Middleton in the future. What do you think?"


The Crown Prince said and the Emperor just nodded.


"We can't tell if that would happen and besides, that mysterious hooded woman is not an ordinary person as I can felt her tremendous aura that she is hiding"


The Emperor state his opinion and the Crown Prince nodded as he looked back at the stage where the finalist would battle and the semi-final rounds had begun.


All contenders were given a number and when Scarlette pick a number, she would be the last one to fight.


When all contenders have fought on the stage and when Scarlette's turn, she walks to the stage and waits for her opponent.


Minutes later, she saw someone walk on the other side of the stage and she shouldn't be surprised when she saw the Marquis.


Both of them prepared themselves for the battle as the fight is about to start, the Marquis said something.


"I watch how you fight in the elimination round. I want you to fight me with all your strength and take me seriously"


The Marquis demanded and Scarlette was taken aback for a moment before she sighed.


She composed herself as she looked at the host.


"Tell me. What would happen if I accidentally wounded the Marquis? Since he is noble and I am a commoner, will I be apprehended?"


Scarlette's cold voice rang around the area and many spectators heard the mysterious woman's voice as they couldn't help but felt shivers down to their spine. 


The Emperor heard this and he couldn't help but chuckled at the words of the woman as he stood up from his seat and all the spectators saw this.


He looked through in the direction of the woman as he speaks.


"No need to worry if that happens, Lady. I gave you my word. Just don't resort to any violence and killing intent. Can you do that?"


The Emperor said and when Scarlette heard this, she bows down at the direction of the Emperor and answered; "Thank you for clarifying and for your words, Your Majesty. I will keep mine as well"


After that, Scarlette and Jeffrey get ready for the battle.


When the bell starts, Jeffrey was about to make the first charge when the woman charges forward as well but disappeared in his sight.


The spectators gasped when they saw this and Jeffrey as well. He couldn't comprehend what just happen.


'Where is she?!'


Jeffrey thought and as he was about to look around, his sword went flying in the air and dropped on the ground.


Not just that, he felt the sharp tip of the sword on his neck.


He looked at the front and there he saw the woman, bending her one knee and pointed the sword through his neck.


"You lose"