An Information Regarding the Mission



All spectators when into silence as they looked at the center stage where the fight of the Marquis and the mysterious woman is being held.


Since the Marquis dropped his sword, it means that the mysterious woman wins this round.


Jeffrey was dumbfounded as he didn't expect this to happen. 


'She moves like a shadow as I couldn't found any trace of her! I could feel the tremendous power that she is hiding! Who is this woman?!'


He thought as he questioned himself while looking at the mysterious woman who still pointing a sword through his neck.


"Okay. I lose this time but there is still another round so I won't lose"


Jeffrey said as he admits defeat and Scarlette withdraw her sword as she walked out from the stage but before she goes, she looked back at the host.


"I forfeit in the fight. I won't be battling in the next round"


After she said that, she walked down but before she could do that, someone stops her from leaving the stage.


She knew who it was and she didn't bother to look at him as she speaks; "Is there anything else, Marquis Middleton?"


When Jeffrey heard what the woman said, he couldn't understand what came to him as he just grabs the woman's arms to stop her from leaving.


He immediately withdraws his hands from her and he felt his cheeks redden. How he wishes that no one would see his embarrassed face.


He clear his throat to catch the attention of the woman and he composed himself as he began to speak.


"Since you are not going to fight in another round, why not introduced ourselves to each other? As you know who am I, I want to know yours"


When Scarlette heard this, she finally faced the Marquis but she didn't show her face as her hood is still intact as she sighed and speak; "Just call me Letty"


After that, she walked out through the stage and disappeared from the crowd.


She didn't mind the Marquis called for her name as she quickly leaves that place.


'What a troublesome matter.'




That's how Scarlette met the revered Marquis of the Silveria Empire.


"Hey, Scarlette! Don't ignore your best buddy! How about a rematch this time? I have been training for this day so that I can defeat you in a match!"


She looked at the retarded bastard with a blank expression when this man keeps on pestering Scarlette and she sighed.


"Not now, Zenon. Important mission"


Even though the woman just said a few words, Jeffrey could understand her words as he raised an eyebrow at her.


"Again? Are you not feeling tired or something? Take a break once, Scarlette!"


Scarlette knew that even though this man might be a bastard jerk sometimes, he cared for her.


There are times that she is grateful that she met this man.


She is not fond of making friends as she prefers to be alone but Jeffrey manages to enter her life.


He even searches for her in the entire Empire since she gave the man a false identity.


A week passed after the competition, Jeffrey found her and she remembered the comical expression that has written on his face upon learning who she is.


'You're Scarlette Overland?!'


She couldn't help but chuckle when she remembered that day and Jeffrey looked at her with a confusing look.


"Hey, don't laugh around! What is that mission you took? Maybe I can help"


Scarlette snapped back when she heard the man speaks and she thinks that Jeffrey can help her with this matter.


Since it is a village that seems suspicious and she needs to get some information.


"Fordel Village. A month ago, there is a report having a flood and the villagers saw something beneath there. Additional report that the village is once a mass graveyard during the war"


Scarlette might not be fond of talking that much because it's a waste of time for her and she didn't want that at all.


However, there are times that Scarlette would talk longer than her usual when the topic is regarding her missions or if there is a sense of urgency in the matter.


When Jeffrey heard the mission quest, his hyperactive expression changed into a serious one and Scarlette raised an eyebrow because of the sudden change of mood.


"You are the one who took up the Fordel Village mission?"


Jeffrey asked her and Scarlette looked at him, confuse and she remembered something.


"Why are you in Merken city in the first place? What about your duties at Freycrest Capital city?"


Scarlette almost forgot to ask the man why he is here in the first place.


Jeffrey looked at Scarlette as the man looked around the area and after that, he made a chant first.


[Barrier Enlightenment; Silencing Shield!]


An emerald magic circle appeared beneath them and Scarlette knew that Jeffrey is casting a barrier spell that would block any voice that would be heard from the outside.


Only the two of them are inside the barrier and no one would eavesdrop on their conversation.


'It seems that this mission that I took is something out of ordinary.'


Scarlette thought and when the barrier has been cast, Jeffrey looked at the crimson-haired woman as he started to explain.


"The reason that I am here in Merken City is because of the Fordel Village. I am here to gather some additional information as I already had back in my office"


Scarlette looked at him with wide eyes because she didn't expect that this mission would reach the Marquis' ears and she felt that something is not right.


"The information. May I know?" 


The crimson-haired woman asked him and Jeffrey only sighed as he nodded.


"I shouldn't disclose this matter to anyone, Scarlette. But since you took this mission and you are now involved with it, I'll tell you"


Jeffrey said and Scarlette crossed her arms around as she waited for Jeffrey to continue.


He sighed as he began to speak; "I received the report inside my office about the Fordel Village. According to the statement reports that are issued by my people, the Fordel Village was far away from the borders of the Empire‒"


"What? Far away from the borders of the Empire? I thought it's in the mid-border? What's going on?"


Scarlette cut him off when she heard something that caught her attention. 


Jeffrey looked back at the woman with a confused looked as he speaks; "What are you talking about?"


"Back in the guild at Freycrest Capital city, the information that was given to me about the location of Fordel Village is in the mid-borders of the Empire and just by crossing two cities from Merken city that we would reach that village"


Scarlette said and Jeffrey looked at her with a puzzled looked. 


He sighed as he held his temple to massage the incoming headache because of the additional information that Scarlette provided.


"This doesn't make any sense, Scarlette. In my investigation, there is no record about the Fordel Village within the Empire"


As soon as Jeffrey said those words, Scarlette's eyes widen in shock and she looked at him as if he said something that is out of the line.


"What? No record about that village in the Empire?"


Scarlette couldn't help but to asked once again to clarify and Jeffrey nodded.


"Yes. There is none. That's why I was shocked upon learning that you took a mission regarding that village"


He said and Scarlette didn't know what to say anymore.


"If that is the case, why there is a request that is displayed at the mission board at the guild?"


Scarlette asked him and Jeffrey knew that the woman is anxious as well based on her eyes alone.


Since she had a veil that covers her lips, the man couldn't see the woman's actual expression.


He is only basing it alone at the movement of her eyes.


"When I receive this report, I passed it to His Majesty the Emperor. When he saw my report about this odd village, he tasked me to go investigate secretly and that is the reason why I am here at Merken City for further investigation"


Jeffrey said and Scarlette couldn't help but think. 


'That's odd. If the reports from Zenon's people are true then, there is something is going on about in that village.'


She looked at the auburn man as she speaks; "My companion and I just arrived in this city and I am looking for a place to stay tonight. We're planning to go to the Adventurer's Guild in this city for more information. Thank you for sharing yours, Zenon"


"No need to thank me Scarlette‒wait a minute?! D-did I just heard it right? A companion? Did you bring a companion with you?! Seriously?"


Jeffrey stopped his sentence midway as he exclaims when he catches the word "companion" in Scarlette's mouth and the crimson-haired woman just raised an eyebrow at him.


"What? Is there something wrong?"


Scarlette's deadpan tone made Jeffrey burst into laughter as he held his stomach.


Thankfully that he cast a barrier so no one would hear him laughed that loud.


"Ahaha! A companion? You, THE Scarlette Overland have a companion in this mission?! No one would believe it! Even if it came from other people's mouths but coming from you? Still unbelievable! Haha!"


Jeffrey said as he continues to laugh while holding his stomach and Scarlette sighed in annoyance.


'He is annoying as hell.'


Scarlette thought and she let the man have his way. She waited for the man to calm down.


Jeffrey knew that the crimson-haired woman never took someone whenever she is on a mission and she prefers to do it alone.


He investigated the woman after he loses from the fight at the Knights Competition, three years ago.


Since the woman gave him a false identity at that time, he had a hard time finding her.


But when he found her, he never expected that the mysterious woman named Letty is none other than the famous SSS-rank adventurer, Scarlette Overland.


Of course, he was shocked when he learned it and he didn't expect that he would fight the famous adventurer during the competition.


He also learned that aside from the fact that she prefers to work alone on missions, the woman only participated in subjugation missions that are issued by their guild and she cooperated with those missions only and nothing else.


She is an enigma to everyone and no one knows her origin. That made the others curious about her life before she became an adventurer.


Jeffrey knew that Scarlette is hiding something and if the woman didn't want to talk about it, he would respect her decision. 


He would wait for the woman to open up with him.