Scarlette's Unknown Background (1)



Kira halts from her steps and she immediately removes her arms on Ryan's shoulder as she looked at Ryan with an amusing glint on her eyes and for that moment, when Ryan saw Kira's unusual expression, for some reason, he suddenly felt chills down to his spine.



'D-did I say something wrong? What's with that look for?'



Silence had reigned between them and after a minute had passed then, Kira is the one who breaks the ice between them; "If you want to learn more about Scarlette then, I'll tell you what I know about her. But, before that, we should grab something to eat since we've been in the outside for a long time, and it would be dawn in any minute and we haven't eaten yet."


Kira said and now that Ryan thought about it.


After they left the guild earlier, both of them went straight to the market, or more specifically, Kira is the one who initiate to go at the market and since they were already at the marketplace, Ryan took this chance to buy everything that he needs for tomorrow's journey while Kira only assists him.


Ryan held his stomach as he felt the sense of hunger strikes him.


"Y-yeah, I guess you're right. We've been all over the place that we miss lunch and right now, it seems like we will be having dinner then." – Ryan said as he apologized to the young woman, and he felt guilty all of the sudden.


Kira only pats his shoulder to cheer him up; "No need to say sorry and I know how nervous you are right now but take it easy, bro! Come on and let's grab something to eat first!"


With that said, both of them left the marketplace and found some place for them to eat.






"So, would you start telling me about her?"


They found a tavern that they could stay in for dinner and both of them had settled in and ordered some food and drinks and after that, Ryan finally asked Kira about Scarlette while waiting for their orders.


Kira, on the other hand, leans over at her chair with crossed arms as she put her fingers on her chin, thinking where she should start then.


After some moment time then, she looked into Ryan's eyes and speak; "I don't know where to start. How should I put this? Hmmm… Well, for starters, Scarlette Overland's reputation far exceeds amongst us adventurers here in Silveria Empire and you already know about that already, right?"


Kira started the conversation and Ryan nodded to acknowledge the woman's statement as Kira continued.


"There are some stories about her on how she started her life as an adventurer. Several years ago, or something, I don't remember exactly, and I only learned about this from the other adventurers. She had nothing with her except from the clothes that she wears on the day she came here in this land."


The last sentence caught Ryan's interest as his ears perked up and asked; "W-wait a minute. Is Scarlette Overland wasn't originated from this empire? Because I'm under the impression that she's a native in this land but the last sentence you carried out seems to me that she wasn't."


With Ryan interrupting her, Kira was about to continue but paused for a moment when the foods and drinks that they had ordered were now served at their table and after the server left, Kira is the first one to take the first bite since she is starving like hell and so as Ryan does as well.


Both of them took a bite to relieve their hunger and then, Kira continued where she left while eating.


"As for your question about Scarlette's origin, that is also unknown to all of us. We don't know anything about her. Scarlette Overland is shrouded with mystery that most of us adventurers wanted to decipher her origins but no matter how we looked into it or investigated our own, the results were naught."


After she said that, Kira sighed as she took the refreshments that she ordered and drink it in one go, that makes Ryan looked at the woman with a raised eyebrow.


"Hey, no need to rush into drinking. We could order another one if you want." – Ryan said as he watched Kira put down the cup after she had done drinking and then looked at him.


"Sorry, bro. Just habits. Also, I've been starving like hell that I don't have the time to think anything other than to eat and drink at this moment."


She tantrums like a child but Ryan could only chuckle because of the woman's antics.


"Okay, back to the topic. You also knew that Scarlette Overland prefers to do jobs alone, right?"


Ryan knew about this as he nodded while eating and Kira sighed as she continued once more.


"Actually, doing solo missions as an adventurer is a violation of the rules of the Adventurers Guild policy. Although taking solo missions aren't that prohibited since most of the lower-rank adventurers tends to do solo missions but most of those missions are nothing more than trivial errands that couldn't harm them that much."


Kira paused for a moment as she took another bite as she looked around the tavern and since it's pretty much dawn already, the tavern became much livelier since then.


Ryan, on the other hand, didn't interrupt the woman as he keeps on listening to her rambling about Scarlette and there are some information that caught on his interest then.


"But did you know what's even more surprising?"


Kira questioned him as she took another bite while looking at Ryan's expression and when he was asked then, Ryan thought for a moment and after that, shook off his head because he didn't know what Kira was implying with.


She snorted as she sighed and said; "Despite violating the rules of the Adventurers Guild policy, the Guildmaster has no qualms about it, and he even approved Scarlette for doing her solo missions alone. That's why these rules don't apply to her."

