Enemies Lurking In The Shadows



Jeffrey explained, and when Scarlette understood this, she nodded.


"Let's go,"


She replied, and she didn't wait for Ryan to respond when she walks away from them.


Ryan snapped his thoughts when he saw Scarlette made his way and he exhaled as he slumps his shoulder that caused him even more depressed.


Jeffrey stared at the chestnut-haired man as he says.


"I felt you are not in the wrong either, Ryan. However, understand what you did and reflect on it to yourself. Scarlette wants you to apologize so that we can now move on to our next task,"


Jeffrey tried to reason out Scarlette's intention and Ryan knows that the auburn-haired fellow is trying to defend Scarlette from him.


He groaned as he replied; "Yeah, I appreciate. It's…*sigh*… I don't know. We should leave,"


Ryan said depressingly as he sighed once again and followed the direction where Scarlette was heading at.


Jeffrey glanced at the chestnut-haired man when he thought about that depressing state of him and he shook off his head as he followed them behind.




On the other border of the city lies a group of people who are discussing themselves on what they should have to make next since their target is on the motion.


'For how long are we going to make a move?!'


'We need to trap them before it's too late!'


'I want to get this over!'


'Don't complain! Tell it to the Leader!'


'How the hell am I going to ask the Leader who is not here in the first place, moron!'


'Why you‒!'


Most of them are yelling at one another or discuss on what to do next.


While the others are yelling or discussing things over, a certain bulky man is sitting at the side when he overheard what his colleagues are talking about.


He walks forward to his colleagues, who are still fighting over what to do when he speaks.


"Why not we surround them outside the city?"


When he said those words, the people around stopped themselves from yelling as they stared at him with puzzled looks.


"Why do you consider we should surround them outside the gates, Ferix?"


One of them said.


The one who suggests is none other than Ferix. The guy who attacked Ryan and challenge him into a fight.


Most of the individuals within the group knew what happen about yesterday's incident and they peered at him with either disapproving, baffled, or disgust.


Ferix didn't mind those disbelieving eyes that were gazing at him as he presented his ideas on them.


He stood there as he said what they ordered him to do. His views are still dull as ever and no one has noticed his unusual behavior.


He added; "If we attack them inside the city, there would be authorities who would alarm them about us. If we choose to capture Scarlette Overland alive then, we need to ambush them outside and strike them"


Ferix said and most of the people in the group looked at each other and discuss what Ferix stated.


"What about her companions? Also, this is the first time that Scarlette Overland take someone with her"


Another person spoke and all of them nodded upon hearing the news about Scarlette taking a companion with her.


Ferix looked at the person who speaks and said; "What else? Just kill them"


He said with a smug grin plastered on his face and most of them are agreeing with what Ferix suggested for them to do.


"B-but…! We haven't received any orders from the Elites! We can't make a move just like that!"


Another one protest and they remembered that they haven't heard anything from their Leader as they nodded themselves once again.


Ferix heard this and said; "I know some of you are anxious about dealing with Scarlette Overland. Of course, who wouldn't be? She is the strongest adventurer out there and her abilities are still unknown to everyone"


He reasoned out based on his understanding about Scarlette as he looked around and he saw that some of them are on the edge just mentioning her name.


Ferix sighed as he speaks once again; "But still…No matter how strong she is, Scarlette Overland is just a woman and we have several people around us. We don't need to wait for orders from the Leader who is not with us"


He paused for a minute as he continued; "Don't you want to take this as a credit? If we captured Scarlette Overland, the Higher Councils would be grateful to us! Don't you guys want that?"


He said and when those words came out from his mouth, a lot of them are either agreeing or having a hesitation.


"B-but still…! We can't just make any actions without proper orders!"


The one who protests is the same person who objects to Ferix from earlier.


Ferix looked at the person once again and he glares at him.


"If you don't want, just shut up! All of us here want to have credits for our hard work and we want to prove ourselves that not only the Elites have the rights to lead!"


Ferix shouted at the person who keeps on objecting to him and that person shut himself when he saw how Ferix looked in his direction.


Ferix puffed a breathe as he looked around as he speaks once more.


"I know some of you want to prove themselves and now it's the right time to put your efforts into action! We will ambush them once they are out of the city! Who's with me?!"


Ferix shouted and all of the people within the group raised their hands as they complied with what Ferix suggested them to do.


While most of them are agreeing on what would they do, a certain person who keeps on objecting Ferix slips out to the group and walked away at the other side.


When that person thought that no one followed him, he took a piece of paper from his sleeves and cast a magic spell on it to deliver a message.


As he was about to send a message when…






That person covers his lips as he felt a sharp pain from his behind and blood spurted out from his mouth as he looked at it with wide eyes.








He thought as he hesitantly looked back from behind and he saw the murderous glare from Ferix as the man grin at him.


It's the only time that he noticed that Ferix's eyes seem a bit odd. He doesn't understand why but for now is not the time to think as he tried his best to escape.


But Ferix won't give the other man a chance when Ferix made a chant, much to the other person's shock.


'W-what?! Ferix is not a mage! Who is this person who disguises him?!' He thought as he panic when he noticed the glow from Ferix's eyes.


={ Heaven's Eternal Flame!}=


"Heaven's Eternal Flame!"


A crimson magic circle forms beneath the other person and holy flames spread out at that person as he made a scream of pain because the flames are getting at him.


Ferix silenced him as the bulky man pulled off his throat and blood splattered around him and the screams have been stopped as the person are now being perished at the holy flame.


After that, a trace of that person can't be found and the crimson magic circle disappeared as a familiar cold voice rang inside Ferix's mind.


={Job well done, Ferix. Now that a pest has perished, proceed with the plan}=


Ferix's eyes are still dull as ever and he didn't resist the voice that commands him inside his mind.




After that, Ferix left that place and went back to his colleagues.


Scarlette, on the other hand, smirks under her veil as she finished commanding Ferix on what he needs to do as she thought.


'Are you watching this, PRINCE OF DARK PUPPETRY? I will wait what would you do next.'


She composed herself as she took a seat to wait for the City Lord to meet them as they have arrived at the City Lord's Manor here at Merken city.