Never Thought I Would See Her Again






A young man sitting in his office chair while he is busy looking through the papers on his desk as he keeps on reading the reports that are being passed to him.


The young man had citrus-colored short hair that is akin to tangerine fruits as it looks shiny whenever it is reflected in sunlight.


He wears a pair of reading glasses and he had a frown whenever he looked through the reports on his desk that make his head would split into pieces.


In reality, he shouldn't be here in the first place. His father called him from Freycrest Capital city to Merken city because his father had some matters that he needs to attend to.


As the youngest, he is the only one who is available and his father told him to stand in for him in the meantime.


He didn't mind that though because he is quite bored in the Freycrest Capital city and he didn't like the other noble ladies and gentlemen there who do nothing but only curry favor to the ones who had the most in power.


Well, that is understandable since that's how noble society works.


He sighed as he took off his reading glasses and held his temple to ease the incoming headache because of the reports on the table in front.


'I swear if that old man comes back, I would shove his freaking favorite wine to his throat!'


He thought as he groans irritatingly as he leaned on his chair and moments later…






'What now?! Can't they see that I'm working?!'


He thought once again as he glared at the door that keeps on knocking and it felt like it wouldn't stop if he didn't speak up.


"Come in!"


He shouted as he took a deep breath to calm himself as he went back to work.


After he said that, a creaking sound of the door opened and from there, a middle-aged man came forward at the young man sitting on his chair with a pile of heavy stock papers on it.


"Young Master, you have a guest and I believe you knew this person well"


The middle-aged man stated and the young man sighed as he looked up to his father's subordinate with an annoyed expression.


"I already told you that‒" His sentence was cut off when he heard what the middle-aged man stated.


"Lady Scarlette Overland and her companions are now at the guest room. If you want‒"




He stumbled down on his chair and all of the reports on his desk had been scattered around the office and everything became a mess.


The middle-aged man waited for the young man to collect himself and he picked up the papers that have been scattered because of the young man's clumsiness.


Seconds later, the young man stood up from the ground and he looked at the middle-aged man with wide eyes upon hearing the familiar name of the woman he mentioned earlier.




His mind went blank and he couldn't utter a single sentence as he stood at his place.


'H-huh? D-did I heard wrong or am I hallucinating?!'


He thought as he couldn't help but to looked back at his father's subordinate to confirm if he is joking or something.


On the other hand, the middle-aged man knew what the young man is thinking right now as he sighed.


'Just mentioning the name of Lady Overland, the Young Master became somewhat absentminded.' He thought.


Even though the middle-aged man hasn't seen the Young Master for many years, he knew some of the matters about the young man.


About the incident that happens to the young man two years ago.


He shook off his head to snapped his thoughts as he continued.


"They are waiting, Young Master. If you have other important things‒" The middle-aged man's words were cut off once again.


"N-n-no! I-I'll g-go!"


The young man stuttered as he said that and the middle-aged man looked at the young man's reddening cheeks.


"If you say so, Young Master. I'll inform our guests and please conduct yourself more as you meet them, especially Lady Overland"


After that, the middle-aged man left the office and let the young man to prepared himself as he went back to the guest room to entertain their guest.


'Seems like the Young Master doesn't forget about Lady Overland.'


He thought as he strives forward and prepared some snacks for the guest as they waited for the young master.




"Ahmm…are you acquainted with the City Lord, Scarlette?"


Ryan asked the crimson-haired woman as they have settled inside the guest room at the City Lord's manor when they have arrived earlier.


Scarlette looked at the chestnut-haired man and stared at him with a blank expression, as per usual.


"I guess"


She stated as she shrugged off her shoulders and Ryan sighed in frustration because it seems like the crimson-haired woman is back to her usual speech.


'It feels like I would be having a migraine because of this woman.'


He thought as he didn't speak anymore because he couldn't get an answer from her anyway.


Jeffrey, on the other hand, scoffed when he heard what the chestnut-haired man asked from Scarlette.


"Acquainted? More like pestering if you asked me"


The auburn-haired man said as he crossed his arm around him and lean on the walls as he looked outside from the window.


When Ryan heard this, he had a baffled expression as he looked at Jeffrey and Scarlette.




Ryan didn't understand what Jeffrey meant and Scarlette didn't look at Ryan as she only leaned on the sofa and closed her eyes.


'What does he mean by that?'


Ryan thought as he questioned himself and since he couldn't get an answer then, he didn't continue to ask as they wait for the City Lord to come at them.




Back at the office, the citrus-haired man stared for a couple of minutes before he snapped back his thoughts as he remembered what his father's subordinate told him earlier.


'S-scarlette is here?! R-really?!'


He thought as he remembered some gossips from yesterday by the maids around the manor.


At first, he didn't mind those gossips as he went back to his father's office to deal with the reports that have been left for him to solve.


While reading those reports, he happened to read about a written report about the commotion that happens at the entrance gate of the city.


He felt like his head would split into two because of this and he sighed as he brushed this off for now and looked through with the others.


Now that he remembered, he scanned through his desk to looked for the written report and since most of the papers had been scattered around his office because of his clumsiness, he had a hard time looking for it.


After some time had passed, he manages to find the written report about yesterday's incident and he skimmed through the report on his hands.


When he finally read the report and the name that is written at the end of the report, his heart beats faster than ever upon looking at the familiar signature on it.


'W-wait a minute! Scarlette is waiting for me in the guest room! I should prepare myself!'


He thought as he took a deep breath to calm himself but even so, he couldn't help but blush as he couldn't imagine that he would meet her again.


The first time he met Scarlette Overland was two years ago…