A Terrible Incident and Their First Encounter





A windy but scorching sultry afternoon on a bumpy road, a group of carriages lining up as they would go back to Freycrest Capital city.


Since summer vacation has ended and a new school year would start in just three days from now.


"How long for us to get back to Freycrest Capital city?"


A 16-year-old teenage boy asks his servant, who is sitting on the opposite side of the carriage they are riding, as he didn't bother to be looked at when asking that question.


"I would estimate it around tomorrow in the morning as we entered the gates of Freycrest Capital city since the route that we take is different compared before and avoid any unnecessary accidents,"


The servant politely explains to his Young Master and the young boy only sighed as he keeps on watching the roads that they came across.


"It means, there is a possibility for us to stay in the forest by night?" He asked as he finally looked at the servant with a bored expression.


"That's the thing, Young Master. As you can see, there are no inns available in this area and only the forest that we could take shelter for the night," The servant explains further and the young boy crossed his arms as a sigh.


"Guess we don't have a choice then," He mumbled himself as he made an annoyed expression and the servant knew this better.


The servant saw his Young Master closed his eyes and take a nap for the meantime as he heard the heavy breaths that the young boy produced.


The servant took a deep breath as he looked at the window and he saw that the sun would go down at any minute.


They need to settle down in the nearby forest that they would come across since venturing at night would be dangerous.


The servant slid the curtains of the carriage as he speaks to the coachman; "Settled down in the nearby forest and prepared everything for the night. It exhausted the Young Master from the journey,"


He said at the coachman and it complied as they have settled as the other servants from the carriages prepared the tents and the knights patrolled the area for security.


After some minutes had passed, the sun comes down and the stars were now shining in the night sky.


"Young Master. Please wake up and have some dinner first,"


It startled the teenage boy in his sleep as he heard the voice of his servant and he wakes up as he smells the food that was being served on his plate.


"W-where…" He mumbled as he scratches his eyes to adjust his eyesight in his surroundings and he noticed that it's already dark outside.


"We have settled in the nearby forest because venturing any further this late night would be dangerous, Young Master. You should eat first"


"Mn," He answered as he took the tray that was presented at his front and take a bite to fill his stomach since he had eaten nothing yet during the journey.


Minutes had passed. He finished his meal, and the servant took away the tray and clear up the table in front.


As he was about to take some rest when…








"What's that?!" He exclaims as he jerked on his seat as he looked at the window from his carriages.


"Young Master! Don't go outside! It's dangerous!" The servant said in a panic-stricken state.


The Young Master glared at the man as he said; "You have forgotten that I'm a noble mage! I'll take care of this and help the others!"


He yelled as he jumps off the carriage, ignoring his servant's pleading as he went over to where the commotion starts.


As he went over to see what was happening, it startled him upon looking at the giant beast that the knights were fighting for.




"W-why is an S-rank beast doing in a place like this?!"


He yelled as he couldn't believe what he was seeing right now. A stone-like chimera dragon is in front of them as the knights tried their best to counterattack such a high-tier beast.


"Young Master! Get out of here! It's dangerous!"


The Knight's leader shouted as he saw the Young Master within the vicinity.


The young lad ignored once again the pleading shouts of his people as he clenches his fist to perform magic and raised both hands as he made a chant.


={Source of power, fulfill its order! Lock the target's position and aim at its center! Activate; Earth Crust Spear!}=


After that, a burst of energy flowed within him and an emerald magic circle appeared in his hands and a spear-like rock form took shape as he sent it towards the chimera dragon.




He charges forward as he unsheathes his sword from its scabbard and focuses on transferring some of his aura as he performs another chant.


={Source of power, fulfill its order! Strengthening its edge and sharpens its attack! Activate; First Stage, Earth Thorns!}=


His sword change its shape and it became a thorn-like edge sword and as he is near the chimera dragon, he attacked in full force.






However, the chimera dragon became aggressive as it released a thundering roar and they have thrown all of them out because of its immense power.




"Young Master!"


"Brace yourselves!"


"Protect the Young Master!"


The young boy can hear shouts from his people as he was being thrown out when the chimera dragon released its roar and his body collided with one of those trees behind.


'Shit! Is this the power of an S-rank beast?! Who on earth could defeat such a thing!'


He thought as he stood up once more but almost stumbled on the ground, but he took a hold of a tree to support himself.


"Young Master, watch out!"


He heard the Knight Leader's warning at him and he immediately looked at the front when he saw a lightning blast ray coming from the chimera dragon towards his direction.


'I can't dodge this! My legs hurt!'


He thought as he thinks to perform another chant to protect himself, but he felt it has drained his mana because of two consecutive advanced earth spells that he performed.


'What am I going to do now?!'


He thought once again as he braced himself for the impact as he closed his eyes when…


"Young Master!"






He felt someone stood in front of him and he immediately opened his eyes to see what happens.


There stood a mysterious black-hooded figure as the moon shines under the night sky as he saw this figure who seems to block the incoming attack for him.


'Who is this person? This aura… feels like similar to that S-rank beast, no… this person's aura is much stronger than I could imagine!'


"You okay?"


He snapped his thoughts when the mysterious black-hooded figure speaks and he recognized the voice… it's a woman.


"Y-yeah! I'm fine! Thank you!"


He said as he stuttered and the mysterious black-hooded woman didn't speak more than as she lifts its fingers and snaps them.


It baffled the young boy about what the mysterious black-hooded woman is trying to do.


Not long after that, he saw a crimson magic circle above the chimera dragon and crimson flames appeared that make the chimera dragon scream and became more aggressive.


'Fire Mage? No, the flames from this mysterious black-hooded woman seem a different flame that I saw back in the Academy!'


The mysterious black-hooded woman charges towards the chimera dragon as she raised her other hand and the young boy is flabbergasted by what he saw.


'Ah… I-is that… a tree branch?'