A Warning Message from the Purified Souls



As soon as she finishes the final chant, holy flames are now bursting within the magic circle and it spread among these gentlemen and to the other corpses as well.


The screams and pains could still hear inside this room and since it enchanted the room with a barrier and silencing spell, no one would have heard them from the outside.


After some minutes had passed, the screams had tied down and later on, the bodies of these gentlemen were nowhere to be seen and only their ashes had left on the ground.


The holy flames are now disappearing one by one and the magic circle beneath them has already gone.


Scarlette's eyes revert to its original crimson-lilac eyes compared with earlier.


The crimson-haired woman saw the ashes from the ground and no longer than that, tears of droplets fell coming from her eyes as they went on the floor as if watering those ashes on the ground.


These are some of the rare moments that Scarlette would cry for someone else's life that she had taken and she couldn't help but feel guilty about it.


'Even though what I did is the right thing but my conscience is killing me every time I wield this power of mine.'


She thought as her tears are still continuing to flow down on her cheeks as she wipe them off and took a deep breath.


Scarlette set aside those negative thoughts that swirling inside her mind as she looked down on the ashes that her tears have watered.


After that, the ashes from the ground glowed into golden light and Scarlette prepared herself for what would happen next.


'No matter how many times I have done this, it feels so bad on my part as this is the only way for me to release these people from the clutches of evil that ruined their souls, to begin with.'


She thought as she watches those ashes disappeared on the ground and moments later, the golden lights had faded and it molded into pure spirits from the gentlemen from before.


The spirits talk in a gibberish way that you won't be able to understand a single thing coming from them.


However, Scarlette could understand what these spirits are saying since she is the one who purified their souls.


« "W-what… is this?" »


« "What… happened? I… thought we have died?" »


« "Where… are… we?" »


Scarlette could hear many words coming from these spirits and the crimson-haired woman didn't speak first in a few minutes as she stayed silent for a while.


After some minutes had passed, the crimson-haired woman took a deep breath as she collected herself before speaking.


"You guys are already dead so no need to fuss about it,"


She bluntly said, and those spirits heard what she said as they all turned their heads towards her.


« "S-scarlette…" »


One spirit called out her name and Scarlette could only nod to acknowledge its presence.


« "W-why…? A-are we… r-really dead?" »


The spirit asked, and Scarlette nodded once again as she spoke.


"All of you died, and I have lifted the curse that is branded into your souls and purified it"


She paused for a minute as she clenches her fists and took a deep breath as she continued.


"This is the least that I can do to save all of you, even if means you need to die in the process"


Scarlette said as she didn't talk any further than what she stated.


« "W-why… are we still here? »


« "A-are you… g-going to imprison our souls? »


The crimson-haired woman held a stoic expression as she looked at the spirits when she heard what they were asking for her.


"I am not that wicked and don't align me with THAT PERSON!"


She scolded those spirits, as she felt offended by being aligned to that bastard!


'Just who do these spirits think she is?! Hah! I need to finish this and go on with the others. I hope they are alright.'


She thought as she sighed and looked at these spirits who are floating everywhere within the room as she speaks.


"All of you should go now. Leave any regrets in this life and move on to your next journey. I hope everyone will find what they are looking for and never stray in the path again"


After she said those words, the purified spirits smiled at her as their spirits are being dissolved one by one.


Scarlette watch as the spirits wither away from her sight as someone now freed their souls from the clutches of evil that was bound to them ever since they were young.


When almost all of them being dissolved within her sight, one spirit spoke.


« "B-beware… o-of… t-the… a-awakening… S-scarlette" »


Scarlette's ears flinch when she heard what the other spirit was saying as her eyes landed on that spirit as she continues to listen.


« "S-stop… t-them… b-before… i-it's… t-too… l-late… F-f-fordel… V-village" »


'Fordel Village?! What does that mean?!'


Before the crimson-haired woman could ask what are those words, the spirit has already dissolved in her sight and Scarlette is the only one left in this disastrous room where the battle takes on from earlier.


'Guess I need to pay some compensation for ruining someone else's household. I hope that Zenon could help me with this one since it is a noble property.'


She thought as she sighed as she held her temple to ease the incoming headache as she looked around the room.


'That one spirit warned me about the awakening. What awakening? And why that spirit mentioned the Fordel Village?'


Scarlette thought as she thinks deeply about the mission that she had on hand.


={ There are some weird noises that came by at the nearby forest from that place… but based on the adventurer's statement about that forest, even if it's daylight, the forest seems so dark when you looked at it}=


The crimson-haired woman suddenly remembered what Ericka told them back in the Adventurer's Guild.


'Don't tell me… That forest that she is talking about had something to do with the awakening that the spirit warned me about it?'


She thought as she tried to analyze everything that she had.


'This will not work! I need to discuss this with Zenon and Ryan as I couldn't think of something else!'


She thought once again and sighed as she felt like there was a big rock that she was carrying because of these problems that were now pilling up on her shoulders.


She set aside those thoughts as she put her veil back and when she secured everything; she snapped her fingers once again.


Moments later, the barrier within the room has already dissolved.


The crimson-haired woman stepped out of the room as she opened it and leave the area as she strived forward to locate the City Lord's Office since she knew those guys would be there.


She noticed that the servants inside the Manor left unharmed and she was glad that no innocent lives had been in danger when she was dealing with those people from earlier.


The crimson-haired woman stopped her tracks for a minute as she looked outside of the window and even though it's already dark on the outside, she could tell that someone or something was peeking at her right now.


She smirks under her veil as her crimson-lilac eyes glowed once again at the direction where the presence of someone or something that she felt.


={Are you frustrated that you couldn't watch on what's happening in that room, Prince of Dark Puppetry?}=