An Unexpected Threat That Is Addressed To Him



Scarlette sends a message via Mind Telepathy directly at someone or something as her crimson-lilac eyes continued to glow even further.


Moments later, she heard a crack sound coming from the outside as she looked at the window and she smirks under her veil as she knew her message had reached to that person.


'There would be a day that I would capture you alive, Prince of Dark Puppetry! Wait for that day and you will pay for the sins that you have caused!'


She thought as she marched forward to the City Lord's Office where her two companions were now living.




"W-what was that?!"


Ryan exclaims as he felt the sudden burst of energy coming from the envelope that Mikhael is holding.


'What kind of power is this?! It gives me goosebumps for some reasons!'


Scarlette breaks the concealment spell that is cast on the envelope and a burst of black energy has released.


"Drop it!"


Mikhael looked at the crimson-haired woman with a baffled expression when he heard what she said.


'Huh? What?'


He thought as he had a frown plastered on his face, and Scarlette glared at him.


"Mikhael! Drop that thing you are holding!"


Jeffrey shouted at the top of his lungs because he saw the puzzled looked on the citrus-haired boy when Scarlette told him to drop the envelope that he was holding.


Mikhael heard what the auburn-haired man shouted at him and he immediately drop the envelope as Scarlette create a barrier within the envelope and it has suppressed the dark force inside.


The entire room became a mess because of that, and Jeffrey went to Scarlette's side to see the little barrier that was floating on the crimson-haired woman's palms.


"You knew barrier enchantment as well?! And wait a second, did you use a chantless spell?!"


Jeffrey exclaims as he saw how the crimson-haired woman create a spell without chanting.


'I know from the rumors that she can use magic, but I never thought that she can do chantless spells!'


Jeffrey thought as he looked at the crimson-haired woman at his side.


Ryan knew what Jeffrey is thinking based on his expression alone as he had an experience with that as well.


'Well, Scarlette could wield magic as for the rumors stated, but I also didn't know that she could do chantless spells.'


The chestnut-haired man thought as he looked at the floating envelope in Scarlette's palms.


Ryan remembered back then that he saw how Scarlette snapped her fingers to create fire before, but now that he thinks about it, there was something odd about it.


The fire that Scarlette created back then is not the usual fire magic spell that he usually saw back in his Academy days during his teenage years.


Scarlette Overland is a mysterious woman with an unknown background and even her abilities are unknown to everyone, as they only speculate about her from other people's stories.


She is strong and Ryan could admit that as he experiences it firsthand during their first night stay at the forest.


Her swordsmanship is elegant yet fierce in every attack that Ryan experience in his entire life. She only wield that tiny tree branch from what Ryan could remember.


Now that Ryan could think about it, the chestnut-haired man never saw Scarlette handling any weapon or even a small dagger at her side.


He brushed off those trivial thoughts that are swirling inside his head as he focus on the matters on hand.


Ryan went over to his two companions to their side as he looked over at the strange ominous envelope that Scarlette put a barrier on it.


"What is that thing? I mean, why there is a dark force released on that envelope? Do you have any idea, Scarlette?"


Ryan asked the crimson-haired woman at his side and Scarlette didn't look at him but the woman answered his question.


"A threat"


Ryan; "…"


'Woman, please I beg you! Just this once! Could you answer me properly so that I could understand what you are saying?!'


The chestnut-haired man thought as he felt like he wants to grab his hair to let out his frustrations because of a certain someone who couldn't answer him properly.


Mikhael saw this and he couldn't help but to shake off his head as he knew what it feels like when you couldn't understand what Scarlette is saying.


'But she said it's a threat? Does it mean that the message inside is a threat? How can Scarlette be so sure about it?'


The citrus-haired boy thought as he looked at the envelope that is being held inside a small barrier that Scarlette cast earlier.


"Where do you think you are going?"


Scarlette's crisp voice rang inside the room as she didn't look away at the barrier within her palms as her crimson-lilac eyes had a hint of murderous aura that she concealed.


All three gentlemen looked at the crimson-haired woman with a baffled expression as she suddenly speaks without looking away at the barrier that she was holding up into her palms.


Jeffrey looked at the crimson-haired woman with a worried looked at his side as he speak.


"Scarlette, what do you—"


Jeffrey hasn't finished his sentence when Scarlette's free hand lifts its fingers and snapped once again.


Moments later, a light thread had appeared within the office and the three gentlemen shriek in surprise as they saw these light threads.


"What the—?!"


Mikhael held his chest as he saw many threads swirling inside his father's office with wide eyes.


"A-are these… threads?"


Ryan muttered as he tried to touch every single one of them, but before he could do it, he felt the heat that is coming from these threads.


He retract his hands as he felt like his skin would burn just from the slightest touch of it.




As she commands, the light threads move, and it went directly to the person who plans to escape within the office.


"Ack! R-release me, you madwoman! D-don't you know where you are right now?!"


The light threads captured one person, and it is none other than the old servant from the Viscount Everette household, Edimir.


"S-scarlette, what do you think you are doing?!"


Mikhael shouted in wide eyes as he saw how those light threads bind his father's aide and he didn't understand why Scarlette do this.


Scarlette didn't pay any attention to the citrus-haired boy as she snapped her fingers once more and the threads glow brightly.


The old servant named Edimir screamed in pain as those threads that bind him had inflicted on his body and the more he struggles, the more the threads would bind him tightly.


"Y-young Master! S-save me!"


He screamed for help and Mikhael couldn't take in anymore as he strived forward at the crimson-haired woman who didn't even budge as he gets near at her place.


"Scarlette Overland, explain this to me! What is the meaning of this?!"


Mikhael couldn't help but to shout at her because of her actions that are out of the line.


Even though he likes her, he didn't want to lose face right in front of other people since he is a noble and he had a status to care.


Scarlette finally looked over at the citrus-haired boy who shouted at her as she presented the envelope that was enchanted with barrier spell and she crushed it using her palms to break it.


Not longer than that, the envelope turned into dust, and contents of the envelope had presented in the air and the people inside the room gasped as they read it.


Except with Scarlette, as she had an inkling of what the content of the envelope is all about but she never expected as she also reads its contents.


={Bring us 'that thing' or your father will suffer in our hands. Think carefully and we know that Scarlette Overland is there with you. You know what I mean and I don't need to elaborate that for you, Mikhael Yvan Everette.


-Prince of Dark Puppetry}=


After that, the letters in the air had disappeared completely and Mikhael had stumbled down on the ground as he couldn't believe what the letters showed.


'W-what?! M-my father is in danger?!'


He thought as his mind became blank because of the threat that the letter shows as he couldn't think anymore.


Scarlette looked down at Mikhael, who would have a mental breakdown because of the letter, and she sighed as she spoke.


"Do you remember what I told to the both of you? I warned both of you and you guys didn't listen to me"


Scarlette said and Mikhael looked up at the crimson-haired woman who speaks longer than her usual speech.


But the citrus-haired boy snapped himself as he remembered what Scarlette told him.


'What does she mean? Did she warn us? Since when?'


Mikhael thought as he tried to recall something and moments later, he remembered something from that time.