The Traitor is Out of the Box





Mikhael finally remembered the words that Scarlette told them two years ago and he couldn't help but to analyze those words.


He is not dumb for not understanding what those words she is implying for.


But at first, he just brushed them off on what the crimson-haired woman said, as he didn't know who she was pertaining to.


Now that he thought about it, Mikhael trembled in his place as he looked over where Edimir was right now as the old servant still tried his best to escape from those light threads that Scarlette produced.


'Is it possible?... N-no, i-it can't be! Edimir is my father's trusted aide, and he served our family for all these years!'


Mikhael thought as he felt that he would have a mental breakdown as the truth is already laid in front of him but still refuse to accept the fact.


The citrus-haired boy is still trembling on the ground and he looked down as he pants heavily as he held his chest to ease the pain he is feeling.


He couldn't accept the fact that the servant that served them for all these years and that he considered as his grandfather would betray them.


While Mikhael is still in his own thoughts, Ryan felt like there is a bucket of cold water that poured into his system as he read the letters that appeared in the air.


"The hell are those letters?! Prince of Dark Puppetry? Who's that?"


Ryan asked as he exclaims and read once again the letters that are still in the air.


Jeffrey had a serious expression as he read those letters that is addressed to Mikhael.


'Viscount Everette is being held hostage?! Since when?! And what is 'that thing' in the letter is talking about?'


Jeffrey thought as he looked over at the citrus-haired boy that was on the ground and trembled in anxiety, as it looks like the kid would have a mental breakdown.


Scarlette looked down at the citrus-haired boy and she knew that the kid is now having a hard time to accept the reality that he was facing.


'I didn't mean for him to experience this kind of situation, but as a young noble, he needs to learn how cruel the reality is and who to trust.'


She thought as she took a deep breath and wave her hand to cancel the letters on the air as she looked over at the struggling old servant.


Her crimson-lilac eyes glinted murderous aura as she strove forward where the old man is bound by her threads.


Scarlette stopped her tracks in front of Edimir and the said old man glared back at her, but when he saw her crimson-lilac eyes darken, he felt a shiver down to his spine by just looking at it.


'The heck is this woman?! H-how many does she know?! And also, how come that she didn't even receive an injury from those assassins!'


He thought as he keeps on struggling but the more he did, the binds would only tighten him up that would make his skin bleed because of those threads.


Yes, that is correct. Edimir is the culprit for bringing the assassins to the guest room, as he wants to eliminate Scarlette Overland as soon as possible.


Edimir had a feeling that this mysterious crimson-haired woman knows something and he knew about the rumors about this so-called SSS-rank adventurer everyone knew.


A woman with an unknown background and unknown abilities. She became an adventurer at the very young age and rose to the ranks and became the SSS-rank that she is today.


She's stronger than the Guild master of Adventurer's Guild, who happens only to be an S-rank.


Since she is stronger than the Guildmaster, most people think that Scarlette Overland would be the one to replace the current Guildmaster if we only talk about strength and reputation alone.


However, that is not the case as this crimson-haired woman preferred to do missions rather than doing the duties at the Guild and this woman wants to be left alone and never bother her.


'I never expected that she would save the young master back then! I don't know why but I have the gut feeling that this woman is no ordinary commoner to me!'


He thought as he keeps on struggling on these threads that bind him.


"I-insolent woman! Who do you think you are?! Attacking a servant from a noble family! You have some guts, you piece of sh*t!"


Edimir cussed repeatedly right in front of Scarlette's face despite his fear that he feels for the crimson-haired woman.


Scarlette didn't mind his cussing right in front of his face as she only sighed and composed herself.


She might look calm and collected, but if you inspect, her crimson-lilac eyes are now screaming murder and death as it glows brightly.


"Two years ago, you look anxious," Scarlette nonchalantly said and nodded as if she was just talking about some nonsense things that spout on her mouth.


Mikhael snapped in his thoughts and he looked over at Scarlette when he heard the words coming from the crimson-haired woman.


Ryan and Jeffrey didn't interject as they only watch the scene that is unfold in their eyes as they want answers as well.


'We are here for an apology, but I never expected that something like this would happen!'


Ryan thought as he sighed because he felt tired suddenly because of these crazy incidents that happens to him. To them.


It seems like the moment they have reached Merken city, unfortunate incidents happen on their way.


The chestnut-haired man only looked at Scarlette as the crimson-haired woman interrogate the old servant from Viscount Everette's household as those threads move according to Scarlette's command.


'Her skills are unknown and only the Guild master knows about it.'


Ryan suddenly remembered the words from Kira when he was with that aqua-haired woman.


"Why is that? Is it because… of my warning?"


The three gentlemen snapped in their own thoughts as they looked over at the crimson-haired woman as she continued to interrogate the man who was now captive in those threads.


Scarlette continued; "Not just that, those assassins from earlier when I was alone at the guest room, you are the one who ordered them to kill me"


She said as she only moves her fingers and clench her fist to command those light threads.




Edimir screams in pain as he felt like those threads that are binding at his body became hotter and it glowed crimson like Scarlette's hair.


"W-what did you say?! Scarlette, they have attacked you?! Inside this Manor?!"


Jeffrey shouted when he heard what the crimson-haired woman said and the auburn-haired man felt like he wants to kill someone right now as he clenches his fists.


Scarlette didn't pay any attention to Jeffrey's outburst as she looked at the struggling old man who tried his best to escape from her thread, but it went for naught.


The crimson-haired woman didn't speak for a minute until she snapped her fingers once more and the light threads glowed even more that makes the captive screams in pain as he keeps on struggling.


Moments later, just like what happen to the assassins that attacked Scarlette earlier, images from Edimir's mind flashed right in front of them as they watch the scenes that unfold.