Final Judgement



Images of treachery, betrayal, and conspiracy are now being presented right in front of everyone in this room.


Mikhael couldn't believe on what he was seeing right now as those images were like a flash of lightning that presented in front of them.


'W-what are these?! H-how?!'


He thought as he looked over at the crimson-haired woman with a baffled expression.


The citrus-haired boy couldn't help but felt conflicted about what he witnessed.


He wants to open his mouth to ask the crimson-haired woman, but he doesn't dare to ask a question, as if his throat had thrust something to prevent him from asking.


Jeffrey looked serious as he saw the images that flashed in front of them that come from Edimir's memories and the Marquis felt his legs went into numb because of Scarlette's display of power.


'A light thread that can read other people's memories that being held captive? Is this Scarlette's actual power?'


Jeffrey thought as he looked at the crimson-haired woman with conflicted feelings.


He knew that Scarlette's abilities are unknown to everyone else and they could only rely on the rumors that are spread by the word of mouth from other people about her.


However, with this kind of power being shown to them, the Marquis had a feeling that this is just only a portion of her power.


'If Scarlette can use magic then, what could be her magic affinity?'


Based on the light threads that he is seeing, Jeffrey couldn't pinpoint on based what affinity on these threads as he tried to compare it to the ones that he knew back in the Academy.


He knew Scarlette three years already and even though that they didn't see that much often, Jeffrey had the confidence that he knew some of Scarlette's attitude at least.


But if we were going to talk about her strengths and weaknesses, the Marquis had no comment for that.


Jeffrey just sighed as he watches the images that are still played right in front of them.


When everything has laid in front of them, Scarlette snapped her fingers once more and the images from earlier had disappeared.


After that, she looked at Edimir, who had looked exhausted because of the threads that used his body and mind to pull out the images that were hidden within him.


Scarlette walked over to the bookshelf as she only took a random book from it and flip it over as she speaks.


"You have given many chances to redeem yourselves but in the end, you still choose to betray the family that reaches and helps you in your darkest days,"


The crimson-haired woman said those words as if giving a final judgement to an accuser.


Scarlette closed the book and put it back where it belongs as she went over to Mikhael's direction.


Scarlette stopped her tracks right in front of him and Mikhael didn't meet the crimson-haired woman's gaze upon him as he clench his fist because of the frustrations that he feels.


"You choose, Yvan. I won't interfere with what you planned to do with this traitor in your household and I know you held some sentiment about it"


Scarlette's impersonal voice could hear inside the office and the three gentlemen felt that the crimson-haired woman would talk longer than her usual speech.




Scarlette continued and paused for a minute as she looked back at the restrained Edimir in her threads as the old servant tries his best to escape but it only makes worst for his part.


She looked back at the trembling young noble on the ground as she continued.


"Always remember this. A traitor would always be a traitor, no matter what you do. You are a noble and I know you have decided but still refuse to accept the fact"


Scarlette nonchalantly said, and she didn't sugarcoat her words to ease the surrounding tension.


Mikhael might be around 18-years-old and considered an adult, but in Scarlette's eyes, she is still a child that didn't understand how cruel and rotten the reality that he lives in.


The citrus-haired boy felt his veins would pop out because of Scarlette's straightforward approach, but he couldn't refute back to defend himself.


Because what Scarlette said is the truth anyway, and the crimson-haired woman is right about her words.


He might be an adult right now, but to Scarlette's eyes, he is still an unexperienced adult that didn't know that much about the reality that he lives in.


After he collected his own thoughts, he stood up from the ground and composed himself as he faced the crimson-haired woman who stood in front of him.


"Thank you for opening my eyes and for your words. I'll be taking over from here"


He wanted to show Scarlette that he was not just a brat who only cower in fear at the side and confuse in every situation that happens around him.


Mikhael might be the youngest out of his siblings but he is a noble himself and he would never tarnish the name of his household.


He will deliver the last judgment to Edimir since he is the only Everette around in this place and he had the rights since his father left him the position to handle things here temporarily.


His words came with a stern and firm voice that makes Scarlette smirk under her veil.


Even though they couldn't see it, they knew that the crimson-haired woman is smirking as if she is enjoying the show that would happen.


Ryan felt shivers just imagining how Scarlette smirk looks like.


'Geez! Just imagining her smirking like a Devil makes me think Scarlette is like a sadistic psychopath who loves blood and battle!'


He shivered at that thought but immediately snapped himself as he only focused on what's in front of them.


Things are getting more complicated as it seems…


Mikhael moved forward to where the traitor was and Edimir looked over at the young master, who walked in his direction.


"Y-young M-master! P-please save me!"


Edimir screams for help as if nothing had happened from earlier and the old servant had a thick face to ask for help.


Mikhael felt like his blood boil in anger because of this display of shamelessness that the old servant is doing.


"Hah! You are really that shameless to ask for some help after what you have done!"


Mikhael's bitter tone filled with poisonous words that are direct to the old servant, who keeps on struggling from the threads that are bound to him.


"To think that my father would reach a hand to someone like you who would only bite back to his master! How despicable!"


The citrus-haired boy shouted as he let out his frustration and grievances that has stored inside his heart the moment he learned the truth.


They had held his father captive, and he didn't know where he was right now and he felt like he neglected his duty as a son.


Mikhael felt useless.


He is eager to kill this old bastard who betrayed them, but he didn't want to make his death that easy.


The citrus-haired boy stood for a minute and after that, he looked once again at Edimir's eyes as he let out a sadistic smile that is plastered on his face.


When the old servant saw this, he felt shivers down to his spine as he knew what that means.


'Sh*t! How can I forget that this young master in front of me had a terrible personality when you angered him?!'


Since it is coming to this then, he is going to kill himself then!


As he was about to cast his power, he felt he couldn't use it at all!


'W-what happen?!'


He panicked as his powers didn't activate, and he noticed the light threads around him.


Edimir looked over at where Scarlette was and he saw that the crimson-haired woman looked back at him with cold eyes.


"You said you won't interfere!"


He shouted in anger and all three gentlemen looked over at the crimson-haired woman who only stood where she was, and all of them had a baffled expression.


"I said I won't interfere with what Yvan would do"


Scarlette nonchalantly said and before Edimir could speak, she cut him off as she continued; "But I didn't say I won't assist if anything happens, just like what you are planning to do"


"What is he planning to do?" Mikhael asked the crimson-haired woman with an annoyed expression.


Scarlette only shrugged her shoulders as she speaks; "Plans to kill himself using the Axis Soul Contract"