Coercion and Extortion

Four days ago, Will asked Duke Francis vont Whitby for Elizabeth's hand in marriage.

Anne's confession made Will realize, that extending his decision would only hurt more people.

"Elizabeth has been gracious enough for me to date her. I formally ask for your approval to marry her, " Will said, seated on a sofa in the duke's hall, with the duke, duchess, and Elizabeth on an opposite sofa.

The duke and duchess were ecstatic. The duke agreed, already having the paperwork prepared a week ago. The duchess cried tears of happiness and hugged her daughter warmly. Will and the duke signed the binding agreement, officially recognizing the engagement of Will and Elizabeth.

The contract stipulated Elizabeth's dowry was set at 20,000 gold. Will rejected the dowry, he did not need the money. The duke agreed to deposit the dowry in a trust at Will's bank under Elizabeth's name.

The engagement announcement was scheduled five days later, the day after the New Year. The engagement announcement was also the same day as Will's father's court appearance. The court appointment was in afternoon the afternoon and the engagement announcement was scheduled that evening.

To celebrate his engagement Will release two new games backgammon and mancala. This afternoon at court Will planned to gift an exquisite version to both, made from expensive wood. The backgammon pieces were made from ivory and ebony. The mancala marbles were made from pearls and rubies. Every embellishment was added for the king's sake.

The announcements of the new games set off a fever pitch in the capital. Merchant asked to purchase the patents but they were told to wait until the next auction.

All of Will's investments put up banners, even the cartwright's in Yorkshire and Guidon and Miss Jane's Home for Children. Even the king sent his congratulations. How the most eligible bachelor had finally been caught, was talk of ladies' gossip circles.

Will replayed the last four days in his head. It had been a whirlwind. Now, he sat in his drawing-room reading over more letters of felicitations. Even Marquis vont Hanover sent his congratulations. Marrying the king's niece was certainly a coup for a baronet. However, Will simply chose to marry his friend.

As Will sipped from a glass of red wine, there came a knock on his door.

"Come in," Will said putting his wine glass on a coaster.

Will's father walked in looking sad and upset.

"You don't need to come with me this afternoon to the capital," his father said.

Will's parents had not left the capital since they arrived. They planned to head back to the barony after the New Year.

"It's fine father, I have to officially petition the king to join the Royal Faction," Will said.

"Will that fractions not going to last another 10 years. You know the crown prince, is going to use this opportunity to recruit at the expense of embarrassing me. Will, I failed as a father. I should have warned you about the marquis!" James said gulping down a cup of brandy.

"Father, I would never join a faction that blackmails my father to get to me!" Will said.

"Will don't say that out loud. Walls have ears!" James admonished.

"Very Well, father what are your plans after today?"

"Go back to the barony. Your mother and I have enjoyed ourselves, but I'm afraid we are outmatched in the capital," James said acknowledging his shortcomings.

"Father, I have a scroll for you. I sent the same scroll to Jason. Please read it when you back to the barony, show it to no one!" Will whispered.

James nodded his head and left. He desperately wanted to know the content of the scroll, but he trust his youngest son's words."

After lunch, James and Will left for the capital. The king called the court into session every day on the 13th bell.

Will was fascinated by the court's preceding. Civil, economic, military advisers spoke about taxes, tariffs, money in the treasury, troops, armor, rations, and more. Concerns about insect plagues and droughts were discussed. All the kingdom problems were present and solutions were discussed.

"What's next," said the king.

"Marquis vont Hanover's dispute with his vassal Baron James vont Ballard," the Head Stewart said.

"Very well!" the king said dispassionately.

"Approach the throne Marquis vont Hanover and Baron vont Ballard," yelled the Head Stewart.

"Father, may I attend court?" asked a tall, portly, man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes asked. He wore a golden robe similar to the second prince.

"Court is almost over son, why join us now?" the king asked the crown prince.

"I came to meet Lord of Games," he said.

"Very well you have my permission," said the King.

"Greetings, Baronet vont Ballard, Lord of Games. I am Crown Prince, Nolan Edward vont Whitby," he said, slightly dipping his head.

"Good afternoon your highness, I am Baronet William vont Ballard," Will said giving a deep respectful bow.

"I heard you met with my younger brother at my uncle's manor, was it a fortuitous meeting?" the crown prince asked cryptically.

"Whenever a baronet meets a prince it is always a fortuitous meeting, your highness. I am lucky to have met you as well, not many baronets can boast of meeting two princes in one week," Will faked laughed.

"Well said! You are correct that does rarely happens. Shall we move on to the dispute?" Asked the king.

Everyone knew the court proceedings were a charade, all Will had to do was join the Crown's prince's faction.

Honestly, the proceeding gave King Albus Remus Fermion IX a headache. Nobles enjoyed giving him headaches and now his sons were partaking. If he could only break through his bottleneck and rank up to Grandmaster, he could extend his life.

Moreover, since his failure to break through leaked it seemed like every noble began to file petitions or suits for grievances. The king hated that people acted like his death was already assured. His mentor, Grandmaster Thaddeus said still a small chance. 10 years of this nonsense would drive him crazy.

This headache was more infuriating, a new noble was joining his fraction today, and a marquis from a different faction dared to bring a dispute against his family! In the past, the marquis would not have been so bold. Already, his power was slipping away.

The king could feel his gray hair turning white. "Marquis vont Hannover state your case?" the king command.

"Your majesty, I demand compensation. Baron James vont Ballard barony has profited much in the past six months but failed to pay a proportional increase in taxes," Marquis vont Hanover smirked and quickly eyed the prince.

"Baron, you may rebuttal," the king offered.

"It is true your majesty, that my barony has developed but we yet to make any money from that development, therefore I thought it not necessary to pay more taxes," James vont Ballard said.

"Marquis, how can you expect your vassal to pay more in taxes when they yet earned any additional coin?" The king asked.

"Your majesty, does not the law say vassals are to appraise their lord of new developments?" the marquis said.

"Someone has been examining the legal code rather deeply," the king said looking at his oldest son.

"Father surely, the law must be upheld and the marquis is owed compensation unless James vont Ballard can pay the back taxes," the crown prince smirk.

"The law must be upheld, how much compensation is the marquis seeking," the king asked.

"Your majesty, I do not wish money. I must set an example for my other vassals. I'm asking the court to sentence my vassal to three months in prison and a formal censure," the marquis said.

"Marquis vont Hanover, you want to stain your reputation by calling for the imprisonment and censure?" You doubt the Baron vont Ballard's noble legitimacy. You'd stoop to attack his household over withholding taxes?" a royal civil adviser asked

Will knew the Crown Prince and the Marquis wanted to extract concessions from him, but the Marquis asked the king for a sledgehammer to hit a nail. It was unnecessary and completely underhanded.

Yet, Will admired the heavy-handed tactic. My starting with a high negotiating price, there was not much room to come down. However, that also meant, Will could ask for more concessions as well. In a negotiation between the Crown Prince and Will, Will had full confidence in his ability.

"The audacity to ask for the maximum penalty under the law," said one of the king's civil advisers.

"Surely, the marquis is joking," said another adviser.

"The cheek," said the last.

The king did not expect his son's scheme to be as low brow, as to use Will's father as a hostage. 'Is he that worried about Will joining his brother's fraction? Surely, this egoistical son knew he could not afford to throw away such a powerful potential ally,' the king thought.

"Father, should we not denounce this act of fraud?" said the second prince.

"Your majesty, this is not a case of wanton violence against his lord, how would the other nobles react to this lopsided judgment?" a civics adviser said.

"Your majesty, we need the kingdom unified if we are to fight Albania. This dispute will only cause the nation to become more divided," said a military adviser.

"My king is no one going to bring up the apparent hypocrisy of this dispute? The crown prince wants to extort the baronet to surrender his bank patent," said an economic adviser. The crown prince became visibly upset at that remark.

"That is quite enough, Adviser vont Chen! You should not impugn the motives of the crown prince so easily without evidence," said another economic adviser.

"SILENCE! Did you forget you all are in the presence of his majesty," yelled the Head Stewart.

The king looked visibly exhausted. "What say, you baronet?" The king asked.

"First, I have a gift for majesty," Will said handing the games to one of the king's manservants.

"Your majesty, I would gladly sell the marquis my bank patent if he drops the dispute against my father, and agrees to accept the same as last year's tax form barony for 30 years. Moreover, I ask the marquis to not raise the monthly compound interest above 20% or my bank may become insolvent," Will said lying to entrap.

"Your majesty, I agree to purchase the blueprints and retain the barony's taxes for 25 years. I also agree to not raise the monthly compound interest above 20%. Upon agreement, I swear on my honor to drop the dispute,"

"Your majesty, I am fine with 25 years as long as the marquis allows me first refusal to buy his bank should it go insolvent," Will said.

"Your majesty, I fine with the arrangement," marquis said.

"I am happy baronet you were prepared to negotiate, I am sorry this happened to your family," the king said kindly. "I decree the negotiated terms, even upon my death shall this decree stand," the king said.

"Marquis vont Hanover, my senior clerk has told the Merchant Guild Master to expect your arrival," Will said diplomatically.

"Well met Baronet. Congratulations on your anniversary this afternoon, I would attend, but I believe my card was lost in the mail," the Marquis was upset about the lack of respect Will showed to him.

"I must apologize, I sent your letter to your estate on the fringe. I had no idea you'd be in the capital," Will said.

"Excuse me, I'll take my leave first," the Marquis said.

"Baronet William vont Ballard, I hope this event won't preclude us working together in the future?" the Crown Prince asked,

"No, your highness I look forward to working with you in the future," Will said.

"Indeed, so do I," the crown prince said before leaving court.

"Baronet vont Ballard, before you leave may I ask a question? You and the Marquis never discussed the price of the bank's patent. I wonder if that was a blunder or a calculated misstep on your part?" an economic adviser asked.

"Lord Adviser, the Merchant Guild Master was instructed to sell the patent for 500,000 gold, I do believe that is a fair price," Will said leaving court with his sad father.

When just the king and his advisers were left in the court, the king asked, "Quick economic advisers what do you suspect?"

"Your majesty, I do believe the Baronet led the Crown Prince and the Marquis into a trap," said the economic adviser, who asked Will the question a moment ago.

"A trap?" the king said pensively, rubbing his beard.