Winter Ball

Will escorted Elizabeth inside the pagoda on a red carpet. Both were in awe of the pagoda's first-floor decorations. The pagoda had a red new year's motif. Red Chinese lanterns and streamers hung from the ceiling. Red dragons were placed on top of white table cloths.

Elizabeth was the first to speak, "How heavenly; how simply heavenly! I always wanted to visit the Knight Academy," Elizabeth said breathlessly, clutching her fan, and, gazing at the ceiling which was magically cast to mirror the starry night sky. Shooting stars raced across the ceiling and a gleaming full moon lit the interior.

When they walked inside the dancing had not yet begun and the orchestra was still tuning their instruments. Cadet and mages students' voices filled the air. As soon as Will and Elizabeth entered several people rushed over to say hi.

"Good Evening Baronet and your Ladyship," Grace and Sarah said with a courtesy.

"Elizabeth, let me reintroduce you to my two Deputy Quartermasters," Will said greeting the women.

"Yes, it's good to see you again," Elizabeth said.

"Will! Elizabeth! It's good to see you" said Chloe.

"Chloe, it is Baronet vont Ballard and Lady Elizabeth vont Whitby, unless you'd wish to receive a failing grade tonight," Marshall vont Cheng reminded her

"Lord Cheng," Will bowed respectfully, and Chloe curtsied.

"Lady Elizabeth vont Whitby, may I have danced with you tonight?" Vincent vont Wright asked rudely annoying his date.

"May I, as well, your Ladyship," asked Ryan vont Driskill.

"I promised my first dance to my cousin, Prince Roland Godwin vont Whitby. You may ask me again after the 21st hour," Elizabeth said curtsying respectfully.

"I did not think, you have agreed to those scums," Bradley sneered in contempt.

As the 19th bell rang, the orchestra stopped tuning.

"Good evening cadets and mages!" Professor vont Arguelles called everyone to attention.

"Tonight you will be graded upon your speech, mannerism, behavior, dancing ability, and most importantly posture!" Marshall vont Cheng said.

"Professor vont Arguelles, Marshall vont Cheng, and Magister Wright, and I, Retired General vont Ying, shall score your progress. Please don't act like a vulgar beast, when His Royal Highness is announced in a few minutes," Retired General vont Ying declared.

After the retired general spoke, trumpets blasted the introduction of the prince. According to Noble etiquette, the students formed two columns starting with the lowest rank and to the highest rank. Will found a place near the stairs, and Elizabeth stood the furthest from the stairs.

"Now announcing, Second Prince of Kingdom of Fermion, His Royal Highness Prince Roland Godwin vont Whitby!" the herald shouted.

The doors to the second floor of the pagoda opened. The Prince was dressed in the same golden as before. As he walked down the stairs and onto the red carpet, as he passed people would bow or curtsy. When the Prince came to Will, which was not a far walk) he greeted him.

"Good evening, Baronet William vont Ballard, Lord of Games," the prince said respectfully.

"You do me an honor, your highest to recognize me," Will said trying to memorize the correct sequence of phrases. To be recognized by royalty, was the highest compliment. As most royals simply passed nobles without so much as a glance or smile, indifferent to their surroundings.

With that, the prince walked on until he greeted Elizabeth.

"Cousin, may I have this dance?" the prince asked.

"Yes, your highness. You honor me, your highness," Elizabeth said much more gracefully than Will.

As the prince and Elizabeth locked arms, the orchestra began to play. Elizabeth and the prince began to waltz. The two glided around the dance floor. When the music came to an end, everyone gave the prince and Elizabeth a round of applause.

As Elizabeth and the Prince separate, the young women flocked to the prince, as Elizabeth fought her way out from the horde.

"I'm afraid I'm not as good a dancer as the prince," Will said ruffling his hair.

"Well, I like dancing with you," Elizabeth rushed to say in embarrassment.

"In that case, may I have this dance," Will asked.

The noise in the pagoda was loud. Will pressed Elizabeth closed to him, her voluptuous breast pressed firmly against his chest. Elizabeth turned her face away from Will's, so he would see her turn red in shyness.

The clasped hands and in the circle dance. The circle dance was festive, like a jig, that required the dancers to spin and hop from the toes. It was a fun, but exhausting dance fancied by younger more energetic nobles.

Will and Elizabeth dance they were in such enjoyment, they did not realize they were the only ones on the floor, the other couples had paused to look at them laughing and smiling. When the song was over, Will and Elizabeth locked eyes, before they realized everyone was staring at them.

The prince applauded, which meant everyone else, even the professors, had to applaud. Will and Elizabeth bow and curtsied to the prince, and the crowd, before leaving the checkered dance floor.

"Could I interest you in a drink?" Will asked Elizabeth.

"Yes, I am feeling parched," Elizabeth said as Will left to get Elizabeth a couple.

Will headed to the refreshment table, where he was met by a gang of boys congratulating him and asking for advice. Both mages and cadets asked Will to play matchmaker, or give advice.

Elizabeth's maid found her a seat, which at once surrounded by a gaggle of girls asking similar questions.

All the girls stood grouped at one side of the floor, the boys at the other, and the chaperones standing in the middle.

The boys and girls smiled rather foolishly at each other across the chasm from one another, not daring to walk across the void.

Will walked crossed the polished floor, taking short little careful steps not trying to spill the drink. Will felt the eyes on him, Will suddenly felt like a tightrope walking a giant canyon for the entertainment of others.

Will handed Elizabeth a cup glass of white wine. As Elizabeth sipped her wine, Will asked her where she learned how to dance so well.

"In the capital, when nobles turn five they are sent to a boarding school. Every morning on the sixth day, our teachers would hurry off to a hall to practice dancing. I stayed at the boarding school until I enrolled in the Mage Academy," Elizabeth said dispassionately.

"It doesn't sound like you enjoyed that experience?" Will asked.

"We had a rather strict governess Miss Melaniadra. If we made an error on the piano, or with my manners, or misstep on dance, she would strike the girls with her long crimson wand. And, I was her favorite target," Elizabeth cried, Will, handed her his pocket square.

"My mother and father never listened, they left me there like a prisoner. When I got into the Mage Academy it was so liberating. I felt tremendous as I walked through the Mage Academy gates and my life only improved, because then I also met you," Elizabeth said radiating a warm smile that dried her tears.

"Then shall we continue to enjoy ourselves," Will said escorting Elizabeth back to the dance floor.

Seeing Will and Elizabeth walk to the dance floor, the orchestra played a waltz.

Will gently held Elizabeth's hand with his left hand and caressed her waist with his right hand. Elizabeth tenderly laid her head near Will's shoulder. Hearing his heart beating, Elizabeth quivered in happiness.

Again, others watched as Will and Elizabeth slid and glided over the checkered floor. Elizabeth felt like she could die happy or at least faint with joy. In her mind, she and Will danced on the stars.

When the dance was finished an embarrassed Chloe, Grace, and Sarah invited Will to dance. Vincent and Ryan likewise asked Elizabeth to dance.

The young men seeing Will have all the fun walked across the parquet and invited the women to dance. This was the opportunity the many of the women were waiting for and the laughter and cheer rang out through the floor as couples danced the La Spagna, The Morris Dance, The Egg Dance, Quadrille, Pavan, Farandole, and Burgundian dance.

At the Winter Ball couples paraded and peacocked. The orchestra played new music nonstop, to the enjoyment of the young men and women.

As Will and Elizabeth rejoined together to take a break, Bradley vont Alms walked over and greeted them.

"Will are you and Bradley working together," Elizabeth asked, Bradley, looked at her horrified.

"Will, you told her?" Bradley asked.

"Everyone already knows," Elizabeth replied looking at Will.

"Yes, Bradley is my business partner," Will said.

"What and you and Bradley working on?" Elizabeth asked in her usual bluntness.

"It's a secret," Will said.

"I'd thought we said no secrets," Elizabeth pouted.

"Yes, if you're my wife. But you're not my wife?" Will said.

Elizabeth stared at him, upset Will used the word 'if.'

While she fumed and Will and Bradley spoke, Chloe interrupted.

"Will could you come outside with me please," Chloe asked suspiciously.

Will looked at Chloe curiously before he agreed. 'Would she betray me?' Will wondered to himself.

Will and Chloe walked outside back into the dark, cold winter winds. Outside the pagoda was Anne smiling.

"Thanks, Chloe," Anne said, as Chloe left and returned to the Winter Ball.

Anne wore her cadet uniform, with her hairstyled in a bun. Anne wanted to go in the ball, but she was stopped at the door by the guards.

"Greetings Anne, is everything okay?" Will asked. Will knew if there was a problem at the cafe, surely Vanessa would be here instead of Anne.

"You look handsome Will," Anne said warmly.

"Thank you!" Will said, noticing how nicely Anne was dressed.

"Will, I know you're going to get engaged soon, and I wanted to tell you...I wanted to tell you...I love you!" Anne said affectionately.

"You love me?" Will said stunned.

"Yes, Will! I'm in love with you. I've loved you since we first met and my heart's only grown for you since. I know, I'm not a noble, and your family would mostly not approve, but I had to tell you, how I felt," Anne cried.


"Say something Will, say anything Will!" Anne sobbed.

"Anne...I. I never knew how you felt?" Will said dumbfounded not sure how to answer.

Anne wanted to run into Will's melt in Will's warm embrace. She secretly, prayed that Will would choose her to marry. If he only agreed she would let him ravish her, would do anything with a single command.

"Anne you're a good friend. But, I'm sorry I don't share the same feelings," Will said as diplomatically as he could.

Like an arrow to the heart, Anne fell to knees in the snow. Her tears pooled in her cupped hands. She sniffled.

"Guards, fetch my coachman! Tell him to bring my carriage around. Anne, you should go home, it's cold out here and you don't have a coat. You may catch a cold," Will said concerned.

"Will you're even a gentleman after breaking a girl's heart," Anne smiled in between her tears.

As the coachman brought the carriage, Will told Anne, "thank you for telling me your feelings. That was courageous!" He shut the door and waved the coachman to leave.

As he walked through the pagoda's door, he saw Chloe.

"That must have been hard for you," Chloe said.

"Yes," Will said as he went to find Elizabeth.

"One last dance?" Will said visibly upset.

"Very well," Elizabeth said deciding to ask Will later about his behavior change.

When they approached the dance floor, they smiled bowed, and curtsied to each other. Will offered her his arm; Elizabeth floated away like a flower that is tossed into a pool one last time that night.

When Will's carriage driver returned, he escorted Elizabeth home. On the ride to her family estate, Will finally spoke.

"Elizabeth, I'm going to ask your father for your hand in marriage. I hope we can be happy together," Will said to a joyful Elizabeth.