
Woke up groggy. The bag he was kidnapped with was tossed on the floor.

Even though he was injured, he'd heal so enough.

Will noticed the dust was thick, it felt like trying to breathe chalk.

Will cast [Radar] and immediately knew he was in a large cavern. On his left Miles and Kurosawa were still asleep. To his right, we're twelve Wolfmen guards.

A few minutes passed and Miles woke up coughing and continued coughing for a long time.

"Help! Someone, help me! I'm suffocating!" Miles screamed.

"Calm, down the more you move the more dust you kick up!" Will tried to reassure Miles.

"Is that you Boss Will? Please get me out of here?" Miles begged.

"Yes, it's me. Just wait everything will be fine," Will did his best to comfort Miles.

Will looked around, the cavern was completely dark and the air was stagnant.

A few minutes later, Kurosawa awoke, "Help me, I've been kidnapped. Boss Will save me!" Kurosawa, please.

"Quit crying, Boss Will and I are next to you?" Miles who cried earlier, said confidently.

"Boss Will, save me, please! I can't breathe!" Kurosawa said.

"If you stop moving, the air will settle and you'll be able to breathe the stale air," Miles said egotistically.

Will was stunned. How had Miles made a 180% degree turn so quickly? He was just crying like a lost child, and now he's acting like an elder brother.

After Kurosawa calm down, the dust finally began to settle. As the dust settled, Miles and Kurosawa coughed less.

Using [Radar], Will saw the Wolfmen begin to move and head their way. A new person joining them.

"Will?" Holo called out in surprise.

"Long time, no see?" Will said.

"You have a knack for getting captured and imprisoned," Holo laughed, ordering the men to release him.

"Holo could you let my associate return?" Will said, dusting off his clothes.

"Sure, the twelve of you blindfold them and return to where you picked them up," Holo ordered.

All of a sudden a ferocious Shadow Panther roared came from the tunnel.

"It's okay Nisha, I'm fine. I'm with some old friends," Will said, just seeing her on the edge of his Radar.

As Nisha ran into view, the Wolf Clan readied their weapons.

"There's no need to fight. This is my spirit animal, Nisha," Will introduced Nisha to the Wolfmen who did not lower their weapons.

"Nisha, this is Holo. She and her husband Lawrence are good friends of mine," Will spoke out loud so everyone could hear him.

"Greetings, honored guest. A friend of Will's is a friend of ours Shadow Leopard," Holo curtsied.

"Follow me, and I'll take you to see Lawrence," Holo said as she, Will, and Nisha walked in the opposite direction than Miles and Kurosawa.

A short walk later and Will came to a large city tucked behind the mountain.

"What the occasion?" Will asked. Unlike Fermion, most beastmen did not live in cities. Only during holidays and special meetings, would the entire clan gather together.

"The clan gathered to choose a new clan leader. It's been two and half years since Stalking Wolf died. Tonight, we'll pray to our elders and ask for guidance on our new leader?" Holo said.

"Any front runners," Will asked.

"It's between two elder men, Savage Wolf, and Silent Wolf," Holo said.

"What's the difference between the two?" Will asked curiously.

"Let me first explain what happen after you left. The bonds the Tribal Council raised were able to decrease inflation and stabilize the clans. Your idea was a huge success for the clan. If you were a Wolfman they'd built a statue of you. The Wolf Clan used our funds to improve this very town and our farmlands. Now that it's been a success the question is what to do now, that the recovery is finished.

Silent Wolf wants to end the bond program, pay back the loans and return to our roots. Savage wants us to continue improving our territory, military, to expand our territory," Holo said.

"What are their qualifications?" Will asked.

"Both men lead their tribes," Holo said.

"Oh, before we move, I want to thank you for your regular payments to my Guidon bank. Now that we're neighbors, I don't need you to send the payments any longer," Will said

"I'm not sure how Savage Wolf or Silent Will view your fiefdom. In the past, Stalking Wolf was hesitant. There's a myth that the first Wolfmen clan lived in these caves and built the cavern tunnels. That's why our ancestors are buried on the sacred mountain. How could we let people desecrate our ancestral home," Holo said sadly.

"I agree this mountain should not be desecrated, as a member of this clan, I'll plead my lineages shall protect the mountain from desecration," Will said and Holo perked up.

"Let's pray at Stalking Wolf's grave first," Holo said, leading Will and Nisha across the mountain, on a worn gravel pathway.

At the end of the pathway was a large stone. Several Wolfmen and women were praying. As Will approached, people began to chatter.

Will all approached the grave and clasped his hands, "Grandfather, I pray your spirit guides you to a happy place."

After Will finished he kowtowed three times in front of the grave to show his respect.

The crowd approved his display of respect. Several older clan members nodded their heads approvingly and smiled at him. Others patted Will's back and smiled at him approvingly.

On his way down the mountain, Will heard a booming voice, "I heard we capture some men near the sacred mountain. In a surprise twist, one of those men was Mr. William vont Ballard. Did you already pay your respect to Stalk Wolf?" asked a tall, muscular, baritone, smiling Wolfman.

"Will this is Chief Savage Wolf," Holo said.

"Greetings, esteemed, Chief Savage Wolf," Will bowed respectfully.

"At Stalking Wolf's last chief's meeting, he spoke highly of you. You save our Tribal Lands from years of hunger and riots," Savage Wolf nodded his head.

For a Chief to bow his head to a commoner, was a huge sign of respect.

"Follow me, we shall drink in my tent and talk," Savage Wolf suggested.

"I apologize Chief Savage Wolf, but I promised Holo I would spend time with her and Lawrence," Will excused himself.

"No matter, we shall talk after my election tonight. No doubt you want mining rights, for your barony," Savage Wolf grinned knowingly.

Will, Nisha, and Holo walked to a larger townhouse.

"Will what a surprise! I'm glad you're back. Is this trip for business or pleasure? Knowing you, it's business," Lawrence laughed.

"Will got himself kidnapped and imprisoned," Holo laughed.

"Will you have the worst luck, when it comes to entering the Tribal Lands," Lawrence joined Holo in laughter.

"Nisha, that's Lawrence, Holo's husband," Will said telepathically.

"A man and a Wolfwoman, how strange?" Nisha said.

"I trust business is well?" Will asked.

"Yes," Lawrence said wiping tears off his face. His chuckling getting softer.

"Business is up an average of 4% YTD. I thought you forgot about us or felt too hard to return after Eleanor's death," Holo said.

"A little of both reasons, I suppose. Think have been busy," Will said.

"Oh we know, we get regular reports about you. You never reached out to us, so we had an old friend from Guidon send up reports about you and news from Fermion. Congratulations on your engagement and barony," Holo said.

"Thank you," Will said.

"No, need for apologies. You're here now and moving in next door. We live in your Rijilir mansions. about a week's travel from here. It's yours if you ever want it," Holo said hugging Will.

"Will, did you forget about your plot of land in Rijilir? The plot you purchased for your auction house? The Bear Clan wants to sell it if you don't plan to build anything," Lawrence asked Will.

"No, I'm ready to build the auction house now. Here is the same schematic as the auction house in Yorkshire. Please have this built when you return to the capital," Will said.

"Oh, okay. Ready to eat lunch?" Lawrence said serving a hot pot, with warm rice, and plum wine. Will loved Holo's steamed pork belly, the best.

After lunch, Will and Lawrence caught up. They filled Will in on his business and current events in the Tribal Lands. After Eleanor's death, the Tiger and Cat Clans almost eradicated the Naga Clan. The Naga Clan was forced to leave the safety of the Tribal Lands and were exiled for 1,000 years.

Eleanor and her fiancé had a solemn funeral. And to Will's surprise, Holo said Elder Thaddeus attended the funeral and laid a huge bouquet on her gravestone. Eleanor was buried in the Tiger Clan territory and Holo said she visits Eleanor's grave once a year.

Time spent with good friends travels fast. Noon transitioned into dusk, and it was time for the Tribal Clan election.

In an open circular stone amphitheater, on the side of the sacred mountain, an old elderly Wolf-woman with a can hold everyone's attention.

She double-tapped her can, magically amplified her voice, and said, "We offer our prayers to our ancestors. Ancestors who know the past and future, guide us in our decision."

Immediately, the audience grasped each other's shoulders and began to sway left and right, left and right, left and right. To Will, it felt like a seance.

In the background, a solitary drumbeat kept the audience in rhythm. Slowly, the beat got faster and faster, and the rhythmic motion moves to a crescendo. To beat, the audience moved faster and faster, left and right, left and right, left and right.

Will felt his heart beat faster and faster in tune with the rhythm. A sense of spirituality he never felt before, his sense of individuality and community blended and swirled like a blender. It was terrifying and freeing simultaneously. When the drumbeat came to a climax, all the Wolfmen and women collectively howled. Will too howled, and immediately a sense of clarity Will never felt was gained.

Things he struggled to understand, became like the simplest children's toys. Even more terrifying he remembered what happened after his death.

After he died, he was naked in a formless dimension. Someone or something analogous called his name and brought him from a formless plane to a small room.

Robert, from before he was reborn, sat in his favorite suit on the floor in front of a small table. Yea and jammed toast were served. The tea smelled amazing, but Robert felt his corporeal body with his hands.

"Am I dreaming? I thought I was dead?" He said out loud.

"You have died on Earth," said a lovely mature woman. She had chestnut hair, green eyes, voluptuous breast, and a slender waist.

"You may call me Demeter," she said pouring Robert a cup of tea.

"I died…is this heaven or hell?" Robert asked.

"It's neither. This is my plane," Demeter said.

"You mean, I escaped hell?" Robert was thrilled. Even though Robert was agnostic, it didn't mean he didn't prepare for the worst.

"Humans are so curious," Demeter said.

"Wait, why am I here?" Robert asked, the memory started to fade.

"You'll be reincarnated on a planet called Terra, it's like your own but filled with magic. You could become a great swordsman or mage, doesn't that sound interesting?" Demeter said.

"But I'm already an old man, how can I live on another planet?" Robert asked. The memory is almost gone.

"You'll be reincarnated as a noble—," Demeter said when the dream ended.

"No, come back! What's my purpose? Why what I brought here? I needed to know!" Will screamed in his mind, but Demeter nor his memory returned.

"I hope everyone gained the clarity they needed to cast their ballot. To place your elect your clan leader, grab a rock from this bowl and put it near your candidate, the old woman said.

Will and Lawrence stepped out of the single file voting line.

"What did you dream about? I dreamed of swimming in a pile of gold. What about you? Lawrence asked.

"The same," is all Will could mutter.

"That's neat, right? Lawrence said excitedly.

In an hour the voting finished. The elders counted the rocks in front of everyone.

"Savage Wolf is elected the next clan leader. Everyone pay your respect," the old woman said.

At that moment, every Wolfman and woman bowed their heads in submission, even his opponent.

"Raise your heads. After the war with the Naga, there are four great clans: Bears, Tigers, Orcas, and Wolf. Our priority must be securing our lands, especially from the Orca and Tiger clans. The Tiger is now the largest clan. We must endure our safety. I will meet with the elders to discuss a plan. Mr. William vont Ballard, our clansman was responsible for our recent success. We honor you," Savage Wolf said.

"We honor you!" the entire clan chanted.

"Mr. William vont Ballard and Silent Wolf, invite you to join the Elder Council meeting.

The Elder Council meeting on the first floor of the old woman's townhome. Will learned the old woman was the chief elder. She was 127 years old.

"You have us here, what do you want to discuss," and the old man asked.

"I want to go to war with the Fox Clan, and make them out vassals?" Savage Wolf said.

"If we win, who out have us conquer next? Silent Fox asked.

"The Jackal Clan," Savage Wolf said misinterpreting Silent Wolf's question.

"Yes, but when would the wars end? We cannot fight endless wars!" Silent Wolf said.

"We we agree," the old woman spoke for the Elder Council.

"After the Jackal Clan, I will stop with the wars," Savage Wolf said happily.

"Very well, the Elder Tribe shall answer you three days. What next?" the old woman said.

"I await your wisdom," Savage Wolf said bowed respectfully.

"Why is this human here? It goes against our laws?" Silent Wolf asked.

"Our spies in the capital say Will and the Dwarven King have negotiated an agreement, where Mr. Ballard may open a business in their kingdom and the Dwarfs can prospect the Sacred Mountain for gold.

I received new information that Mr. Ballard swore an oath on his lineage never to harm the Sacred Moutan. Yet, the mountains against our tribal lands are vast. I propose we offer a 40, 30, 30, split. Where we and the Dwarfs receive 30% and Mr. Ballard receives 40%. I believe that would appease everyone. Not only shall the Dwarfs mine the mountain, but we'll also pay them to build battle weapons!" Savage Wolf said.

"That is an interesting proposition," said an old man.

"What say you Mr. Ballard to this plan?" the only woman asked.

"I am in favor of it, esteemed elder. I also bought a young slave with Wolf heritage. I'm hoping you all will take her in?" said Will bowing respectfully.

"Clan leader you shall have our answer in three days? the old man said.

"Mr. Ballard, may I ask you a question," Silent Wolf asked.

"Certainly," Will replied.

"Shall you allow beastmen to live in your barony?" Silent Wolf asked.

"Of course," Will answered.

"Do you plan to house beastmen in the slums like the rest of your kingdom?" Silent Wolf asked.

"Whoever has coin may purchase any house. I'm in the business of making money, why would I turn someone who has money away?" Will answered honestly.

"Spoken like a soulless merchant," Silent Wolf reprimanded.

"Thank you," Will replied cheerfully.

"Guards return Mr. Ballard and his spirit animal to their home. Mr. Ballard, I shall see you in three days. Hopefully, we'll ink an accord and treaty in blood," Savage Wolf smiled.