Gods and Dreams Deferred

"What's my purpose!" Will said, covered in sweat, and dreaming in his bed.

For the past month, he kept having the same reoccurring dream. It was the same clairvoyant dream he had in Wolf Clan's séance.

In the dream, he died and went to a formless plane only to be called to Demeter's plane and regain his corporeal body.

He and the goddess Demeter would have the same conversation and the dream would always end the same way, he calling out to her to find his purpose.

Being reincarnated was fine, but there had to be a reason. Or did everyone reincarnate? Will wanted to know.

Will yelled to the Gods, "WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE!"

Suddenly, Michael rushed in with wet cold clothes and put them over his forehead.

Will had a fever, and there were no healers yet in the barony. The next supply caravan was set to arrive this week. One thousand slaves, 50 thousand resettles, and guilds were scheduled to arrive. This would be the largest mass resettlement in the kingdom's history.

Before Will took ill, he built close to a million shops and residences. He covered the angelic gate statues in mithril and the tower on their shields in gold.

Then he built the Church of Gaia, the Citadel of Demeter, and a 20-meter statue of Demeter, which became an obsession. Although Will became ill working on the statue of Demeter, it was his most beautiful piece sculpted from polished white marble. When he worked on that statue he felt closer to Demeter. Like he was standing once again before her.

Michael was worried to see his young lord succumb to such a state. Even worse it appeared his master's delusions were getting worse.

If word of this got out, it could shake the very foundation of the barony. Some people could reverse their decision to migrate.

Michael called for Grandmaster Thaddeus, hoping his master could heal Will.

Elder Thaddeus looked over Will's body, but could not identify anything wrong.

"Will tell me about your delusions?" Elder Thaddeus asked.

After sending away Michael, Will recounted his dream.

"The Goddess Demeter, Pontus, and Gaia's daughter were responsible for your reincarnation," Elder Thaddeus was stunned.

Demeter was a powerful goddess and statues and paintings of her wherein every church of Gaia or home. If Gaia was Mother Earth, Demeter was the goddess of the seasons, and this was associated with the harvest.

After hearing from Will, Elder Thaddeus only thought was put to put Will back into a trance. He knew that was a gamble. That could as easily help him overcome his delusions, as much as drive him to madness.

In a blink Elder, Thaddeus arrived at the Mage Academy Headmaster's office and then Elizabeth's healing class.

Instantly, Elizabeth knew something was wrong. She immediately stood up, her hand trembling.

"Hurry girl, let's go! I'll bring your maid and luggage tomorrow," Elder Thaddeus said watching Elizabeth run through the gate to Will's bedside.

Elizabeth covered him in a healing aura, but Will's condition did not improve.

Elizabeth wept tears of sadness.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked between tears.

"He's locked in a dream state," Grandmaster Thaddeus said.

"Can you help him?" Elizabeth asked meekly. She didn't want the last memory Will had of her, leaving him and refusing to wish him safe travels. She cursed herself, she had always been herself and never cared to change her behavior. Now, she vowed to change to the Gods, if they healed her future husband.

"Yes, but the cure, might also drive him to madness," Grandmaster Thaddeus said.

Elizabeth froze, which would she choose? What kind of false choice was this help or harm? There was only one answer, as long as he live, no matter his state, she would love him regardless.

"Help him, please?" Elizabeth pleaded.

Immediately, Grandmaster Thaddeus summoned a terrifying amount of mana toward Will's head. Thaddeus Ming cast the forbidden spell [Dream Weaver], which allowed him to view another's dreams and manipulate them. He had used this spell hundreds of times on his enemy.

"Welcome Thaddeus Ming," said a beautiful woman dressed in white with a halo over her head.

"Are you Demeter? The goddess that troubles my disciple?" He asked.

"Yes, the very same. William is quite fond of you," the goddess replied.

Grandmaster Thaddeus tried to cast a spell.

"You have no power here, mortal," Demeter said.

"Leave my disciple's dream," Thaddeus commanded.

"But we are in your dreams. This is your mind! You are not permitted access to William's mind. No one is," Demeter said reviewing Thaddeus' life.

"No, get out of my head," Elder Thaddeus said out loud.

Elizabeth looked troubled at Grandmaster Thaddeus' squinting face.

"My you had a busy revengeful life. Only your mother and Will have crept into your shriveled heart. I know the only reason, you went to Eleanor's funeral was to see if you'd feel something. Will's criticism in the carriage ride from Rijilir to Guidon, really got to you, huh?" Demeter asked seriously.

"She was my friend, my first mentee?" Thaddeus disagreed.

"No, you treated her more like a servant than a friend," Demeter chastised.

"I did not," Thaddeus said, realizing that he could have treated Eleanor differently.

"What about Will, do you love him? Are you capable of love? Demeter asked.

"Why would I help him, if I didn't love him?" Thaddeus questioned.

"To further your legacy, that's why you wanted a disciple in the first place?" Demeter said.

"No, Will is different. I love him," Thaddeus said.

"If you love him, why haven't you told him you're dying? Mortal, even yourself, cannot live forever. Even this spell has further shortened your life. You have less than 20 years to live. My aunt Nyx is lovingly awaiting your soul," Demeter said.

"I'd trade my soul to save Will's. I will gladly die for my disciple," Thaddeus said.

"That would be the first honorable thing you've done in your life," Demeter said.

"Please tell me what is wrong with William, and how I may help him," Thaddeus said.

"The seal, I put on Will's memory before he reincarnated was undone. I'm fixing it now, it's not time yet for Will to learn his true identity or destiny," Demeter said.

"Thank you for healing him. Ask, anything and I will obey," Thaddeus said.

"Visit my Aunt Nyx's church after it is built. Pray to her, she may offer you an opportunity to extend your mortal life," Demeter said.

Thaddeus regained consciousness. He checked his surroundings, he was still in Will's bedroom.

"Goddess Demeter told me he'll be fine, his fever should subside in a day or two," Grandmaster Thaddeus said to Elizabeth.

"Thank you Grandmaster Thaddeus for healing him," Elizabeth said.

"You should thank the gods instead," Grandmaster Thaddeus said walking out the door. In the future, after his conversation with Demeter, Elder Thaddeus reduced the intensity of Will's training.

Two days later, Will's delusions and fever subsided. Will was shocked to see Elizabeth when he woke up.

Elizabeth for her sake did not stop apologizing to Will about her behavior.

Other the other hand, Michael was so overjoyed he secretly prayed in the chapel of the manor. As far he was concerned the barony was saved.

When Kurosawa heard Will was sick from exhaustion he felt horrible. It was he who ask Will to build, buildings, roads, and sewerage pipes.

Now Kurosawa worried he would be reprimanded or asked to resign when Will recovered. Instead, Kurosawa received a letter of support and encouragement from Will. Kurosawa swore a devotion to Will and Gadreel to do his best.

All those mocking nobles at the Royal Academy were now lavishing praise on him. Kurosawa felt restitution from his years of suffering at the Royal Academy.

A day later, Will and Elizabeth sat on the Mansion's roof terrace and watched over 50,000 people walk through the Gates of Gadreel. The Gates of Gadreel was a show-stopper. Will smiled as he watch people, stop and marvel at the guardian angels.

"Look how amazed they are at your city?" Elizabeth said

"Our City," Will said holding Elizabeth's hand. Elizabeth's heart beat faster.

From this bird's eye, Will saw Kurosawa organizing the new residents. Will liked Kurosawa. Will admired how Kurosawa had thrown himself into his work. Will knew this position was his dream, and Will knew, Kurosawa would see his dream come true. How many city managers' lords could build their city in less than two months? This was why Will gave Kurosawa the freedom to design the city.

Kurosawa met the new arrivals with his newly appointed secretaries. Kurosawa and his secretaries quickly assigned families to houses, and merchants to plots of land. Construction workers from Fermion and Albania moved to Gadreel.

Morning and night, lumberjacks, carpenters, blacksmiths, and construction workers worked in 8-hour shifts nonstop, 24 hours a day. Hundreds of construction projects were underway.

This was a time of great prosperity for the kingdom. Between Prince Roland's infrastructure campaign, and Will's new city, money flowed through the hands of millions.

Will received news that his long-term associate Mr. Murphy was promoted to Gadreel's Merchant Guild Master.

While Will rested in bed, Elizabeth did not leave his side, she even sat in bed with him as he regained his strength.

After Will got better, he gave Elizabeth and the household staff a tour of the mansion.

Elizabeth was amazed at the grandeur manor. She had never seen an architectural facade with such elaboration. Not just her, but the staff marveled at the beauty of the house.

After touring the manor, Elizabeth knew Wiill's Renaissance design would create a new architectural fad in Fermion.