
A week later, Duke and Duchess vont Whitby, and Baron and Baroness vont Ballard crossed the river and rode into Gadreel. After recovering from his illness, Elizabeth and Will decided to invite their parents to travel to Gadreel.

When the Gates of Gadreel was insight, Baron vont Ballard and Duke vont Whitby stared out the window and marveled at the mithril and gold shields held by armored angelic warriors.

"Impressive," complimented Duke Francis.

"Yes, I've never seen such stately gates," James vont Ballard.

"It's hard to believe he built this city himself; I hope he's not pushing himself too hard," Helen vont Ballard said worriedly. Elizabeth had messaged her earlier about Will's bout of exhaustion.

When the carriage passed through the gates, Kurosawa greeted the nobles with a deep bow atop his horse and said, "Your grace, I regret to inform you my lord is unable to greet you himself. I am Kurosawa Sato, Gadreel's City Manager. Lord vont Ballard asked that I guide you to his manor and answer any questions you have."

Kurosawa gave the parents a tour of the city, and answered any questions they had. He also jotted down questions which he could not answer. He showed them the Church of Gaia and Citadel of Demeter, City Administration offices, and noble districts.

"The city is so large, it feels empty," Duke Francis acknowledged.

"I cannot imagine how this city shall look when it full?" agreed Duchess Charlotte.

However, it wasn't until they passed the portcullis to enter City Lord's Manor, that they truly marveled.

"How transportive, I feel like I'm in the country again," Helen vont Ballard marveled.

The massive mansion against the backdrop of the mountain and waterfall looked more illusionary than real. The mansion was guarded on three sides by massive walls but felt rural at the same time. Sentries stood on those walls, guarding the main entrance.

The manor sat on over 1,000 hectares of pristine land. It looked like an isolated, rural manor, trapped in a painting. This was a painting that looked too beautiful. The mothers instantly fell in love with the manor and land.

The two carriages rolled over the cobbled drive and the closer they came to the manor, the more details they could view. They had never seen a manor with such a unique façade, but they, like Elizabeth, felt they would see that façade more in the future.

Outside the manor, the household staff stood formally along the steps to greet the parents.

Again, and again, the parents were impressed by the city gates, city planning, construction, noble district, and finally Will's manor.

At once, the parents realized the magnitude of the city. The city would surely grow to equal Yorkshire and Guidon. Moreover, it was plausible Gadreel might overtake Guidon in importance.

At the doorway, Elizabeth and Will stood to greet their parents. The parents were happy to see their children's smiling faces. Despite being young adults, their parents still cared about their welfare.

"Greetings Mother and father" Elizabeth greeted, curtsying to both parents.

"Welcome to my humble abode. Care for a tour?" Will said answer hugging his mother.

"Please lead the way," Duke Francis insisted.

Will gave both families a tour. This was the first time the parents had seen such grand amenities.

The double helix stairs, drawing rooms, grand halls, foyers, bell tower, terrences, garden, vineyards, stable, and hutting lodge were all more than remarkable.

Duke Francis and Duchess Charlette knew Will's manor was many things, but humble was not one. Will's manor was as stately as their own and sat tucked away, hidden within a large city, inside an enclosed forest. It was unique.

Although the house was empty of furnishings, the rooms were massive and dignified, perfect for housing royalty. Only the dining room and five guest rooms were furnished.

It was clear to the parents, that Will had prioritized the construction of Gadreel, over the furnishing of his manor.

How could Helen vont Ballard and Charlotte vont Whitby standby and let their children's home furnishings belayed?

"Elizabeth, may we see you in the Lady's Drawing room," her mother asked.

"Yes dear, just a moment of your time?" said Helen vont Ballard.

Under the intervention of her mother and future mother-in-law, Elizabeth made the interior design of the manor a top project. Elizabeth wrote letters to the top silversmith, goldsmiths, artist, and carpenters in the kingdom to immediately come to Gadreel and furnish the manor.

These people were even allowed to live on the property as long as the castle was filled with the best and most beautiful ornate furniture or artwork.

After the tour and intermission, both families sat down for a sumptuous meal.

"William, now that your new barony is settled, you must throw a debut party as soon as possible," James vont Ballard encouraged.

"Is that a necessity?" Will asked.

"Baron vont Ballard, you are the first new Baron in at least 100 years. Most new nobles are like your city manager, a noble in name only. Even fewer are bestowed with the title of Baronet.

The newly promoted nobles are expected to host a debut party. You are expected to introduce your new fiefdom to society and establish yourself as a respected gentleman," Duke Francis vont Whitby said.

Will turned to Elizabeth, "When do you think we schedule the Debut Ball for our barony?" Will asked.

"I've spoken with our mothers. In two months, with the fourth supply shipment. The house should be presentable by then?" Elizabeth said to Will, as both mothers nodded in agreement with Elizabeth's decision.

"Why two months? Don't you leave the week after to return to your class," Will asked.

Elizabeth nodded. Earlier she wanted to say, 'our house,' instead of 'the house,' but was overcome anxiety.

"It may take up to two weeks for some nobles to receive the invitation. Remember Baron, most nobles do not live in the royal capital, or Guidon, but are governing their lands. It shall take time to send a representative and wait for a reply," the Duke advised.

"Son, do not forget the time it takes to travel to your fiefdom. It could talk a month for some to arrive by carriage," James vont Ballard added.

"Ahem, speaking of months away…should we not set a date for the marriage ceremony? I believe it should happen the month after her graduation?" the duke said.

"Agreed," Baron James vont Ballard agreed.

"What do you both think," Helen vont Ballard asked.

"I'm fine with it," Elizabeth said before Will could answer, then she blushed.

The four parents laughed at her forwardness.

"Good then it's settled," said Duchess Charlotte vont Whitby.

"Elizabeth, the baroness, Ms. Park, and I will help you write the Debut Ball invitation letters," Duchess Charlotte smiled lovingly.

After saying that, the three couples split each going to their separate rooms. The mansion finally filling somewhat full.

The next morning, promptly at 8th bell, Kurosawa entered into Will's study. Since Will's recovery, he asked Kurosawa to brief every morning about the barony's progress. Nisha sleeps on Will's desk in her house cat form.

Today, Kurosawa looked respectfully at Francis and James. Both men came from long lines of nobility, he was sure with their expertise Gadreel would become the best city in the country.

"My lord, the logging camp has requested more help. The carpenters and construction camps are consuming the lumber faster than we cut down the forest. I've told them there are no free hands until next month's supply shipment.

As you requested, we prioritize mills, animal pens, barracks, and the central market. Those should be finished before next month's supplies arrive.

However, we do need your help building more houses.

The Bishop of Gadreel sends his gratitude for you constructing the Church of Gaia and Citadel of Gadreel before their arrival. The other churches and guilds are still in construction. Of the guilds, the Thieves Guild has been the most difficult negotiation. As you suggested, they agreed to leave Elder Thaddeus cottage and your manor alone," Kurosawa finished.

"Anything else of note," Will asked.

"Yes, your lordship, the farmers continue to praise you for constructing the irrigation and waterways. At the same time, many merchants are complaining about your lack of approving any trade with Albania," Kurosawa said diplomatically. Kurosawa was a skilled manager. Skilled managers would often first praise their boss, before offering them the bad news.

"What did you tell them?" Will asked.

"I told them what you instructed me to say. That you would not issue seals, until you met with the Albanian emissary," Kurosawa said

"Well done! What of the Death Valley fort?" Will asked. That was the fort he visited for his end of term exam.

"My lord, they agreed to patrol for illegal merchants, and all confiscated products shipped to the Barony's supply warehouses," Kurosawa said.

"That Kurosawa, you may leave? Tell Miles to enter," Will said.

Miles entered the study bowed after Kurosawa left.

"Report," Will ordered.

"Boss Will, the cafe, general store, and theatre are complete. The casino still lacks beds, tables, and games, but is otherwise complete. The bank construction is complete, but we're waiting on the vault," Miles said.

"Well begin selling items as soon as possible, the sooner we sell, the faster we make money. Are there any other shops or inns open yet?" Will asked.

"Other than a few taverns, your stores are the first to open. The general store already has a line out the door," Miles said proudly.

"Good! Send in Bubba," Will ordered.

"Milord," Bubba said kneeling.

"How does the city guard fare?" Will questioned.

"Milord, morale is up and the city is safe. Although, there are reports of bandit camps in the area. Permission to clear them out?" Bubba asked.

"Of course, coordinate with Kurosawa first before you leave," Will ordered.

Bubba saluted and then left.

"Is the life of a young Baron always this exciting" Francis asked James.

"Your Grace, my son and I have very different experiences," James laughed, making Francis laugh.

Suddenly there came a knock on the study door, Michael entered and said, "Lady Elizabeth, wishes to know if you have a few moments?"

"Thank you, Michael. Grant her entry," Will said, as the old men raised a curious eyebrow.

"Greetings Will, father, Baron vont Ballard," Elizabeth curtsied.

"Greetings," each man replied.

"Before I send the invitations, I wish to know whom you like to invite?" Elizabeth asked.

"Invited the Albanian emissary, Master Duncan, Savage Wolf, Holo, and Lawrence," Will said.

"You want to invite a dwarf and beastmen to your Home Debut Ball?" James vont Ballard was stunned.

"Why would you invite a halfling and beast to your noble party?" James asked angrily.

Halfling and beast were derogatory names for dwarfs and beastmen.

"Father they are my friends and allies. If you wish to persecute them, father you are welcome to not attend," Will said assertively.

"You would put that trash ahead of your own family and blood," James said angrily.

"I will not people slander my business partners! Elizabeth on the invitations please let our guests know, that discrimination against my trading partners shall be grounds for dismissal," Will said.

"Sit and relax James, let the youth have their way. Old men like us have better things to do than engage in folly," the Duke advised.

"Yes, your Grace!" James said.

"Should we invite the king and Regent," Will asked.

"Your peerage is too low to make such a request, so I shall," the Duke said.

Two weeks, Will and Elder Thaddeus were sparing in the garden.

"Master, could I ask for your help?" Will said controlling four spells at once: [Radar], [Tectonic], [Iron Amor], and [Arrowhead].

"You rely too much on [Arrowhead], do you see why I waited to give you that spell?" Elder Thaddeus said.

"Thank you, master, but that is not the help I sought," Will said.

"Don't be forked tongue, hurry up and speak," Elder Thaddeus said casting a fire cyclone at Will.

"Master, I was wondering if you could link two objects together through space?" Will asked.

"You planning to hire me as a third employee?" Elder Thaddeus laughed.

"I would never offer you such an insult," Will said.

"There is a method, but there must be a fair exchange," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Name your price?" Will said.

"I'll take my pound of flesh later," Elder Thaddeus grinded menacingly.

Immediately, Will felt like the woman in Rumpelstiltskin, who got her to wish but regretted her decision in the end.

"Tell your master what you wish?" Elder Thaddeus asked curiously.

"Master, I want my banks and auction houses connected by spatial magic. That way my customers' accounts shall be current no matter their location," Will asked. Will wanted to create an intranet for his business.

An intranet is a computer network that shares information, tools, and an operating system, within an organization, to the exclusion of outsiders.

"Remember our agreement," Elder Thaddeus said, disappearing behind his spell [Gate].