
When the criers in Yorkshire announced the churches and guilds agreed to open in Gadreel, it was unknown to Will and Kurosawa. Moreover, when they learned of the news, they were bought caught off guard.

Never in Kurosawa's wildest dreams did he think he'd have the opportunity to manage such a wondrous city. Normally, it would take a decade for a hamlet to become a village, and then several decades for a village to become a town. From there it would take a skilled mayor or city manager to transition a town into a city. Yet, his lord managed to accomplish building a city in months instead of years. It was truly impressive.

To be designated a city by the crown in Fermion, a settlement had to have three things: a population greater than 5,000, a marketplace, and a church.

Given Will's slave contract, his business, and his close relationship with the Church of Gaia, everyone expected Gadreel to be a city, but not this quickly.

Yet, there was still protocolled to follow. After the churches, and guilds' announcements representatives were still down to identify potential locations and purchase the property.

Two weeks later, 12 caravans stopped in front of the Gates of Gadreel. Bishops and guild masters stepped out of their respective carriages.

Harold Murphy from the Merchant Guild, and others from the Alchemy, Adventurer, Mercenary, Crafter, and Thieves Guilds marveled at the mithril and gold Gates of Gadreel, the large swaths of farmland, and the fully built walled city.

"Welcome esteemed guests?" Kurosawa said with a low bow.

"Salutations City Lord?" said the representatives respectfully.

"My Lord Bishops, my lord has granted you land to build your churches. He's also committed to paying the building cost for the churches," Kurosawa explained.

"Bishop Omar your champion is very pious," complimented the Bishop of Aether.

"Yes, most lords negotiate the price of the land and building, I cannot remember the last time a lord agreed to grant land and pay the construction cost," agreed the Bishop of Nyx.

"Yes, Baron vont Ballard is a devout," Bishop vont Omar agreed with a wide smile.

"Bishop vont Omar, my lord took it upon himself to build the Church of Gaia and Citadel of Demeter. He hopes you find the buildings to your liking," Kurosawa bowed.

"He built the church and a Citadel of Demeter!" Bishop vont Omar said surprised.

"Yes, all that's missing is furnishings," Kurosawa added.

"Oh my, how devout indeed," complimented Mr. Murphy.

"Guild Masters, my lord is also happy to construct your buildings for a small fare," Kurosawa explained.

"Bishops, please follow my clerk he'll lead you to your property. Guild Master, please follow me to my office to negotiate the purchase of your property," Kurosawa explained.

"Does that include us?" asked said a man with a black eye patch.

"I'm sorry sir, what guild are you with?" Kurosawa said apologetically.

"I'm with the Thieves Guild," he said with a toothy smile.


Hearing that Kurosawa was so stunned to speak.

After a few seconds, Kurosawa responded, "Ah. Sir, I must ask my lord for assistance?"

When Will arrived at the Gadreel Land Office, all the guilds, except Thieves, had registered with his administration and purchased land.

"Welcome to Gadreel!" Will greeted everyone when he arrived.

The guild masters were quick to heap compliments on Will for his massive walled city. And after a brief conversation, the guild master left to visit the stonemason to have their guild buildings constructed.

With the paperwork completed, Gadreel was officially a city and major city with three primordial churches, Merchant Guild, Crafter Guild, and Alchemy Guild.

Now only Will, Kurosawa, the Mercenary Guild Master, and the six thieves Guild Masters remained in Kurosawa's office.

On Terra, thievery was an organized crime, similar to the mafia and cartels. And like any other crime syndicate, the Thieves Guild had rules and a hierarchy. Other than criminalities, the Thieves Guild functioned like every other guild.

On Earth, the Colombian and Mexican cartels, Italian and Russian mafias, Triad, and Yakuza were the dominant criminal enterprises. On Terra, the Copperheads, Navigators, Papery, Beggars, Assassins, and Unseen Hand.

The Copperheads were a guild of burglars, who stole from the wealthy and poor alike. The Navigators was a smuggling guild, that focused on the illicit trade of goods either out or into cities. The Papery were expert forgers.

The Beggars were an organized group of panhandlers and information brokers. The Assassins were murderers for hire. Finally, the Unseen Hand was a group of professional pickpockets who hustled the wealthy to give to the needy.

Will knew the best way to deal with criminals, based on his past experiences, was through honest negotiations. Oftentimes, Will found crime lords were more honest than CEOs.

Moreover, he knew the black market, underground, shadow, or informal economy would exist no matter what. The informal economy was more likely to help than to take advantage of vulnerable people. On Earth, the biggest problem with the informal economy was the inability to tax.

On Terra, the various thieves' guilds were noble thieves and held a loose coalition. The guilds were not allowed to operate on each other's territory. Violating this agreement could lead to a turf war. Unless Gadreel's Thieves Guild Master granted limited permission to other guilds.

It was rare for all six thieves' guilds to compete for the same city, but given Gadreel's proximity to an important trade route, city size, and a famous city lord, it was the perfect city for a criminal syndicate.

"Lord, do you have a preference?" Kurosawa asked curiously.

"I am a merchant who focuses on prosperity, while it might seem I'm at odds with thieves, I believe we have much in common. Let's work together to make Gadreel great! Now can someone explain the benefits of having a Thieves Guild in my city?" Will asked curiously.

"If I may? My lord, most towns have a Thieves Guild, for one reason or another. Sometimes it's just to keep the real troublemakers out; other times it's to ensure you have a reasonable list of options."

"I assume the options are I can access the thieves' services," Will guessed.

"Yes, but there are also penalties to having a Thieves Guild in Gadreel, the most significant, is that we're choosing to look the other way on some crime. But at least the crime will be organized," Kurosawa recalled.

"Crime is an inevitable fact of life, better to regulate it than to leave it and let it fester," Will agreed.

"Yes, I agree my lord. Crime shall happen, especially as the city grows. At least this way, you may decide which thief's guild shall manage thievery. Except for the Assassin Guild, the majority do not believe in violence or participate in murder for hire," Kurosawa concluded.

"Then you and I are of the same accord," Will said to Kurosawa. Then he turned to face the thieves' guild leaders.

"I thank all of you for coming, but I only wish to negotiate with the smugglers and beggars. They intrigue me. I'm curious to know what goods you can smuggle in and what information you can provide?" Will said pointing to the two guild leaders.

"Name's Adam Worth, we smuggle anything big or small. You name it so we can smuggle it in or out?" Adam said.

"Do you smuggle people?" Kurosawa asked.

"We do, we move goods and people across Terra," he said grinning.

"And what information can I buy?" Will asked a woman wearing a gray beggar's hooded cloak with a homing pigeon on her left shoulder.

"It's an honor to greet you, Lord William vont Ballard," she said bowing. "I am Felicity, and we have information brokers across Fermion. I can find out a person's wealth or the undergarments your fiancée's wearing," she said in a sultry voice.

"Interesting? Your guilds are equally impressive. Kurosawa am I only allowed to choose one? What's your opinion?" Will asked earnestly.

"My lord, I recommend the Beggars, my instructors at the Royal Academy instilled in us information was the most valuable commodity," Kurosawa said.

"So true. But, smuggling goods inside the city is also financially lucrative," Will said pensively.

"I'm amenable to working with Adam. Accept the Beggars Guild and we promise to set up a warehouse for the Navigators," Barbara replied a step ahead of Reynolds.

"Adam, how does your smuggling guild operate?" Will asked curiously, ignoring Barbara's comment.

"Goods come to us, we provide the paperwork, and they'll travel on your wagons," Adam explained.

"Where do your goods come from?" Will asked to clarify.

"Our goods are procured from traders whose only crime is not working with the Merchant Guilds. Traders who struggle to pay the Merchant Guild's exorbitant fees and dues come to us for assistants. You'd be surprised to find out how many traders pay their Merchant Guild fees by working with us," Adam explained.

"Do you certify the contents?" Will wondered.

"We're smugglers, not appraisers. It's not our job to certify every magic herb, sword, or weight of wheat," Adam argued.

"If your goods are going on my wagons, it'll cost you silvers. Can your guild pay?" Will asked deliberately.

"We don't pay in gold, instead you can request a free magic item once a month?" Adam described.

"And Guild Master Barbara, would you sell information about my family or me?" Will investigated.

"Yes, but we'll give you free information in return," she said with a shrug.

"I don't know if I'm more comfortable transporting stolen goods or having access to my household for sell?" Will said honestly.

"My lord, we can negotiate. However, I fear mandating them to not provide information on your family, shall make the negotiations more difficult," Kurosawa explained.

"Then Kurosawa I leave the rest to you, I must prepare for my trip to the Dwarven Kingdom," Will said preparing to return to his home.

"Lord vont Ballard, before you leave there are still two guilds who you haven't addressed," Kurosawa said pointing to a tall, muscular, tan woman, and a man wearing black armor, a black cape, and a black eye patch.

Based on their auras, Will could tell both they were master ranked, and based on their scars both had experienced extensive fighting. The only thing Will was confident about was that separately he might stand a chance, if he fought both together, he might die.

"Whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" Will said diplomatically.

"The Adventurer and Mercenary Guild Masters," the woman said pointing to herself first and then the man.

"Adventurer Guild Master, you have my express approval to build an Adventurer Guild in Gadreel. As you are well aware my brother is a graduate of your Adventure Academy and a long term member. I would appreciate it if you'd see fit to offer him a position, even an honorary one with the guild," Will said signing the contract.

"Hmph," she nodded affirmatively and left to visit the Land Office.

"Mercenary Guild Master, please tell me the perks of building a lodge inside my city?" Will asked.

"A mercenary lodge allows transient mercenaries a place to rest, eat, and choose new quests. Moreover, if your city is ever attacked, you can recruit mercenaries for a steep discount," he explained.

"Interesting, but what security do I have you won't ransack my new city?" Will wondered.

"Per our contract, the Mercenary Guild pledges never to betray the city where a lodge is built. In Fermion, other than Yorkshire, Gadreel shall be only the second city to have a Mercenary Guild Lodge," he explained.

"How much would it cost me to have a perpetual contract with the Mercenary Guild?" Will investigated.

"100 silvers a week and an additional 50 gold when in combat," he suggested.

"Agreed. Now go visit the Gadreel's Land Office," Will said shaking his hand before leaving to check in with Bishop Omar.

Minutes later, Will walked to the Church of Gaia. Outside the church, Will saw Bishop vont Omar talking to two other people.

"Greeting City Lord vont Ballard," they greeted Will.

"Lord vont Ballard, let me introduce you to the bishops of Aether and Nyx," Bishop vont Omar introduced.

"Greetings your excellencies," Will bowed.

"We just finished touring the Church of Gaia and Citadel of Demeter. I believe this church outshines the main church in Yorkshire. Moreover, the sacred Citadel of Demeter shall become a pilgrimage site. I fear the Churches of Aether and Nyx shall struggle in Gadreel," the Bishop of Aether complimented.

"Your excellencies, I hope there comes a time when all the primordial churches flourish in Gadreel," Will replied diplomatically.

"Well said, your piousness is well known. Before I go, I wish to express my gratitude for paying the construction fees. Rarely do people show deference to the Church of Nyx. As Bishop of Nyx, I proclaim you shall never pay an Oath of Death in Fermion," she swore before leaving.

"Similarly, I shall petition the Cardinal vont Clermont to grant you an Oath of Silence allowance," said the Bishop of Aether before waving farewell.

"Baron vont Ballard, you have outdone yourself. Never have I seen them look at me so jealously. Ha-ha. The Bishop of Aether is right, your Church of Gaia is better than the church in Yorkshire. And your statue of Demeter is peerless, beyond compare. Never have I seen a statue more beautiful in my life. I shall petition Cardinal vont Gaius to declare the Citadel of Demeter a pilgrimage site," Bishop vont Omar said gleefully.

"I am happy you are satisfied," Will replied.

"Satisfied is an understatement. The Gadreel shall become the holy city for the Church of Gaia, devotees of Gaia shall come from far and wide to visit the Church of Gaia and the Citadel of Demeter," Bishop vont Omar said hugging Will.

Will was stunned when Bishop vont Omar hugged him. He never considered the church, nor the citadel he constructed to be all that exceptional. Originally, he went to visit Bishop vont Omar to make sure the church was acceptable.

A month later, news of guilds' and churches' approval and land purchases became national news. The quick construction of Gadreel and the arrival of guilds and primordial churches further increased the rabid interest in Gadreel.