Alchemy and Fireworks

When the airship landed in Yorkshire, Crown Prince Roland Godwin made remarks during the celebration. However, also took the opportunity to set the port fees at 10 silvers per passenger.

That meant any port where the airship docked could charge 10 silvers a head for people getting off. Which meant Will would have to increase his ticket prices by 10 silvers.

Will also knew passengers would gladly pay 10 silver more to ride on an airship.

To have an operational luxury airship was an historic feat. The Yorkshire port filled with nobles, merchants, crafters, and commoners celebrated this historic achievement with thunderous applause.

Now the kingdom, could transport people and goods in half the time. Not to mention air travel was less expensive and twice as comfortable.

Self obsessed nobles couldn't wait to brag to their friends and family about riding on an airship. The airship was almost as entertaining, as the practical transportation itself.

After the regent spoke, Will decided to surprise everyone with some good news.

"My fellow Fermionians, I shall now announce the name of our second airship…the HMS Roland!" Will said to thunderous applause.

The crown prince was surprised to learn the second ship was almost completed. He thought Will would name the ship after his grandfather or some archaic heroes. There were certainly many wind mages he could've chosen.

While the ship was docked Will disembarked. "Greetings you Royal Highness Crown Prince Roland Godwin vont Whitby," Will bowed deeply. Since this was a public meeting Will spoke very formally.

"Congratulations are in order Baron William vont Ballard. I never thought, I'd see an operational airship in my lifetime," Crown Prince Roland said.

"Thank you for that wonderful speech!" Will said graciously.

"Oh Baron, your supply from the north has arrived. Should I have it loaded onto the ship?" the prince asked.

"Yes please your highness," Will said excited his sulfur and guano finally arrived.

"I'm curious, what are these things for?" the prince probed.

"It's for my wedding! I plan to give my guests a grand surprise," I Will told the prince knowing such a secret could never be kept.

"Thank you for telling me. Father and I were curious, but we didn't want to pry," Crown Prince Roland said.

Will knew the king was suspicious of him, but he rarely intervened.

"Father and I plan to travel by airship to your wedding. Other then the captain and crew, the airship should be empty," the regent instructed.

"I'll send an airship a week before the wedding," Will agreed.

"Farewell Baron, I looked forward to officially becoming family," Crown Prince Roland said.

Will bowed to the prince before embarking on the airship.

The airship left Yorkshire and flew to Guidon, before finally returning home to Gadreel, where it would be cleaned and service for a day before taking off again.

From that day forth, airships became a constant source of travel. Farmers enjoyed looking up and watching the airships sail by.

Back in Gadreel, Will paid porters to load his goods on a cart pulled by a mule and deliver them to his house.

Will immediately teleported to Miles' office, scaring him half to death.

"I apologize for scaring you, but I'd like you to join me," Will asked politely.

"Yes Boss Will," Miles stammered. His heart was still beating a million beats per second.

In Fermion, almost every occupation had a guild. The alchemy shops were no different.

As one of the unique occupations in the county, alchemist were esteemed mages.

Admittance to the alchemy classes at the Mage Academy was very competitive. After all, there wasn't a single magic user who didn't want to breakthrough his current rank.

Most of the time, a magic user would require the help of an alchemist to solve these problems.

The pills forged by alchemist could boost the medicinal properties of the herbs, thus creating a greater effect on the magic users.

That's precisely the reason why the Alchemy Guild was extremely crowded. Every day, crowds of people would gather in there for inquiries and procurement of medicine.

Will had never visited the guild, but he knew where it was located.

After walking along the streets for an hour, he and Miles arrived at his destination.

The magnificent building, was adjacent to the Merchant Guild. The Alchemy Guild was just as opulent as the Merchant Guild.

It was apparent to anyone, that the Alchemy Guild was very affluent. Along the outside columns, golden snakes crawled upward.

Outside a board hung on top of the entrance, and two majestic words were carved on it, [Alchemy Guild!]

Without much hesitation, Will and Miles walked walked in and saw a vast lounge. The interiors of the Alchemy Guild was bustling with people walking to and fro. Some people dressed like alchemist, some came to pass the alchemy's test, others were here to buy pills and potions.

Will's main goal for coming here was to look for an alchemist to build his fireworks.

However, Will did not know a single person in the Alchemy Guild, and it wasn't suitable for him to ask about it from others, that's why he brought Miles.

"Miles, I need to find an alchemist for a project. How do I get acquainted with one?" Will asked.

"Boss Will, you need to ask the receptionist. She can recommend whether we visit a local shop or Master Alchemist in the guild," Miles informed Will.

Hearing Miles, Will made up his mind and walked forward to the reception of the Alchemy Guild.

Wendy Lang was a receptionist at the front desk of the Apothecary Guild. Her greatest wish was to become an alchemist. However, it was a pity that she was lacking in talent and even after numerous tries, she still had yet to pass the examination to become an apprentice.

Helpless, she could only work at the front desk while trying her best to study.

Working as a receptionist at the front desk of the Alchemy Guild might seem like nothing, but the income was truly not bad. She would get a commission on every pill sold and while the commission isn't a large sum, the more pills were sold, the more she would earn. Thus, her salary in a single year tend to be six or seven times of those working in the same job.

However, despite the generous pay, she didn't want to stay in this job for a single day longer. It wasn't because of the difficulty of the job but rather... her outer appearance.

She was in her early twenties, the pinnacle of her youth and beauty. Furthermore, her parents had gifted her with a spectacular face. While it might not be top-notch, it could be considered as one in a hundred.

Being beautiful should have been a blessing. As long as one was a woman, one would be proud of it. However, it would be a totally different matter if the woman were to work here. Often having to stand in the frontlines in receiving customers, countless young masters of distinguished families would intentionally run over here to chat her up, coming up with all kinds of ridiculous demands.

There were even a few who were incredibly persistent, visiting her every single day and using every single trick in the book, leaving her incredibly annoyed.

However, as a salesperson, she wasn't allowed to chase them away. If she were to do so and her pursuers claimed that they were only here to purchase pills, she would be in for a lot of trouble!

"Let's hope that I will not meet those shameless flies today!" Wendy exclaimed inside her head.

Muttering under her breath, she tidied up her uniform and stood at the reception with a smile. Soon afterward, a young man and his steward walked over.

This young man didn't seem too old, probably below twenty. His complexion was well-maintained, smooth and radiant even when compared to hers. He had silver hair and sparkling light emerald eyes.

"Mister, is there anything that you need?"

Will flashed a business-like smile at her.

"I want to find an alchemist to make something for," the young man said.

Will didn't know how the Alchemy Guild worked, so he could only inquire at the front reception.

"We only sell pills and herbs, we do not take orders this is the Alchemy Guild!"

Upon hearing the other party's words, the smile on Will's face collapsed and his complexion turned upset.

'Even if you want to hit on me, you should be more professional about it,' Wendy thought to herself.

"Then how do I go about getting my item crafted?" Will asked.

"If you want something crafted, go to the Crafter's Guild or a restaurant?" Wendy said rudely.

"Miss you are speaking to Gadreel's City Lord, Baron William vont Ballard!" Miles said angrily.

"Nice try, do you know how many men use that line to try and court me. If you are not here to purchase pills leave. Shoo!" she said with her arms akimbo and staring at Will with a cold intent.

'Now men bring in their friends to collaborate their story. Honestly, everyone knew the City Lord was traveling on his airship to Yorkshire. How stupid due these men, think I am?' Wendy thought to herself.

Will and Miles looked at each other dumbfounded. They had never experienced this sort of treatment before. How could someone not recognize Will, when he was standing in front of them. He was a international celebrity.

Wendy Lang and already decided that this fellow is here to cause trouble to attract her attention.

'Otherwise, who would have the audacity to order the Alchemy Guild to make a something.

People come here to make purchases not place orders. Wasn't this boy looking for a beating like this?' Wendy thought.

At this moment, Will noticed the snappish attitude of the other party. He couldn't help but be bewildered by her queer actions.

'He didn't offend her, so why would she behave like this? Did Miles offend her?' Will wondered.

"It could it be her menstrual period!" Shaking his head, he didn't allow the issue to linger in his mind. As a civilized and wise reincarnater, he knew better than to squabble with a woman over such a minor affair.

If Wendy Lang were to know of his thoughts, she would surely be driven mad.

"How about this, the Alchemy Guild should have a Guild Master right? Can you bring us to him or her?" Miles asked politely.

Knowing that it was impossible to explain his way through the matter, Will mused for a moment and let Miles handle the situation.

"Fine you wish to embarrass yourselves, for my benefit, I'll get the Vice Guild Master to shoo you away," Wendy said before leaving.

Regardless of whether it was the Merchant Guild or Alchemy Guild, they should be receptive to guests.

Will remembered the stern receptionist when he first sought to join the Merchant Guild.

Maybe all receptionists are trained to be impenetrable gatekeepers. Still this receptionist, made the Guidon Merchant Guild receptionist seem like a sweet fairy godmother.

"See Vice Guild Master, these are the men who are flirting with me. I asked them to leave, but they caused a scene to get my interest!" Wendy Lang complained.

"I can assure you that's not the case Vice Guild Master," Miles bowed to a round tan woman with auburn hair and rich brown eyes.

"Good afternoon City Lord Baron vont Ballard and Senior Clerk Miles, how may I be of service?" she asked.

"You may start by disciplining your receptionist!" Will said forcefully.

Wendy's eyes grew to become saucer plates. She never thought the person standing before her was the actual city lord and his clerk to managed the famous Silver Phoenix companies in Gadreel.

"I apologize, please forgive me," Wendy curtsied. His vanilla face turning a deep shade of red in embarrassment.

"She shall be punished. Now, if you want you may follow me to the Guild Master's office," the Vice Guild Master curtsied before leading the way.

"I am Horatio vont Xuan. City Lord Baron vont Ballard, how may we have the pleasure of serving you today?" Horatio asked.

"I ordered some supplies from Crown Prince Roland Godwin and King Druker Flameworn for my wedding. I'd like the Alchemy Guild to create 120 fireworks for me," Will said handing Horatio a crude idea of how to create fireworks.

"But, we never heard of fireworks?" Horatio said looking to the beautiful Vice Guild Master who shook her head no.

"Fireworks are a invention of the Dwarvish race. They are extremely dangerous, and if not handled with absolutely care may become fatal.

Follow my instructions, the saltpeter from the guano must be white crystals. Mix 3/4 saltpeter with 3/20 charcoal and 1/10 sulfur. Crush them separately and mix them carefully with an emulsifier. Then add sodium, copper to make color.

I don't know specific about heat or when to drain, so you'll need to experiment. When lit is should fly into the air and burst in the night sky with a bang to make beautiful colors. If you need more money reach out to Miles. Here's a thousand gold to get started," Will said putting a bag of coins on the table.

Between his properties and city, Will's savings safeguarded in his secret mountain vaults had quadrupled. He had well over 5 million tucked away in his vault.

Seeing how the request came from the city lord for his wedding, Horatio felt obligated to help. Moreover, every alchemist enjoyed experimenting and crafting new recipes.

"Thank you for leaving this to us," Horatio vont Xuan bowed in gratitude.