Mother’s Matter (Bonus Chapter)

Today was the 4th month's last day. Elizabeth sat in her house on campus. Only a few high noble with long heritage could own a house on the academy grounds.

The vont Whitby family was one of three, and the largest of the three.

Elizabeth hated the silence. At least when her older sister's were here, she had someone to whom she could speak. Now, it was lonely.

"Elizabeth?" called out Duchess Charlotte vont Whitby from the stairwell below, surprising Elizabeth.

"Mother? Why are you here?" Elizabeth asked running daintily downstairs to greet her.

Elizabeth saw her mother's nervous face and immediately thought the worst.

"Is father okay?" Elizabeth worried. After the assassination attempt on Will's life, she worrried about everyone safety constantly. That's why living alone was so agonizing for her.

"No, your father is fine dear," Charlotte said hesitantly.

"Mom you're scaring me, what's the matter?" Elizabeth pleaded.

"I came to speak with you about your wedding dear," Charlotte said trying to build up the courage.

"What about my wedding? Are you referring to the rumor that Will has some grand surprise? I've already heard it mother," Elizabeth said getting frustrated at her mother's nervousness.

"I've trained you to know a wife's duty most often goes unseen.

I've trained you lead society, yet at such at young age you are leading a generation.

As women we have to be stronger than men, for women must carry our husband and children's worry along with her own.

As mothers we must be mindful how we raise and educate our children.

And as wive… we…have…certain bedroom responsible. Oh dearest, this is my reason for coming.

I want to educate you on your responsibilities as a wife," Charlotte said hugging Elizabeth tightly.

"Mother you wish to speak with me about children? I already know I must birth a son," Elizabeth said worried about her mother countenance.

"Dearest, do you know how children are made?" Charlotte asked as her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.

"No," Elizabeth said after thinking silently for a while.

"Oh dear, I'm quite flustered," Charlotte said nervously.

"Mother just tell me, is it vulgar?" Elizabeth said looking worried.

"No, dear it's really quite natural. It can be a moment of wonderful passion," Charlotte said holding Elizabeth's arms and staring deeply into her eyes.

"Then please tell me mother," Elizabeth asked politely.

"Do you know how men and women are different down there?" Charlotte's nervousness returned.

"Are you talking about our private parts?" Elizabeth said now embarrassed too.

"Yes. To conceive a man must place his member inside you," Charlotte said.

"Does it hurt?" Elizabeth looked fearful.

"Sometimes at first, but then nature takes it course. Although, some men may be aggressive in the bedroom.

Nevertheless, you must shoulder the intensity. It's your responsibility to bear your husband an heir after all," said Charlotte utterly mortified for saying these words out loud.

"Thank you mother for telling me, I know it was not easy," Elizabeth said hugging her mother.

"That's not all dear, I have more to tell you. I'm telling you, because my mother never told me.

And, after your father and I had intercourse for the first time, I was very worried he did something wrong to me.

The next morning, my mother came over ashamed and explained how babies were born," Charlotte said.

"There's more?" Elizabeth was sure the first part was enough information. She also worked hard to block the image of her father doing this mysterious embarrassing intercourse.

"Oh yes dear, there's more. After you and Will have intercourse for the first time you'll bleed from your vagina.

If you don't bleed, Will has the right to name you unchaste and you're wedding annulled," Charlotte said becoming more comfortable with the conversation.

However, the more comfortable Charlotte became, the more uncomfortable Elizabeth became.

"Mother, is that true or a sick joke?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm afraid it's real. When your Aunt Ashley Marie married your uncle, after her wedding night the bloody bed sheet was shone to the ministers and her family," Charlotte sighed.

"How disgusting," Elizabeth said repulsed.

"The burden of chastity is a woman's to bear alone. You haven't slept with Will or another man, have you? Because if you have, we can bribe the Ms. Park to add sheep's blood to the sheets!" Charlotte said worried.

Elizabeth had a strong urge to slap her mother for questioning her chastity.

"No, mother I'm still pure!" Elizabeth said calming herself down.

"Thank the heavens! I thought you were, but a mother is always the last to know about things like this," Charlotte said fanning her flushed face.

"Mother are you done, yet?" Elizabeth said desperately trying to send this conversation.

"There one last thing. After men stick their member inside you, they thrust until they release. When they release themself inside you, they make a deposit in your womb. That's is how babies are born," Charlotte said.

"He'll release a deposit in me?" Elizabeth was startled.

"Yes, dear. When that happens you'll be on your path to motherhood," Charlotte said happily hugging Elizabeth.

Charlotte was so happy, she didn't realize Elizabeth wasn't hugging her back.

In Fermion, starting from the wedding day, the young matron should shape her life to the probable and desired contingency of conception and maternity. Otherwise she has no right or title to wifehood.

In Fermion, it was assumed that all men approaching marriage had a rudimentary understanding of what was going to happen.

After all men's chastity was not as socially bound as women. Either before or by their 13th birthday most men had already had their first sexual experience.

Remember, in Fermion it was common for fathers to buy sex slaves for their sons when they were born.

Furthermore, brothels were houses of pleasure built for men. Only male priest shied away from brothel. While most women frowned on brothels, it was considered a normal gathering spot for men.

Unlike most men who were exposed to scientific and vulgar names for their body parts, most women were not exposed to rude talk, rumors, and basic knowledge of their own body.

Moreover, most young maidens, may not even know the names and function of her own reproductive organs because detailed description of the vulva might arouse curiosity that leads to exploration and irritation.

In Fermion, many thought it was necessary for virgins to enter marriage without an understanding knowledge of sex.

In this respect, Charlotte could be considered a feminist because those who counseled virgins were guilty of vulgarity and being irresponsible.

Also, knowing too much is unbecoming in a bride. Many men adored the fact their young brides were ashamed of themselves. Some men found it funny and adorable that after sex, women felt icky and confused.

In this medieval era, uncounseled young wives were often outrage on the bridal night or distraught because they thought they did something disgraceful, not realizing that was their duty.

"Dearest, your bridal night shall be special and memorable. It is your most important turning point in a woman's entire life.

After that night, you'll be a wife, soon to be mother, and leading figure of your generation," said Charlotte doing her best to comfort Elizabeth.

"Thank you mother," Elizabeth said hugging her mother, basking in her mother's warmth.

"Dearest daughter, hear is my last piece of advice, after you're married it shall be your duty as a wife lie with your husband as often as he desires.

This shall keep and retain his affection, and gratitude for you. It shall also give him less reason to sleep with other woman.

Always jealously guard your position as first wife and command your household to gain your husband's confidence," Charlotte advised.

"I'll remember mother!" Elizabeth said. Unknown to anyone she secretly wondered if Will would be upset after she sent April back to his family's barony.

After hearing her mother's advice, she knew she made the right decision.

"Oh sweetie, I can't wait to hold your child in my arms!" Charlotte hugged Elizabeth tighter.

Afterwards, Charlotte took Elizabeth out shopping and to dinner.

"Mother what have you heard from father about Will's surprise?" Elizabeth asked while she and her mother ate dessert.

Several of her classmates had pestered her for answers. When Elizabeth told them she didn't know, most perceived that as her keeping it secret, as opposed to the truth, she really did not know.

"Your father said, Will told the prince the bat guano and sulfur were a wedding surprise. That's all I know," Charlotte said eating her dessert.

"Bat guano! How disgusting," Elizabeth spat out her dessert.

"Wait! You're telling he hasn't mailed you about the surprise?" Charlotte looked suspiciously.

"Yes, mother! In all of our correspondence, he's yet to reveal the surprise to me.

In the last letter he sent, he wrote that letter would be his last letter. And after graduation he's bring me to Gadreel by airship," Elizabeth said finishing her dessert.

"Why is it his last letter?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"Mother are you spy sent by father and Uncle Remus?" Elizabeth giggled.

"I'm a concerned mother first," Charlotte answered Elizabeth's question honestly.

"Fine, tell father and Uncle Remus Will wants to breakthrough into the rank of a Master Spellsword," Elizabeth said.

"Master before the age of 20! Isn't his 18th birthday next month? If you stay stuck at Journeyman level, I wonder who he'll marry after you?" Charlotte said.

"Mother I don't appreciate your passive aggressiveness. I'll also breakthrough to the rank of Master. Will and I shall grow old together," Elizabeth said sticking out her chest and straightening her back confidently.