Elven Embassy

Early the next morning, Will and Elizabeth finished packing their clothes, while Nisha lay lazy awake in bed.

"Last night's farewell party was a grand feast. I wish we could delay our return trip to Gadreel another day," Elizabeth said.

"Yes, I agree. I keep thinking about the creation story the queen sang yesterday. The song was beautiful and melancholic. I never heard that version better, I wonder if it's true?" Will said.

"Are you sure you're not just thinking about the queen's attractiveness," Nisha responded reading Will's thoughts.

"Will, do you think the queen's attractive?" Elizabeth asked.

'That's a trap,' Will thought.

"The queen is attractive, but you are the woman I wanted to marry, and the only woman I love," Will replied.

"Good save," Nisha chuckled.

"So, you do think she's attractive," Elizabeth said.

"Elizabeth my only thoughts right now are the wish, I was given. We must encourage the elves to accept a trade agreement," Will said dressing in Fermion attire.

"After a few weeks, it feels weird to dress in human clothing, does it not? Elven clothes are so much easier. In Fermion, I need Sasha to help me dress, but here I can dress by myself. I rather like it," Elizabeth said.

"The elves are an untapped market, we must be the first to introduce them to regional, national, and international trade. Can you imagine how much artificial goods and alchemical pills could be worth? We'd make a fortune," Will said. Elizabeth and Will each spoke past the other.

Economically, the Elven Kingdom was like an emerging market. No one even knew the elves existed, its resources were filled with untapped potential. Potential Will planned to squeeze as much profit as he could.

At the same time, the Elven Kingdom was different from an emerging market. Most emerging markets were characterized as small or medium countries that were hungry to gobble outside investment. The countries may or may not have stable governance, but they were eager to court outside investment.

And outside investors, like Will, were happy to have access to inexpensive labor, raw resources, and lax government oversight. Although the Elven Kingdom did not have inexpensive labor or lax government oversight; but they have did raw resources and sought to reengage themselves in world politics.

Emerging markets were a win-win for both countries and investors. And best of all the government and investors began wealthier. However, that wealth did not always trickle down to a country's population.

"Will, are you listening to me?" Elizabeth asked frustratedly.

"Your elven tunics are easier to wear than a gown. Listen, darling, in a few minutes, Sage Aldrin is going to knock on our door. And I've yet to figure out how to convince the elves to trade with Gadreel. I'm thinking about something useful I can trade with the elves to agree to a trade pact," Will replied making Elizabeth feel guilty for bothering him just now.

As if Sage Aldrin was listening in, he knocked on the door. Elizabeth let the old elf inside and offered him a cup of tea.

"Are you ready to enter the court? You are only the second human to ever set foot in the grand chamber," Sage Aldrin said.

"I'm honored," Will said trying to hide his greed.

Sage Aldrin, led Will, Elizabeth, and Nisha to the palace. As Will and Elizabeth walked to the palace, they realized how they had gotten used to seeing elves wandering the streets. As they walked, they greeted the elves they knew.

Will looked over and saw Elizabeth squinting her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Will asked curiously

"I'm trying to remember everything," Elizabeth said.

"Ha-ha, I'm sure you'll return someday. You three are welcome to come back anytime, you may even choose to live here. But that would mean forsaking your human world," Sage Aldrin said.

In the center of the kingdom, there was a large statue fountain with crystal clear water. Most elves hung around there to chat and converse due to the beautiful and lively environment. To Will and Elizabeth's interest, the nearby elves talked about what choice Will would choose.

"We're here," Sage Aldrin said pointing to three large Elven Oaks.

The palace was white, chiseled out of petrified stone. Rooftop gardens, ziggurat terraces, and domed gazebos overflowed with plants, trees, and flowers. The greenery was watered by an exceptional system of irrigation and roofed with stone balconies on which were layered stone, sand, and compacted dirt so that the irrigation water would not seep through the terraces.

To Will, the palace resembled the mythical Hanging Gardens of Babylon one of Earth's seven wonders of the world. Will, Elizabeth, and Nisha all marveled at the palace.

'How old were those fossilized trees? And how long have elves lived here to build a palace from fossilized Elven Oaks?' Will wondered.

Inside the palace, were great oil paintings of antiquity, statues of gods, elves, beastmen, dwarves, and humans. Ancient heroes were immortalized in stone and paint. The palace doubled as a museum and historical archive. To walk the hallowed halls, was to tread millions of years into the past.

Sage Aldrin, led Will, Elizabeth, and Nisha to the throne room where sat the elven king sat high upon his throne. To his right sat the queen and priestess who smiled warmly at Elizabeth.

When the crowd saw the humans approach the throne, the elves parted and made a path for them to walk down. Before the throne, Will and Elizabeth bowed before the elven royalty.

"Greetings, your majesties," Will and Elizabeth said.

"Today, we must bid farewell to our guests. Your visit has proven that elves and humans are capable of friendship," said Queen Sylvania of Yllamoira.

"I regretfully admit, I was surprised you haven't killed or rapped our women…yet," The king said cautiously.

"To thank you for killing the elder lich, we present you three options: option 1) the opportunity to enter the Moon Pool; option 2) learn a powerful elven plant spell; option 3) trade with Elves," the king presented.

"Your majesty those are three tempting offers, but I'd like to develop a long-term friendship with elves. Best on mutual respect and trade," Will said diplomatically.

"Long-term friendship? What an interesting choice of words. Remember humans, we elves have a different definition of long. In 1,000 years, you'll be long dead, but I'll still be alive. Would you have us befriend your offspring's offspring?" the king asked sarcastically.

"Yes! I want my great-grandchildren to have friendships with beastmen, dwarves, elves, and other races. Only through relationships can trust deepen," Elizabeth said earnestly.

"My queen what say you?" the king asked grumpily.

"The eternal mother has sent me a prophecy. These humans shall play a part in the upcoming war. Gaia seems to favor these humans. The goddess visions show me, that peace can coexist between our races," the Queen Sylvania of Yllamoira smiled.

"You had a vision! Gaia showed herself to you?" the king stood up in shock.

When the queen mentioned her vision, the elves began to whisper among themselves. It was common for the priestess to have visions, but this was only Gaia's third time appearing in a vision since she became a priestess.

The elves believed that when Gaia appeared in a priestess's vision it was an omen. This time the omen was for peace. The last omen the queen saw the rise of the undead army led by one of Nyx's children. The time before that was when Gaia chose her to be a priestess.

"Ahem," the king coughed returning the court to order. The elves settle down, awaiting what would follow next.

"Since you've chosen trade, the elves demand property to live, work, and sell goods. Elven products can only be sold in elven stores," the king said.

"I'm amenable to that, but what of my king's levies and my city's taxes. As well as the possibility of opening a store in the Elven Kingdom?" Will asked.

"Forbidden! If the kingdom wishes to purchase something, we'll import it from Gadreel. But I doubt that shall ever happen," the king chided.

"As long as I may purchase artifice goods, I accept," Will said.

"Oh, do you already have something in mind?" asked the queen.

"Yes, I would like to buy elven spears for my city guards," Will replied.

"You may not purchase our elven spears, but we'll adapt our spears for you weaker humans. Nuvian, do you have any thoughts?" the king asked the artificer.

"Yes, your majesties. I think we should keep the classical spears with willow leaf blades. If your majesties also think it wise, we can make the spears from fey silver and steel. That way the spears are magically stronger against the undead. The biggest problem is the spears mana requirement. But I think we can get around that if we let the spear absorb kinetic energy instead of mana. That way mana users and non-mana users can use the spear's magic," Nuvian said.

"Thank you Master Nuvian, may I also ask if you'll make the spears collapsible, enabling my guards to easily conceal as your soldiers do?" Will asked.

"Tsk, human how is your short-sighted species, not doomed to extinction yet?" Nuvian sighed.

"Nuvian answer the man's question!" Price Vaal exclaimed.

"Yes of course the spear shall be collapsible, rust-resistant, and enchanted to stay perpetually sharp. Just like our elven spears, they'll be capable of using offensive and defense wind magic. You don't know, but when several elven spears get close together, they can form an impenetrable energy barrier, like several shields stacked next to each other," Nuvian grinned.

"Elven spears are truly magnificent, they provided superior close combat and long-range capability, as well superior defensive protection," Will praised the elves.

Will had no interest in fighting offensive wars. It would scare away business. But he also had no interest in rolling over for invaders. Advanced weaponry would create another deterrent to invading armies.

Will's enemies would come to learn, in a war, elven spears were as equally dangerous as elven bows. If Gadreel guardsmen had elven spears, then creating guns were pointless. And, because only he had knowledge of guns and bombs, those weapons would stay relegated to his past life.

"Thank you, your majesties. As far as property requirements, do you have any specifications?" Will asked.

"Put us on an alley, off a busy street. We would like to guard the property ourselves," the queen said.

"Agreed. I'll find a plot of land to build your Elven Embassy. The plot of land shall be considered elven territory within my city and governed only by elven law," Will said not realizing the storm that would set off when he returned home.

When Master Duncan and Savage Beast found out about Will's agreement with the elves, they demanded property of equal size for their races as well.

"Then all we have left to do is settle on the piece of real estate and sign all the appropriate paperwork. I confess I have low expectations, nevertheless, I look forward to the future.

"Now it is time to say farewell," the king and queen said descending from their throne.

In short order, the trade pact was signed, and with a single cast of the spatial gate, Elizabeth, Will, and Nisha were back in their manor in Gadreel. Although the elves would return soon to begin building their embassy, their time in Yllamoira seemed too short.