Adventurers Guild Arena

When Will, Elizabeth, and Nisha returned to Gadreel, Will had a clear understanding of how to save his master, Elder Thaddeus. Until now Will had no idea how to save his beloved master.

But now it was a race against time. The first thing Will did when he returned home, after checking in on his children, he spoke to the Gadreel Alchemy Guild Master vont Xuan. It had been five years since they discussed the [Fire Dragon Grass]. Elizabeth, Nisha, and Will hurried to Alchemy Guild.

"Guild Master vont Xuan what happened to the [Fire Dragon Grass]?" Will demanded frightening the guild master.

The intrusion of the City Lord and Lady vont Ballard, and the lord's black leopard spirit animal made the guild master assume he upset the city lord. He secretly swore never to overcharge Will again…well at least for six months or until whatever offense he committed blew over.

"The king purchased it. The grass was not auctioned," the guild master informed Will nervously. Forgetting to bow, they quickly found a quietly hidden alleyway

In the alleyway, Elizabeth told Will, "This is where we part. I shall return home." Elizabeth watched as Will and Nisha disappeared into the spatial gate.

"I need to see his majesty" Will exclaimed.

A nearby steward saw Will and left to get Bryson.

"Bryson, I need to see the king," Will said.

"Follow me," Bryson said escorting Will to the throne room.

King Roland was holding court. He sat bored on his throne. The king did not care much for court. Upset and scheming nobles were always trying to cause trouble for him.

"Announcing the arrival of Viscount vont Ballard!" shouted the steward on door duty.

When the king, heard Will's name he immediately became more interested. His cousin never failed to entertain him.

All the nobles in court turned their attention turn toward the door. The once animated court was now silent. Everyone present knew Will did not make a habit of coming to court. Anxiously they waited to learn the reason. No doubt the Yorkshire rumor mill would be in full swing that evening.

Since gaining peerage, Will rarely attended court. In fact, the noble could count Will's visit to court on one hand. Thus, his arrival caused quite the stir.

"Viscount vont Ballard this is a surprise. What brings you to court today?" King Roland asked happily for the disruption.

"Your majesty, do you have the [Fire Dragon Grass]?" Will asked cutting right to the chase.

"Are you trying to save Grandmaster Thaddeus?" The king questioned in disbelief. He knew the properties of such a medical herb. He bought the herb precisely to endure himself to Will. If Will was skilled in business, King Roland was equally as skilled in politics.

"And you think this grass alone can save him?" king Roland asked loud enough to let the noble Will's purpose.

"It's possible, but I need to collect all the ingredients. Besides the grass, I'll also need a dragon core," Will said.

"Your majesty he's gone crazy," shouted a noble in disbelief.

"Dragons do not exist. They are a myth, a fairytale," said another noble mockingly.

Hearing their taunts. Will and Nisha released their aura. The taunts suddenly stopped. Will reminded them, that it is never a good idea to get on a Master Knight's bad side.

Feeling Will and Nisha's bloodlust, the nonmagical nobles started to suffocate, and the novice, journeyman magical nobles started to involuntary tremble.

King Roland laughed at Will's rare, uncharacteristic display of force. The cool, methodical, mature Will showed his ruthlessness.

"You nobles in the audience forget the viscount ranked first in his Knight Academy combat class," King Roland chuckled.

"Bryson, give the [Dragon Fire Grass] to the viscount," the king commanded.

"Yes, your majesty," Bryson said, returning with the grass a little while later. The grass was magically encased in glass. Although Will did not know the spell, he could feel the magic inside keeping the grass in peak condition.

"Your majesty if this works, I shall let my master know of your kindness," Will said.

King Roland smiled hearing those words. Will's words were like a blade. He all but declared those against him, are the old demon's enemies. Who would be naive enough to challenge that man if he regained his strength? In truth, a cabal was working behind the scenes to make sure Grandmaster Thaddeus died. Thaddeus Ming had made many enemies over the years.

"While you hunt down the dragon core, I'll check up on the grandmaster. It's been too long since I've seen him last," the king declared.

"Thank your majesty. Before I leave, I also need to give you a new trade pact I made with the Elven Kingdom," Will said.

The nobles in court were shocked when Will mentioned elves. Loud gasps were audible. Even the king was momentarily stunned.

"Elves?" the king said reading the trade pact, Bryson had given him.

"Yes, they plan to build a residence in Gadreel, as well as sell artifice goods and herbs," Will said.

"I thought elves were a myth, maybe dragons really do exist?" said a stunned noble.

"Before the elves disappeared, artifice goods were once considered royal treasures. Nobles were not allowed to own such wonders, and now they plan to sell them to public. Your majesty, I suggest you personally visit the elven envoy in Gadreel," Adviser Chen said rubbing his long grey beard.

"This trade pact is acceptable. It looks like, I shall make a trip to Gadreel sooner than I expected. I look forward to greeting our new trading partners," the kind smiled. Will's allies were too powerful. Should the beastmen, dwarves, and elves decide to join forces against the king, the king could only abdicate in fear. Thankfully, his cousin had no desire to become king.

"Thank you, your majesty," Will bowed and returned home to Gadreel.

After returning home, Will and Nisha went to the Adventurers Guild to pay for a quest. He was hoping for his older brother Marcus, or some other veteran adventures could bring back the fire dragon core he needed.

The Gadreel's Adventurers Guild was a rowdy place. When he entered the building, it was dark and empty inside. Although the building had electricity, the lights were kept off. Yet Will never understood why. May be drunkards did not want to wake up to glaring bright lights in their faces.

Will walked across the sticky floor to the receptionist desk. The dark brown floor looked like it was covered in syrup. As he walked, his shoes sounded like horses stomping through mud.

"Hello City Lord, vont Ballard, did you come for the fight?" the receptionists asked curiously.

"I came to post a quest—wait, what fight? Will asked in shock.

"Your brother made it to championship last weekend, and todays the final match!" the receptionist exclaimed enthusiastically.

And who is my brother fighting in the finale? Will had to asked.

"Bonebreaker, but I bet two silvers on your brother," she smiled supportively.

"Let me post my quest first, and then I'll view the match," Will said handing the woman 100,000 gold coins and his quest.

"A dragon core!" she exclaimed reviewing the quest and payment in astonishment.

She handed Will his receipt, but before Will could leave, she coughed slyly.

"For a few coppers, I can make an announcement at the end of the match," she smiled sincerely, showing off her unclean teeth.

"Here a silver, make it a good announcement," Will said.

"Aye-aye, sir. Here is the City Lord luxury suite," she said escorting Will to his box in the arena.

Indeed, the words 'luxury' and 'suite' were misleading. His box at the theatre was a luxury suite. This was an open concrete box with four unpadded seats. While the rest of the audience at on rows of bleachers, Will sat in an open concrete tomb.

Eight years ago, Marcus asked Will for permission to build a training arena for new recruits at the Adventurers Guild. The rest seemed innocent at the time.

But now Will learned that unsanctioned fights were occurring. The arena's floor and walls were painted in splashes of blood.

Even more interesting, Will watched as people gambled on the final match between his brother and Bonebreaker. Will didn't even know if the Adventurers Guild has a legal gambling license. But he suspected it wasn't. If it was, Kurosawa would have told him.

A few minutes later the smiling receptionist brought Will a warm beer and the betting odd. Bonebreakers was favored 3-1 over his opponent. With those odds, Will bet 500 gold on Marcus.

As Will waited for the match to begin, a tall sultry red hair woman came to see him, it was Marcus' lover. The woman had a black and red spider tattooed on her bare shoulders.

"Hello City Lord, vont Ballard, I'm Cherry we met at the White Lotus before, remember me you were looking for Autumn?" the sultry woman said cryptically.

However, Will wondered how she knew to call Samuel Autumn in Spring and Spring in Autumn.

"You're my brother's mistress, right?" Will asked.

"Do you mind if I join you temporarily?" she asked.

"Yes, I do mind," Will said, as Nisha growled at the unwanted guest.

"Aw that's too bad, I'll have to let Samuel know you were mean to me," she whispered secretively in Will's ear.

"Will, who is she? What is going on," Nisha asked.

"Please take a seat, I'd like to know where you heard that name before?" Will asked nonchalantly.

"I don't know yet, but she knows Samuel," Will said telepathically to Nisha.

"Who you think let him out to rescue you in Yorkshire?" the woman said.

'Wait, how do you know Samuel helped me…unless you are a part of the Assassins Guild. Which would mean my brother's been dating an assassin?' Will's thought.

"She's and assassin!" Will exclaimed to Nisha who was ready to pounce.

"You're an assassin," Will said angrily. Will began scrambling his brain, to figure out her purpose.

"Very quick, Will," Cherry dropped all pretense and honorifics. She spoke in her regular voice and was not at all concerned about Nisha.

"Are you here to kill me?" Will asked preparing for a fight.

"If I was going to kill your or your brother, you'd never see me coming," Cherry said truthfully.

"What do you want?" Will asked.

"I want you to know, that I know everything," Cherry warned.

"She is blackmailing us," Will told Nisha.

"Is that all you want?" Will asked.

"Yes, I happen to like your brother," Cherry said telling Will a half truth.

"You're not worried about me asking Samuel about you or telling my brother the truth?" Will said.

"He's the one that recommended I speak with you, and Marcus already figured out the truth a long time ago," Cherry said.

"And if I pay Samuel to kill you?" Will asked finally causing Cherry's bloodlust to rise before she calmed down.

"I've been guild member longer and have more kills than him. But he's welcome to challenge me, anytime," she said confidently.

Just then Marcus and Bonebreaker walked out to applause and whistles.

Cherry, acting as her persona again, yelled for Marcus. Marcus turned around to see Will and Cherry sitting together. Marcus smiled and waved back at them. Not caring at all, that his little brother was sitting next to a dangerous assassin.

"I'll be seeing you, City Lord vont Ballard," Cherry continuing to use her disguised voice.

"Will that woman smelt like blood," Nisha said.

"Yes, she is trouble!" Will agreed, trying to figure out how to manage her now that she revealed herself, but not her purpose.

Back on the arena floor, Bonebreaker and Marcus turned to Will's box and said, "We salute the City Lord."

Will was shocked by the fighters' recognition. Even more shocking was to see the audience bowed to him in unison.

Will watched the trilling match between to goliath of men. The men fought like to Roman gladiators at the coliseum. The match was exhilarating and entertaining. Marcus was slightly shorter, but still won the match. In the end, Marcus managed to disarm his opponent, and using both swords pinned the man on the ground. The swords crossed over Bonebreakers trachea. In pain and with blood pouring out from the opening of his mask, Bonebreaker announced his defeat.

After the awarding ceremony, Will publicly praised Marcus and privately mentioned they needed to chat about Cherry.

However, before anyone left the Adventurers Guild made an announcement 100,000 gold announcement that whipped the crowd into a frenzy. When Marcus and Cherry eyes widen at the obscene amount of money. Will had offer 100,000,000 coppers for a dragon core, which was enough for commoners to dream of becoming nobility.