
San Gouzi watched from the shadows, as Murdock's and Amin's forces fought. Murdock's troops were losing their grounds and were close to defeat.

Murdock was furious and scolded out his anger, "Goddammit, how is this possible. Quickly you onlooker reinforces the troops!"

But before anyone from the crowd moved, Amon had already broken through Murdock's troops. Murdock and his remaining forces were surrounded.

The victorious Amon, proudly said, "Murdock, keel before me, and kowtow. Acknowledge me as the new leader, your leader, and I will spare your life."

Murdock was a man with his pride, how could he withstand such an embarrassment and humiliation, "Kowtow to you? Keep on dreaming!"

After that, Murdock released his aura. He was a Master rank Marine; how could he lose.

"I offered you mercy and yet you chose death. Then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Amon said angrily

Amon gave the killing order with a twisted face, "Kill him!"

But how can elite soldiers kill a Master rank body strengthener? Murdock single-handedly killed all of Amin's troops.

Murdock charged at Amon. Two Masters fought each other, the marine versus an assassin.

With quick steps, Amon's knives fought Murdock's spear. Murdock tried to keep Amon at a distance, and Amon tried his best to close the distance.

The two-body strengtheners fought in circles, faster than most eyes could see. Only Elliot was able to properly see the fight, it was a close match, but Amon's speed and dexterity were wearing down Murdock's strength and constitution.

Like a snake, Amon called for his archers. Under the rain of arrows, Amon was able to dodge, but Murdock became a pin cushion.

Yet, Murdock never relented, he pressed his advantage.

"You cowards, stop firing!" Elliot ordered Amon's archers.

The archers immediately stopped firing. Elliot was a Journeyman Marine, no one wanted to get on his bad side, worse of all now.

The battle raged on for over an hour before Murdock and Amon's injuries began to catch up to them. Both men were bleeding and had cuts over their bodies. Neither one gave a clear winner.

With over 15 dead elite bandits and both the Bandit leader and Vice leader injured, this fight was lost.

The two bloody and battered men looked at one another. They knew the next series would determine the battle.

While every bandit turned their attention to the fight, the villagers killed the watchtower guard and opened the village gates.

It took little effort to capture the main gate. The old man rushed to Will's side and said excitedly, "Greetings to my lord."

Will nodded his head, and quickly asked, "What is the villagers' situation?"

"My lord, everything has gone according to your plan. Amon and Murdock are occupied in my courtyard" the old man quickly summarized the situation.

Will smiled in relief when he heard that Amon and Murdock were fighting to the death.

"Good, soldiers quietly seize control of the village," Will ordered.

Will's army snuck in undetected and slowly began to seize control of the village, except for the Village Head courtyard. In a matter of minutes, over half the bandits died.

As they secured the village, Amon and Murdock rushed each other to deliver the killing strike.

In a flash, the fight was over. Murdock's dead, lifeless body lay face down in the mud.

Amon stood victorious, albeit holding onto his stomach where Murdock slashed open his stomach.

While Amon waved to the crowd victoriously. Elliot ran to check on Murdock. Elliot couldn't feel a pulse or hear him breathing. As Amon turned his back away from Murdock's body in celebration, Elliot walked up to him from behind and separated Amon's head from his neck.

The celebratory crowd was stunned into silence.

No one moved until Will yelled," This is Viscount vont Ballard. You're surrounded, drop your weapons and surrender. Surrender and you will be spared, resist and you will be killed!"

On cue, Elliot dropped his weapons and began crying. That damnable City Lord vont Dervish would pay for his friend's life.

"Brothers, the leader, and vice leader are gone. From now on, I am the new leader. Do as Viscount vont Ballard ask. Drop your weapons surrender and live," Elliot said encouragingly, as Will's letter told him to do.

In the letter, Will wrote Elliot asked him to do one thing, help the bandits calmly surrender and he would be rewarded.

"No, brothers listen to me. Elliot is a coward and a traitor. He ambushed Amon and cut his head off from behind. How such a man of dishonor, be our new leader!" asked Rabbit, Amon's second in command.

"Since you call me a coward and dishonorable, let's fight!" Elliot said rising to his feet.

"Sadly, mere humans like myself cannot find cultivators like you. Nevertheless, it seems like some bandits support me as the new leader," said Rabbit.

"Fools! Spare your lives. Can you not see City Lord vont Dervish is the villain? He promised us riches but sent us here to die!

In truth, Murdock wanted to avoid the last fight. And now I caution us against more casualties. How many more men must die to pride and foolhardiness? Men ask yourselves if you want to live or die. If you want to live surrender with me!" Elliot pleaded.

"If you follow me, let's escape now!" Rabbit said trying to jump the wooden palisade.

The bandits watched as Rabbit and his men were shot down as they tried to escape.

This example was evidence enough. The bandits surrendered as Will's army confiscated the weapons and armor. The bandits were tied up with sturdy rope.

When Bubba saw the headless assassin who took his arm, he began to kick the corpse and cuss.

He was not the only one out for revenge, the women Murdock raped stabbed his back until they felt relief. Other bandits suffered retribution under the villagers' frustration.

Will ordered the dead buried, and the bandits imprisoned.

"Squadron One, seal off the armory. Squadron Two, seal the storehouse, Squadron Three, guard the captives. Squadron Four, and Five guard duty. Squadrons Six, Seven, and Eight rest. Rotate positions every two hours," Will commanded.

"Yes sir!" the soldiers yelled.

"Bubba follow me," Will ordered.

Will, Nisha, and Bubba went to Murdock's room in the village.

After searching the room, they found a chest of copper and silver coins and some expensive look antiques.

"Bubba hand this money out to the soldiers if you need help asked the squad resting right now. Give everyone two silvers, if you need more you know what you do," Will said.

"Aye, sir," Bubba said carrying the chest out

over his shoulder.

Will put the antiquities in his vault and then closed the door.

"What's your opinion of Elliot?" Will asked Nisha telepathically.

"He's upset, but not at you," Nisha said.

"What should we do now?" Will asked.

"Let's meet Elliot. Maybe he can provide us with some guidance," Nisha recommended.

Will found a guard and said, " bring me the bandit named Elliot."

After Will finished giving his orders, only then did he have the time to pay to sit down and rest himself.

Twenty minutes later, a knock on the door sounded and two guards entered with a dirty blinded haired man. He was tall, he stood 1.9 meters. Will could immediately feel he was a Journeyman ranked body strengthener.

"The villagers have long told me of your kind personality. I see for myself, that you do have some ability as well. It is a pleasure to see you in person," Will said.

Elliot held a poor mournful face and said in a deep voice, "Why do you praise a defeated leader."

"You are intelligent, you know this battle's loss was not your fault. You were honorable and saved your men's lives.

You can't blame yourself for it. Amon is dead, you avenged your brother, and repaid your debt, you have done everything you could.

A man of honor like you serves the battlefield and earns meritorious deeds.

Do you miss the ocean? I'm told the Marine Academy in Duress is very competitive. A graduate such as yourself should not spend the rest of your life in this small village.

Work for me, I want to recruit you. If you join me, I'll appoint you as my navy commander, with the title of 'General'. You'll make 250 silvers a month. I hope you would consider and accept my offer," Will offered.

"Gadreel only has a river. You know what, it doesn't matter. I'll serve you until I die if you have me," Elliot knelt and swore his allegiance.

"With you as my navy commander, I believe my future is bright!" Will said helping Elliot off the floor.

"Now Commander Elliot, what do you suggest we do next?" Will asked.

"My lord, we should deal with the imprisoned bandits," Elliot said.

"Guard, bring the third squadron captain here," Will ordered.

A few minutes later, the captain walked in "reporting Major!" he said

"How many prisoners are there?" Will asked.

"There are 387 prisoners. That includes today's prisoners and from the raid camps, sir," the captain repeated.

"Commander Elliot, what do you recommend we do with these prisoners?" Will tested Elliot's loyalty.

"Sire, these are your prisoners. What advice can I provide?" Elliot said truthfully. He knew Will would test him immediately. He knew he had to act very carefully. That's why he held back his opinion, especially on something like dealing with the prisoners.

"Fine, let's do this Commander Elliot. How about I'll set a rule. Split the prisoners into three groups. The first group, the evildoers will be executed. The second group, people with bad morals shall be enslaved to the quarry with the Dwarfs for a year. If they behave well, I'll give them citizenship. If they don't their time shall be extended. The third group are all good people and can be directly enlisted into the army.

Commander, I think you know the morals and behavior of this batch of prisoners, better than I. Hence, I looked toward to your handling of them," Will said.

"Thank you for your trust, my lord, I won't let you down!" Elliot bowed and left with the captain.

"Guard, bring the Villager's elder here," Will ordered.

Soon the old man entered, along with two old women.

"Viscount vont Ballard, you summoned us?" the old man, made his broken body bend low in submission.

"Here's no need to bow. I'm sending your villagers to settle Gadreel," Will said.

"But milord, we're too old and tired to make for the journey and have no coin for the train's fare," said an elder woman.

"No matter, bring all your villagers here tomorrow morning," Will ordered.