Bandit's Hideout

The next morning, Will's soldiers attack three bandits' camps. With that, all the bandit camps were cleared, and Will was ready to invade the village where Murdock and his men were held up.

Will summoned the old man and villagers.

"Tell me about your city? Where's the entrance, and is there a hidden entryway? Which is Murdock house?" Will asked.

For the rest of the night, Will, Bubba, and his captains asked the villagers questions.

From the Q&A, Will learned there were 500 citizens and over 1,000 bandits in the camp. Second, there were a total of three leaders, Murdock, Amon, and Elliot.

According to the villagers, Elliot was unhappy with using the villagers as covers. He also stopped Murdock from killing several villagers.

By that afternoon, a place was hatched. Wil would release the villagers and ten bandits to spread a rumor that Amon wanted to usurp Murdock as Raid Leader. Simultaneously, Will would send Elliot a strongly incentivized recruitment letter.

San Gouzi was tasked to deliver the letter to Elliot. Late that morning, San, the villagers, and a few bandits 'escaped' from Will's soldiers.

When San Gouzi sneaked into the village, he noticed how well built the defenses were. The village had a watchtower and long timber walls.

While villagers went to visit their families, five bandits reported to Murdock. They reported the lie, Will had told them to say. That Will had asked for reinforcements. When the reinforcements arrived, they would attack this village.

Meanwhile, the other five bandits began to spread rumors Murdock was unhappy with Amon, and Amon played to overthrow Murdock.

Like wildfire, the rumors began to spread. The ten bandits working overtime to gossip.

"Have you heard the rumor?" said a bandit to another bandit.

"Heard of what?" The bandit asked curiously.

"Of what? Don't you know yet? My nephew's cousin's fourth aunt's son works under the second leader, and he happened to tell me a big secret. Our second leader, Amon plans to do something big!" The bandit, released by Will, acted surprised as though the bandit did not know anything.

"Hurry! Tell me quickly, I want to know what is it? What is the second leader planning to do?" the bandit was even more curious now.

Will knew how much people love to gossip. The desire to know is human nature. All humans love to gossip, no matter how much they claim otherwise. And includes everyone no matter a person's age, sex, or race.

"It's a secret. I can tell you, but don't spread, keep it to yourself! Otherwise, My nephew's cousin's fourth aunt's son will be punished!" the bandit acted.

"Fine, alright, I promise, I won't tell anyone else. Just tell me quickly!" said the other bandit.

The released bandit looked around, making sure no one was eavesdropping on the conversation.

Then he lowered his voice and said "I'll tell you. But you didn't hear this from me that the Amon leader is sick of Murdock. All we do is sit here, where's the gold Murdock promised us. There hasn't been a wagon in weeks. Where's our weekly pay, he promised! Anon plans to have an insurrection, and be the bandit leader himself," the released bandit said theatrically.

"Ah? Do you think he has the guts to do it? He only just broke through to Master Assassin himself," the other bandit said shocking the bandit Will released.

"They are both Master ranks now?" the bandit let slip.

"You must have been out on duty; Amon had a celebration party. But Murdock never came. Could the rumor be true, then?" the bandit asked rhetorically.

"Ha, it is your choice to believe or not. Amon is fearless, how can Murdock scare him?" the released bandit proclaimed.

"Yes, you must be right. Ay, if that is the case, pawns like us will have to suffer again," said the other bandit.

"But, what else can we do… I am only telling you this because I don't find you annoying. We should prepare ourselves. Otherwise, we might be sacrificed unknowingly," the released bandit sighed.

"You speak the truth, indeed. Thank you for telling me. I promise I will not tell anyone," the bandit said.

"Farewell! Remember don't tell anyone!" the released bandit said dramatically, reminding him not to tell the secret to the others.

That example was how all the bandit conversations went. Will ordered the ten bandits to tell the same rumor to ten other bandits. If each of those bandits spread the rumor to 10 people, then the rumor should have spread to 1,000 bandits.

By nightfall, the 'secret' rumor, had spread over the whole camp within half a day. The whole village was talking about it, people gathered around, whispering to each other, and in the end, adding absurd statements. And everyone reminded the others not to spread the rumor.

Late that evening, Murdock heard the rumors for the first time. Half the day had passed since the ten released bandits had created the rumors.

In the Village's Council of Elder chamber, Murdock sat in the Village Head seat. He was somber. When City Lord put the bandit group together, he introduced the two. They had been friends at first, but over time had grown apart.

Murdock wanted to stay in the village, and Amon wanted to travel across the country raid as they went. All it had taken was that stupid viscount and his soldiers for Murdock to lose his grip on power. He knew some bandits were scared, but the village fortifications and hostage villagers made for great cover. That viscount couldn't use his magic when innocent civilians might get harmed. This was the perfect defensive position, and they wanted to give it up?

Murdock planned to kill Amon. He would never allow another bandit to cultivate body or elemental magic again. His position from here out would be absolute!

In the Council of Elder, Elliott came to find Murdock. Murdock trusted Elliott completely. Even though Elliot was a Journeyman Marine, they'd known each other before they became bandits.

They crewed on ships together. After the plague and famine destroyed the port cities, they came to Korce to find work. Regretfully, the only job available was acting as City Lord Ibrahim vont Dervish thugs.

Elliot was Murdock's trusted strategist. When Elliott heard the rumor, he was puzzled why Amon would spread his insurrection ahead of time, he was an assassin after all.

"Murdock something is wrong here. Amon's an assassin. Assassins are masters of surprise and stealth. Don't you find this news strange? Do you think if Amon was planning an insurrection, he would allow the information to be leaked?" Elliot asked.


Murdock's face turned dark, and he asked, "Are you saying…there is someone behind all of this? Someone spreading fake news, stirring up the water and our relationship?"

"How can there not be? While this is only conjecture, we still need to prepare ourselves, preventions are still needed," Elliot cautioned.

"Could it be the viscount?" Murdock questioned further.


Elliot's face turned white for a moment, and he was reluctant to answer.

Murdock waved his hand, impatiently asking for his answer, "Elliot what have you realized? Whatever is in your head, speak now, there is no need to be cautious. What's can we avoid now?" Murdock encouragingly asked.

"Viscount vont Ballard did this. He created the rumor, so you and Amon fight to the death. Then during the duel, he'll likely get someone to open the village gate, and attack is us at our weakest. You must put an end to this duel now and flee!" Elliot warned.

"I think you're right," Murdock agreed sadly.

"Then let's flee!" Elliot warned.

"It's too late. If I was to flee, the bandits would label me a coward, and the village would fall regardless. I'd rather stay and fight for my honor," Murdock said.

"Then you are a fool! Why risk your life for your honor. Let Amon be the dead fool!" Elliot warned.

"Listen, brother, I want you to comply with the viscount's orders. Do what he says and live! Grow old and have a family!" Murdock told him.

"Murdock's words struck Elliot's heart. He knew how hard-headed and foolhardy Murdock was," Elliot paused and walked to his office.

To his surprise, there was a letter on his desk. When he opened the letter, he read Will's terms for recruitment and monthly compensation. The letter said he was recruited based on the villagers' recommendation.

After reading the letter, it seemed like he had hit the jackpot. His life would be secure under his new employer.

With a cold emotionless voice, he said, "Older brother, you are a conscienceless man. We could have shared this life. Thank you, for saving my life. If you die, I'll avenge you!" Elliot said.

Elliot hid the letter and called over a squadron of bandits.

"Go tell Amon he is under arrest! He is to apologize and kowtow to Murdock, in front of the whole village!" Elliot ordered.

Over 100 bandits, directly under Elliot's command when to arrest Amon.

Before Elliot's men took a single step, Amon had already taken the first move. Amon knew, whether or not the rumors were true, that this village was no longer safe for him. He had no choice but to seize the opportunity and risk it all.

When Amon and his squadron of assassins arrived in the Village Head's courtyard. Two squadrons, with 200 soldiers and 60 archers were waiting for him. Another 40 bandits stood in front of Murdock.

Elliot and his men ran to the courtyard and looked in terror.

'Murdock must have organized his squadrons before I arrived. He had already prepared his most trusted subordinate to gather in the courtyard,' Elliot thought.

Elliot and the non-combative bandits looked on in fear and uneasiness. The 'secret' rumor, they had that afternoon was coming to fruition.

"Amon, it seems the rumor was true you had the intention to replace me. Why do you seek to replace so soon after breaking through? "

"Aren't you the same, Murdock? Why have you lost trust in me? What's yours is mine now, I can only apologize to you," Amon said.

"Amon, dismiss your troops. I promise I will not pursue your wrong acts," Murdock said to Elliot's delight.

"Stop wasting time, I'll serve you no longer, ATTACK!" Amon said ordering his squad to attack.

Comparing the strength of both sides, Amon's troops were twice the size of Murdock's. Amon's troops outnumbered Murdock's squadrons by 2-1, but Murdock's forces were better trained. These were the most elite bandit troops. Six hundred elite troops foot for supremacy.

While the bandits watched in amusement, the villagers watched in horror as their village was torn apart.