Closing Remarks

No one slept that night. Nightmares came too easily.

To feel the aura of a god, gave most a sense of perspective. Most felt like ants, the gods could easily squish.

The privilege they once had, was easily taken away. Before gods all men prostrate.

Will was in his room with Elizabeth and Willow. Willow slept in a crib that Gideon brought.

"Stand still and let me heal you. All your organs are damaged. Why didn't you prostrate? If you had your body wouldn't be a mess!" Elizabeth cautioned him.

"You want me to prostrate myself" Will smoldered. His pride was wounded.

How dare that god mess up his forum. It was almost over.

"I'll never prostrate to anyone but the primordial gods and my mother!" Will harrumphed in anger.

Will spit the last of the blood out from his throat. He could feel his injuries were almost healed.

"Why are you too proud to prostrate before a god. A god is a god. Good or evil, they are the most powerful beings," Elizabeth chastised Will. She knew her husband was powerful, but even he had to recognize his limits.

"Then I must become a god!" Will told her.

Elizabeth was stunned. What her husband said was blasphemy. How could a mortal become a god?

"Will, do you realize what you just said? How do you think the gods shall respond? The path to becoming a god is a difficult road to tread, and a lonely one," Elizabeth said sadly.

"I'll do what I must to protect myself, my family, and my friends!" Will said determinedly, releasing his bloodlust.

"You finally healed. Will, do you want you think is right! Even if I have to support you from a distance, I'll do my best to support you in your new quest," Elizabeth said rallying to Will's determination.

"Thank you, Elizabeth!" Will said passionately kissing her.

That night Will and Elizabeth rekindled their love for each other. Their love burned brighter and brighter until they extinguished their carnal urges.

In the morning, Will and Elizabeth brought Willow to Elliot.

"Is this her?" Elliot said sheepishly.

"Yes, this is your daughter!" Elizabeth hands Willow to Elliot.

"She looks a bit like my mother," Elliot said swaddling and kissing her.

"I see a bit of you in there too. She has your nose," said Will.

"Yeah, I guess," Elliot said unsure, trying to remember how his nose looked.

"Elliot, hire a nanny as soon as possible. If you can't afford one, ask for a raise! I'm sure your boss would happily increase your pay, now that you're a father," said a cheeky Elizabeth.

Hearing the world raise, Elliot at Will excitedly.

"Fine, you can have a small raise," Will said massaging his temple.

"Bye Elliot. We'll be Willow's aunt and uncle from now on!" Elizabeth said cheerfully m, waving goodbye.

When the spatial gate closed, Will relaxed. He finally had a free morning.

There was only one committee meeting scheduled for this morning. The rulers of each nation-state were scheduled to meet, and with yesterday's events, there was much to discuss.

Although Will was not permitted to attend the committee, he could imagine the rulers' distress.

It had been a thousand years since kings had to confront such a war. There was no doubt that some rulers would see their reign end and others strengthened.

Very few books were written about the second Great Schism. Worst still, the books that chronicled the Great Schism were so horrific they seemed like a fairytale.

Will and Duke Francis stood outside the sovereign committee waiting for King Roland to emerge. At half-past 12th bell, the doors opened.

Haggard and depressed kings sauntered out. The three emperors exited with reserved looks. No doubt the meeting had been difficult on less powerful rulers.

"Well, what did they say?" Duke Francis asked anxiously.

"The empires shall be the mobilizing force. Every kingdom must commit either men or tribute to fight. Given our military success and kingdom's wealth, we need to send 500,000 troops or 25,000,000 gold to meet our war contribution," King Roland looked distraught.

"How are we supposed to meet either of those quotas. We only managed to raise half that number of soldiers when we conquered Albania. Nor does the kingdom have 25 million gold that we can contribute to the war effort! Are they trying to bankrupt our kingdom?" Duke Roland asked incredulously.

"No, they want to bankrupt me!" Will added angrily.

"The audacity! Our kingdom had to squeeze every copper to reach the 15 million gold to rebuild our kingdom after the plague. And now they as for 25 billion coppers.

What happens if our kingdom is destroyed during the war? How are we supposed to rebuild? I doubt they'll return our contribution!" Dean Trevor said furiously.

"Then that only leaves us one course of action, we must levy soldiers. To achieve the target, we'd need to recruit young boys and old men," Marshall vont Smith.

"What a feeble army," King Roland said dejectedly.

"Not if you we use Tyler's riffle. While the riffles won't work against magical creatures or the undead, they should be enough to kill low-ranked goblins and orcs," Will advised.

"We have to do everything possible to save our people," King Roland agreed.

"I agree as well," Duke Francis, Dean Treavor, and Marshall vont Smith said in unison.

"When we return to Tirana this afternoon, uncle increase the army's budget. And Marshall, buy as many riffles as possible. And appoint Tyler to oversee the purchase. Also, move him, military research division," King Roland ordered.

"At once, my king," Marshall vont Smith saluted.

"Will, don't you need to give your farewell address. Hurry up, so we may head home urgently. I must announce to the masses that we prepare for a grand war. May Father Aether bless our souls," King Roland said leading the way.

Will followed the king to the restaurant where the lunch was served. Will walked onto the platform and stood at the podium.

The forum's sizable attendees were now just a fraction of what they were yesterday. After last night's fiasco, many guests decided to leave immediately last night.

No, all that remained were the determined few. Yet, Will could tell that the remnant that remained were the strongest of mind, body, and soul.

In their eyes, he saw a fire, a determination that no matter what came they may, they would fight with their very essence to surmount any obstacle and slay any foe. Their fire stirred Will's mana pool.

Looking at a sparse audience, Will crumpled the speech he had written weeks ago. Instead, he decided to speak from his heart.

"To the distinguished few who remain today.

I stand on this platform with a sense of deep humility and great pride -- humility in the wake of those great men and women of our history.

And Great Pride because we decided to choose to fight back against chaos and darkness.

Here are centered the hopes and aspirations and faith of the entire human, elvish, Dwarven, beastmen, and dragon race.

I am resolved that our shared interest unites us, and our future is protected. I trust that our difference doesn't divide us but makes us stronger!

It is with this belief, that I address you this afternoon. My heart is not filled with rancor nor bitterness but with one purpose in mind: to look forward.

It may seem unfathomable to consider, but our world's future depends on unseen global partners. Although individually it might seem impossible, but as a community our reach is broad and our influence ever-expanding.

Yet, that demon claimed our strength was inadequate to protect what is to come. In this situation, it becomes vital that our cities, kingdoms, and empires pursue friendly guidance, understanding, and support, not imperious action, but the dignity of unity.

Race may divide us. Peerage may divide us. Education may divide us. Wages may divide us. Religion may divide us. Location may divide us!

But we are united in what we strive for: the opportunity to feed ourselves and our children, a house to sleep in, clothes to wear, safety, and a good job.

Under such desires, we can unite to protect our way of life! We must band together to defend our cities from undead invaders. Therefore, any major attack by Thanatos' Army shall witness the unrelenting strength of our mighty souls!

We shall slay every undead, demon, and Death Lord. We'll send those bastards back to where they belong!

Heretofore, I declare as a citizen of Terra, that woe unto our enemies, may the gods of righteousness have mercy on their souls.

The gods of Tartarus have declared war on mankind. Listen well for when your kings blow the assembly war horn. For all mankind shall rally to a just cause.

We shall boldly defend what is ours and our to come.

Let us in one voice tell our would-be conquerors that Terra is ours and we uphold the supremacy of Aether, Gaia, and Pontus. And may Aether, Gaia, and Pontus give our civilians sanctuary against harm.

Today, I ask you to join me, to serve, to call your troops to arm.

Your majesties and imperial majesties, since the beginning of time we have sought peace. Various methods through the ages have been attempted to devise an international process to prevent or settle disputes between nations.

From the very start, workable methods were found in so far as individual citizens were concerned, but the mechanics of an instrumentality of larger international scope have never been successful. Military alliances, balances of power, and Leagues of Nations, all, in turn, failed, leaving the only path to be the crucible of war," Will passionately articulated.