Rhaziesian Investment Pools

"Your imperial majesty, there is no need," Duke von Mueller did his best to assuage the king.

"Hurry up Wulfric, or find your company seized!" Emperor Kaiser said living up to his tyrant moniker.

King Roland and Duke von Mueller looked at Will pleadingly.

The punishment and rewards were great motivators for them.

"There is a third way, but it's very risky. It would be wiser to buy bonds than invest. Even I wouldn't persuade people to invest.

If Duke von Mueller and Emperor Jacques-Louis, we could rewrite the contract to add a government investment pool.

The greatest shareholders would compose a governing board to oversee a pooled investment fund," Will explained giving into the emperor's pressure.

No doubt, the king and his grace would generously reward him for capitulating.

What bothered Will about this was not the risk, but the men. Now he'd have more eyes glued to his slightest movement.

Once he set out to explore the desert, there would be a line of men following behind like paupers. Now there would be a group of men who'd profit off his hard work.

Emperor Kaiser looked at Duke von Muller.

"Yes, I agree!" the Duke hastily agreed. The man looked like he was about to wet himself.

"Summon my daughter and her fiancée," the old rough emperor barked.

Will watched an imperial made cast [Gate] as six imperial king guardsmen walked through knocking on Will's door.

Will marveled as the mage, could not only cast the spell, but he could also hold the spell open for much longer than him.

Soon Melody and Emperor Jacques-Louis glided into the throne room.

"You summoned me, father?" Princess Melody said melodically.

"Stand over here, I wish to speak to Emperor Jacques-Louis," he commanded.

The young emperor looked around the room and was immediately on guard. Eastern Empire mages and knights surrounded them ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"Explain it to him," Emperor Kaiser demanded.

The usually calm and diplomatic Duke von Mueller was nervous, sweat dripped down his chubby face. He was so nervous that he tripped over the words he spoke so fast.

After hearing about the trouble, Emperor Jacque-Louis immediately agreed to the contractual changes not wanting to get on his future father-in-law's bad side.

"Tell me more able this investment pool?" Emperor Kaiser said interestedly.

"Is a pool where individuals can collectively pool their investments, thereby increasing the dividends. While the greatest investors can decide what projects they want to support, ultimately the pool's jurisdiction comes under the Rhaziesian Empire.

While the investors have great flexibility, there's also a huge liability. Understand Emperor Kaiser and King Roland these investors might suffer substantial losses. This means an investor could as easily make a big dividend, then lose their entire investment or see steady growth.

Those that oversee the pools make up a nine-person board of trustees. And the trustees are responsible for investment management, custodial services, participant record keeping, auditing, and petitioning the Finance Minister for answers," Will explained.

"Chamberlain make an announcement, the Rhaziesian Investment Pools have been added to the contract. They'll be available by day's end," the old tyrant emperor decreed.

"You majesty, that's impossible. I would need at least two days!" Duke von Mueller pleaded.

"Arrest him," Emperor Kaiser said pointing at the duke.

"I misspoke, please your imperial majesty, I misspoke. Let me rephrase, it's only possible to do it in a day with Marquis von Ballard's help," the fat chubby man begged.

"Very well, help him, Marquis von Ballard," the emperor ordered them to get started.

After the merchants left, "Melody and Emperor Jacques-Louis, tomorrow is a military parade. You'll ride in place, as I have to finalize the war preparations. Go and settle in," Emperor Kaiser said demanded.

And with that only King Roland and Emperor Kaiser were left in the throne room.

"I've fantasized about killing you at least 100 times. And now, we're about to enter into a peace treaty. Ah, it doesn't feel right," Emperor Kaiser complained.

"I look forward to years of peace and prosperity between our two nations," King Roland bowed.

"I hear your wife is almost due to give birth. Let me pass on advice as one father to the other, find a tutor that shall push your child out of their comfort zone.

I failed to do that to my son, and now your cousin is finally straightening out," Emperor Kaiser advised.

"I shall take it under advisement," King Roland bowed.

"Here take your contract. But if you or your descendants insult the emperor or any imperial titles, the title shall be ripped and become null. Do you understand?" Emperor Kaiser asked raising a brow.

"I do," King Roland bowed before being transported to his palace in Tirana.

"I'll be sure to send Marquis von Ballard back soon," Emperor Kaiser assured him.

Will completed adding the investment pool to the Mueller Stock Exchange.

"Thank you," Duke von Mueller said finally relaxing. "That tyrant is too quick-tempered. We are lucky to have escaped imprisonment. His prison is filled with men who defied him. Thank you for saving my life," Duke von Mueller bowed.

Before he could respond to the Duke, at the notification in his eye blinked. Will quickly checked his divine panel.

Name: William (Plutus)

Race: Divine

Divine Rank: 9 (Demi-God)

Human Rank: 5 (Grand Marquis)

Divine Title: God of Wealth

Human Title: Lord of Commerce/ Gaia's Champion

Class: Merchant

Sub Class: Spellsword Knight


Constitution—91 (+100)*

Strength—96 (+100)*

Dexterity—84 (+100)*

Intellect—103 (+100)*

Charisma—19 (+10)*

Ranks Skills: Management (93), Diplomacy (78+2), Accounting (95)

Class Skills: Appraisal (100, 100) [Radar]

Racial Abilities: Holy Aura (100, 1000), Divine Plant Affinity (1000, 1000)

Abilities: Grandmaster Swordsmanship (3, 100), Grandmaster Terramancer (5, 100), Gaia's Blessing (multiplies your spell strength x2), Journeyman Blacksmith (37, 50), Immunity to [Dragon Fear]

*The numbers in parenthesis are divine multipliers.

'It seems my diplomacy went up thanks to the treaty. King Roland also promoted me a peerage again, I wonder if that had to do with the treaty?' Will thought to himself.

"Marquis von Ballard are you all, right?" Duke von Mueller said interrupting Will's thought.

"Yes, I'm all right. You're welcome," Will replied smoothly.

"With this, that young emperor shall find it easier to rebuild his empire. I don't know where you get your ideas from, but you are certainly inventive. Please know I'll repay you. I'll have Christoph send you something nice," Duke von Mueller said sincerely.

"There's no needed," Will said as he cast [Gate] and walked into his Tirana bank.

Once again, Will quickly added the investment pools and then walked to the palace.

Will rarely walked anywhere now. And people were surprised to see him on the street bowed and greeted him quickly. It was a brisk evening.

It was an awkward evening mixed with winter wind and spring rain.

The rain angry pelted the city roads and the wind whipped violently. It seemed a vision of what was to come: violence, destruction, and raining blood.

Will made it to the palace just as the storm picked up and lightning and thunder roared like great cannons.

"Excuse me," a servant said, for the fifth time, finally getting through to Will. "His majesty wishes to see you."

Will made his way into King Roland's office. Where he saw him working under lamplight.

"Working this late?" Will joked.

"You gave me quite the scare. For a moment I thought you wouldn't give in. That old bastard is quite volatile. But it worked out for the best.

Once again, you've helped me achieve something my forefathers thought not possible: a peace treaty with the ever-expanding, consuming Great Eastern Empire," King Roland smiled.

"How many years is the treaty for?" Will asked curiously.

"20 years. I can't believe it. In our discussions, I fought for a 10-year peace treaty, but he so easily handed me a treaty twice for as long," King Roland said in astonishment.

"Surely, your name shall be glorified in the kingdom's annals," Will complimented.

"Our names. I'm merely a king of a medium-sized kingdom. Surely, your name shall live for all eternity as the 'man who owned the world,'" the king laughed.

"I think the title is a bit long," Will joked in return.

"It is. But your name should reflect your mountains of gold that you have locked away in your vault somewhere," the king smiled.

"I'd rather be known as husband, father, son," Will replied meekly.

"Yes, of course, your piety is well known. Your donations of gold and faith to the Church of Gaia are known by all," King Roland said his laughter and mirth gone.

"Why did you wish to see me, your majesty?" Will asked.

"Call me cousin when we're alone. I asked you to come at first to chastise you for defying that mad tyrant.

But now, I've decided to reward you for the treaty and for securing this kingdom's peace. Congratulations you are now a Grand Marquis," King Roland said handing Will his new peerage papers.

"Thank you, cousin, but this was stipulated in the treaty, no?" Will laughed.

"Ah your no fun! Why could you not give me face? I looked so magnanimous just then," King Roland said flexing his muscles.

"Then I graciously accept my magnanimous king," Will bowed low.

Then both Will and King Roland drank and smoked. When Earl Francis II joined them, they continued to talk and laugh until early morning. In the morning, Bryson walked into the king's study to find all three cousins fast asleep. The scent of strong whiskey and pipe smoke hung over them like a cloud.