Guns, Cannons, and Trucks

The next day, the king's Tirana Times proudly announced the Rhaziesian Investment Pools and a 20-year treaty with the Great Eastern Empire.

The news was celebrated in every city across Fermion and the Empire as people celebrate the return of Silver Phoenix's goods and commerce.

Both commoners and nobles praised King Roland for his statesmanship. Once again King Roland proved, he could accomplish what his predecessors could not. In Fermion, King Roland's authority was beyond compare.

With the promotion, Will's political influence was elevated to a greater height across Fermion.

After Marquis vont Hanover's demotion, the plague, and famine, Will now served as the second Marquis in the Fermion. Marquis Jing vont Smith was elevated to the position after the war with Albania.

In Fermion, an imperial family of any peerage was given the "Grand" prefix to a title. The prefix denoted their superiority over Fermion nobility. For example, Earl von Mueller was actually Grand Earl Christoph. But he did not care to add the prefix for diplomatic reasons.

Similarly, Will was entitled the Grand Marquis, but like Earl Christoph, he felt the grand prefix was unnecessary.

Now, only Will's family line could rival the royal Whitby family. Since King Roland did not have an heir, Earl Francis' son and Edward were now in-line for the throne.

And with Will's recent promotion to Grand Marquis, he had politically cemented his legacy and Edward's path to the throne. Yet neither Will nor Edward cared for politics.

That afternoon, Will held a meeting with his senior clerks, and city administrators, as well as Rupert, Bradley, and Bubba. Will quickly finished reading the reports, heading them to Edward to do the same.

Mei, Vanessa, Miles, and Jesper reported on investors investing hundreds of gold already into Rhaziesian Investment Pools. Even though the pool wouldn't accumulate interest until after the war, investors fought to for positions on the trustee board.

Rupert, Bradley, and Diego reported on the soldiers and goods being loaded onto the ships.

"Has the gunpowder been loaded yet?" asked Will.

Since Timothy invented guns, King Roland ordered thousands of guns manufactured. Not just guns, but also cannons as well. And to oversee the successful production, the king appointed Rupert and Bradley.

Rupert and Bradley were internationally renowned for their crafting of the first airship and trains. Crafters and engineers openly held them as icons and idolized them.

Before Will, Rupert, and Bradley, quartermasters, engineers, and runemasters were seen as last more important than infantry, signal, and intelligence commanders.

Now being an engineer, runemaster, or quartermaster was held in high esteem.

Moreover, getting employees by Bradley and Rupert meant great pay and benefits. It would be a lie to say, being an engineer was the highest paying nongovernmental occupation in the kingdom.

"Yes, the gunpowder, guns, and cannons are loaded. It looks like the army shall move out on time," Bradley answered.

At first, Bradley and Rupert were thankful since the blueprint on guns and cannons was mostly completed, they much appreciated a break from their stalled progress on building the truck.

After only a week they hated it. It was too repetitive. Like a newspaper press, they and their employees made thousands of guns and twenty cannons. It was mentally boring.

"Now that the weapons are done. Bradley and I plan to return to working on the truck," Rupert said.

The last time Will saw the truck it looked more like a Ford Model AA truck. The frame was stamped from metal, as was the inoperable engine.

"Where are we now on the truck," asked Will.

Ripper and Bradley look at each other. They were numerous problems with the truck.

First, they had trouble with how to hold up the frame. The 66-millimeter wooden carriage wheels could not bear the truck's weight and Dwarven steel would make the trucks too expensive.

Second, the magical engine started about 25% of the time, which meant even if they solved weight, the truck still wouldn't move. At this point, a horse and wagon would make more sense.

"We're still working on the engine," Rupert said positively.

"We've figured out how to make it brake, wheels move turn left to right. We just can get the machine to move forward," said Bradley embarrassed.

"Listen if you're having trouble with the engine and tires, why not just make it hover a meter off the ground?" suggested Will.

Originally, he asked Bradley and Rupert to make a combustion engine for a truck. Will didn't how great the discovery of combustion played on human history. He was more used to being chauffeured than a mechanic.

In Terra, since people could use magic there was no need for petrol. It was possible to buy magic artifacts.

Moreover, magical and mundane people lived in almost two separate worlds.

The idea of a mage building better transportation for non-magical people was never considered.

"Make it hover?" Rupert repeated the idea out loud.

"Yes, that would take the stress of the wheels and we could even change the design, making it lighter," Bradley said reaching onto Will's desk and grabbing a piece of paper and two pens.

The men started talking among themselves and ignoring the others.

"While they're busy, is there anything left to discuss on the agenda?" asked Will.

Landen, Bubba, and Kurosawa looked at Will.

"Master, is it true you're planning to travel with the army?" Landen asked.

"Yes, I feel confident you two can run Lezhe and Gadreel in my absence. None of the city guards are leaving, Gadreel should be safe," Will explained.

"Master Will, what my counterpart was inferring too was in the unlikely event of your death. Whom does your inheritance fall to?" Kurosawa asked.

That question caught everyone's attention. Even Rupert and Bradley stopped talking to listen.

"Edward is my heir," said Will.

He could understand why Landen asked that question. This war was unlike the Fermion/ Albanian wars of old. This was a war not for territory, but survival. Everyone knew the implications of losing this war.

"Thank you, Master Will," said Landen humbly.

Edward felt uncomfortable as everyone stared at him. Unlike everyone else who looked consoled, Edward was visibly angry at Landen for asking.

Will could see his frustration but said nothing. He'd address Edward in private. Will could tell this war would be much harder on his family than the last.

The impending war had soured everyone's mood until Bradly and Rupert shot up from their seats.

"We've done it!" they shouted cheerfully unaware of everyone's sad faces.

"You've done what?" Will asked.

"We finished the blueprint design for the hover trucks!" Bradley shouted back.

"We'll smooth out the truck's frame make it more sweeping and equipped with four small cores at the bottom of the vehicle and one in the dashboard. The truck shall have a yoke steering wheel that controls the drive assembly.

With its lighter frame now, the whole truck can be made from steel and the truck's cargo bed doesn't have to be out of wood. With these improvements, the truck should manage all kinds of terrain.

"How much do you think the trucks can carry?" Will asked excitedly.

Rupert and Bradley looked at each other like they were speaking telepathically but shrugging.

"We don't know?" replied Rupert.

"We have to do some experiment," agreed Bradley.

"May you send us back to Duress?" Rupert asked.

"I shall, but first I want to know if you gave Bubba the guns and cannons?" Will doubled checked.

"Yes, milord. Diego has them to us," announced Bubba.

"Then you may go," said Will casting [Gate].

"Any last comments, before I adjourn our meeting," asked Will.

"Boss Will, the Alchemy Guild is still waiting on payment for the gunpowder. King Roland has asked they we pay for this experiment. If this proves successful, he's promised to issue a refund," Mei informed him.

"How much do they want?" Will asked.

"500 gold," said Mei.

"They're overcharging me again. Pay half as a down payment, tell them the other half is their patriotic duty," Will declared.

"Yes. Boss Will," said Mei.

"Everyone can leave except Kurosawa and Bubba," Will ordered adjourning the meeting.

Tomorrow at the 8th bell, the army was scheduled to sail southward to the Qhosnir Empire. Tonight, he'd say goodbye to his family.

"Yes, milord?" Bubba asked.

"While I'm gone, Bubba double the city guards. Anytime my family exits the estate, make sure the guards escort them.

Also, post your most loyal guards inside Edward and Camille's classroom. Order them to defend my children at the cost of their lives.

Finally, Bubba don't neglect Edward's training even for a day," Will finished.

"Yes sir," Bubba saluted and left.

"Kurosawa, I want you to tutor Edward in my place. If you can't do it, find another," advised Will.

"You're a good father. Your kids are strong. They have a sturdy figure in Elizabeth. Focus on yourself and come home safely," Kurosawa said supportively.

With the preparations finished, Will was ready to say goodbye to his family tonight.