Chapter 20: Party and Duel - Part 4

"Sorry for that, we will not continue the event, and let's have the next participants! Yuno King versus Zero Daille!"

Yuno stood up and said, "Well, I hope my plan will go well"

"Plan?" I asked Viole and he replies, "Remember? He is quite quiet earlier, he is planning something, I think..."

"Zero is a swordsman that uses strength as its advantage and uses the strength of his legs so that he can run faster. It is creative but practically useless on the long battle. It consumes so much stamina, you know?" Lucy stated as she looks at me with a red face.

Both of them stood at each other's end and when the referee raised his hand, they positioned themselves.

"FIGHT!" the sound of the referee ringed through Yuno's ear and it is unusual that both of them didn't move.

Everyone is waiting for one of them to attack and for about 10 seconds, Yuno took his throwing daggers. It is not for attacking Zero because no daggers hit him. It will be weird for an archer user in the game to miss, right?

It seems like he really is planning something.

Zero smiled and said, "It seems like nothing happened~"

Zero stopped talking after seeing Yuno disappearing from his sight. 'That is... [Transfer Technique], huh? So it is like that. It is really useful just like my father said!' I got a grasp of it and then continued watching what happened next.

Yuno has another dagger in his hands and threw it in the face of Zero but he blocked it. When Zero is certain that Yuno is there, he slashed diagonally on his side without even looking at Yuno but nothing is there. He looked behind him but there is no one there.

"What..." Zero said as he looked around and saw Yuno in his place earlier.

He disappeared again and teleported in front of Zero and threw another dagger. "What the..." He blocked it again and in a blink of an eye, Yuno is behind him.

It became his routine and this is probably his plan to make the battle long.

Zero started moving away from his spot and then, saw Yuno throwing another dagger from his previous spot but it missed him.

After throwing the dagger that missed Zero. He disappeared again and Yuno is now behind him.

Yuno slashed Zero from behind but Zero used his strength to jump highly and successfully avoided, While in the mid-air, he positioned himself similar to the stance of Ain earlier but it is definitely not the [Moon Trick], it is a true front slash.

"Daille Sword Secret Form: Hydra's Eighth Head!"

He strikes the sword heavily on the area where Yuno is located but there is no one there.

'Not again?!' He complained inside of him and looked around. He is back in his original place again.

Yuno attacked using the same way but by the look of Zero, he is getting got a grasp of information that he needed to defeat Yuno.

After a moment of block and observation, he grinned and said, "You are not fast physically, huh?"

After hearing those words, Yuno's jaw trembled and hesitatingly said, "Really? Then what do you think am I doing?"

"It seems like you know that I don't want to care for other people so that is why you take care of that advantage to make the battle longer, isn't it?" Zero said as he grinned and continued, "You are more efficient at long-ranged weapons, right?"

Yuno is speechless, he can't deny that because he just exposed how good is he at throwing daggers. Due to that, Yuno retreated.

"That is why you used the technique..." Zero raised his sword and slashed the dagger's handle as if he is sowing the rice in the rice field. He continued destroying the daggers and said, "To transfer yourself to the place you marked using your daggers. If I am correct, the mark is in the handle, isn't it?"

"I will acknowledge you as a worthy opponent but for now, no. It seems like you have to train your--" Yuno suddenly throw a dagger and said, "You should shut up, we are currently fighting, not explaining"

"I see, you don't want to expose your weakness, huh? But unfortunately, not just the other participants and audience noticed your weakness. Your parents and friends too" Zero said as he continued evading the throwing daggers.

"D***n, just how many daggers you have?!" Zero complains angrily and Yuno grinned, "Guess how many?"

Yuno thrown 20, 30, 50, 70, 90, 100! But he never stopped attacking. After hitting the 150th dagger, he stopped and Zero said, "It seems that is your limit?"

"No way. I have more" Yuno said as he took another 10 daggers from his pocket and said, "You can say, that I have unlimited daggers"

I have a vague idea of what he is doing.

Aura is the only answer for that.

As far as I know, Aura has 10 stages: body fortification, body cleansing, natural gathering, nature forming, body reinforcement, manipulation, bloodline awakening, bloodline burst, evolution. But there are also a lot of types of aura.

[1] Using aura to enhance yourself, change the properties of your aura, manipulating aura, making objects from the aura, detaching aura from the body, controlling nature using aura itself, or even creating a special kind of aura where you can create another space or transport one object to another space.

They are called, Fortifier, Metamorphose, Manipulation, Creation, Emission, Natural and Spatial-Type aura respectively.

In Yuno's case, he used a creation-type aura to create daggers and then reinforced a manipulation-type aura to the dagger so that the user and the object's connection won't break. After passing through or being blocked by Zero, Yuno will use a spatial-type aura to place it on his created personal space storage.

It is a perfect plan for bluffing but at the same time, it is not. Creating something like this will take up a lot of plans but it seems like Yuno just planned it just earlier.

If the manipulation-type aura breaks mid-way, you can't teleport it back to the storage you created. That is why you have to know the perfect amount of aura you will reinforce to the object for it to work.

He is a genius at aura manipulation.

Well, as far as I know, these types are all inside our bodies but haven't awakened yet. 'Should I ask father to force awaken my aura? I am already at the body reinforcement stage after all and I am about to break through the sixth stage'

I looked at Yuno with a smile.

Zero looked behind but there are no daggers behind him.

"What?!" Zero snapped and now angry. 'Ah, I forgot to tell Yuno that the special trait of the Daille family is...'

Zero ran towards Yuno who is surprised because he became faster and possibly stronger. Zero clenched his fist and punch Yuno. Yuno got thrown to the ground, unconscious.

'Berserk. *Sigh* it seems like I have to apologize to him later. Earlier, I only told him that he uses his strength to become faster. That is why I thought that his weakness is his stamina...'

"THAT'S IT! WINNER: Zero Daille!" I loud round of applause came from the audience ringed throughout the field.

"It's your turn now, Lucy," I said and when I looked at her, she smiled which made me feel a bit comfortable.

"Yeah, I hope everything will go well. I don't know much of my enemy after all." She said as she waited for the announcer the announcement of the next match.

"Now, let's proceed to the fourth battle! Lucy Scott versus Hatter Watson!" The announcer announced.

"Then, I should go now," She said as she stood up and started to walk towards the field.

"Umm, Lucy?" I hesitatingly said and she stopped walking looking back at me and replied, "Why?"

"Defeat the enemy as soon as possible, okay?" I said while my face started to get red and she replied, "Ah-- okay!"

I heard her chuckling after she left me with those words. The words that I really want to say are, "Good luck and don't push yourself" but instead, I said that...

Lucy stood on the field and stared at her enemy. It seems like she is looking at something from his body.

The referee raised his hands and said, "FIGHT!" as he lowers his hands.

Lucy immediately dashes first and immediately used a sword skill,. She mumbled, "[Scott Myriad Style: Striking Edge]"

Hatter, his enemy, is surprised at her very fast pace, and when her sword reached Hatter, Hatter immediately blocked it and used his sword skill from the eastern continent.

"[Dragon Claw!]"

He changed his sword form from blocking to attacking form and immediately, swung his sword upwards, making Lucy retreat a meter away from Hatter. The attack looks like a tiger's claw attack and it only wounded her arm.

'Luckily, it is shallow' I sighed in relief inside my heart as I am nervously watching her battle.