Chapter 21: Party and Duel - Part 5

She retreated after taking damage from that attack. She doubled her focus and she let his opponent attack her first.

"[Absolute Pierce]" Hatter mumbled and then Lucy immediately said, "Absolute Pierce? Then, [Scott Sun Technique: Absolute Shield]"

Energy from the sun gathered in the sword and blocked the sword skill that Hatter used.

"I see. So that is how it is!" I said and then suddenly, the aura that is gathering and compressing to the sword of Lucy also started to surround me. It didn't hinder the battle but everyone around me noticed my changes.

"You just got enlighten?!" Viole said as he looked at me with a surprised face. The face of Ain who is resting beside me is startled by the hot energy that surrounded me.

"Ah--" I tried to decompress the energy and said, "Sorry about that, haha. I am thinking while you guys are in a battle and I got a grasp of what is the technique you uses but I didn't think that I got--" I immediately realized that there is a feeling inside me that is my first time to feel. It is a feeling of sticky, cold, warm, and a lot more feeling.

"Wait, when a person awakens their aura type, what kind of feeling is it?" I asked them and Ain replied, "You'll get a lot of different feelings. The feeling is based on your type. For example, the fortifier-type aura has a rough feeling. metamorphose is sticky, creation has a smooth feeling, the emission is hot, natural is cold, and spatial is a mysterious one but you can eventually feel it if you have the aptitude for that." Ain explained as he stared at me who is feeling something.

'I can feel every feeling! Wait, this feeling? It feels like I am floating in the space!'

"Don't tell me that you didn't just get enlightened but also awakened?" Ain said with an expression that is telling me, "I am not surprised anymore"

"Yeah!" I said happily and continued watching the match of Lucy who is pairing with each other.

"I am jealous of Theo's talent..." Viole mumbled on my side and I said to myself, 'Sorry, I don't know how to deal with this kind of jealousy...'

I noticed that Lucy is using a movement step. She is not fast nor slow but she dodged every pierce, slash, and strike of Hatter. It is somehow similar to the [Xeros Moonstyle] but a movement version type.

"[Unrivaled Mountain Rupture!]"

Hatter yells as he heavily slashed vertically. It seems like it used alongside the qi from china.

"[Scott Myriad Style: Steady Stance] and [Scott Myriad Style: Steady Block]"

The aura blocked the heavy attack. It looks like she stance herself so that she won't move to her spot and then blocked the attack so that the opponent will be the one who will get thrown.

Lucy said, "Scott Myriad Technique: Steady Sword"

She ran towards the trajectory of his landing and prepared her stance to pierce Hatter's stomach.

When Hatter noticed Lucy in the spot where he is about to land, he used another technique, "[Four Guardians Style: Shell of the Black Tortoise]"

The qi inside his body became a protective shield, preventing him from being pierced by the sword of Lucy.

But by the looks of that technique and name, as far as I know, some of the techniques with numbers are a continuous style where after one used, another one must be used, or else, an intense backlash might affect the user.

The qi amount that Hatter used is immense and he can't probably handle it and he needed to release it.

Then he mumbled, "[Claw of the White Tiger]"

He slashed her with his sword with the similar effect of the [Dragon Claw].

"[Wings of the Vermillion Phoenix]"

He continued by kicking to the ground, making Lucy lose his balance and the qi started to gather in his arms and said, "[Roar of the Azure Dragon!]"

The attack that made out of qi appeared and successfully hits Lucy directly.

"Ugh," She groaned and vomit some blood. I subconsciously stood up and both Viole and Ain who are beside me are startled.

I sat down once again and observed the battle carefully. Hatter used an insane amount of qi on his body.

Lucy seems to notice this too and started to move. Hatter looked exhausted already and he probably still can't control the technique.

"[Scott Myriad Style: Slash of the Wind!]" The wind that surrounded her blade compressed inside of it and then Lucy released it.

It is a very sharp attack. It hits directly Hatter who didn't dodge because of his exhaustion.


A round of applause rolled in after hearing the announcement of a winner. The referee immediately ended the battle because of two reasons: he is exhausted and he is already injured.

Lucy immediately went back to our group and before she said anything, "You worked up. Get rest. That is amazing" I said with a smile and she replied, "Thank you!" with a satisfied face.

"Hmm. I hate this lovey-dovey couple. Theo didn't even compliment me on our battle but get scolded instead" Ain said as he pouts.

"Well, you used my technique, you know?" I said and continued, "Ah~ Come to think of it, I will get all of your permission later. Haha"

They are speechless and don't know what to reply to. The silence in the group created by Theo got broken down by the arrival of Yuno. "I will permit mine, you will use our techniques, right? It is alright for me" Yuno said with a straight face and Viole replied, "My battle is earlier than yours, I will try to use all of my skills but remember it all!"

"I am alright with it too!" Lucy said as she blushed. "Hell no!" Ain said while looking away at our group.

"Well, it's okay. You won using my techniques after all" I said. Ain can't reply or debate because it is true. He only used one technique, [Dwarven Steel] that blocks pierce.

"Well, it's true that I won using your technique but the technique that I used for blocking the piercing technique of William is a very useful technique, you know?" Ain said and I replied, "Hoh? Why?"

"It can be used to upgrade your weapon. Though you can't see it because I reinforced fortifier-type aura. First, I only planned to block it using the reinforced fortifier-type aura inside of my sword. After that I removed it from my sword and tried to use the skill that you used at the dungeon but later on when I realized that my body is stiffening, I used the fortifying aura on myself, and subconsciously, I also reinforced it in my sword but I know that the sword got light and probably more powerful. I can't test it out because the referee interferes." Ain said that made me a little bit interested in it.

"Well, I will just use it without your permission then," I said jokingly as he looked at me angrily.

"I am not very sure at that information but if you know how to reinforce and strengthen the object with my [Dwarven Steel], it might work," Ain said. I only replied with a nod because it is still uncertain.

It will be great news if it is true.

"Then, we are 3 matches away and because of that, let's not waste time and proceed to the next match! Match 5: Elizabeth Bastion versus Fred Dwaine"

When the two names are announced, a woman with a pretty face and a guy who looks calm went to the open field right away.

I stared at the two participants who are silently marching towards the field and I felt something unexplainable on the guy called Fred.

Fred Dwaine is the representative of the government itself, we don't know about much of him but there is definitely something inside Fred. It is somehow good and evil at the same time.

I stared at him intensely and noticed that he has two sets of aura.

'This is the first time I saw that!'

He has two different aurae with different types. Fortifying-type can't be seen by other people but the other aura can, though, nature and spatial-type aura are vague to see but it is doable.

He has emission and spatial-type aura but inside, a malicious creation and manipulation.

'Just what is that bad feeling on the other aura?' I thought as I stared at the field.

The referee raised his hand and as he lowers his hand that he raised, he cried, "FIGHT!"

The two participants stared at each other first, 'It seems like Elizabeth noticed it too!'

Elizabeth is cautious but it seems like she has an impatient personality. That is why she attacked first despite knowing that there is something wrong with his aura.

Well, in fact, I will do it too if I am at her place, to know what is the other aura for.