Chapter 35: Sell and Time Scroll

I entered the auction hall as I feel the nostalgia for the past.

'I still remember the time where the nobles of this kingdom are buying the [Age Regressing Potion] just to keep their young face' I chuckled inwardly as I walked directly to the area where we sell the items.

Well, unlike the process of the real auction in real life, you only have to tap the window interface on the counter and place the items. You can change their reasonable starting prices and their amount.

I immediately placed 2 [Instant Movement] skill books in the auction with the price of 1 gold.

If I will place all 14 of them, then people will start to talk about this issue of how did I get these legendary skills.

These skills are labeled as legendary because this skill is a [Space-time element] skill. [Space-time] items, skills, or blueprints are all legendary because of how hard for them to find them.

[Fire Dragon Levy] also has this skill and bought it from the same exact auction hall where I am at with 15 golds or 1,500 silvers. I planned to sell this with 5 gold but it seems like a lot of players still have no amount of this coin.

Then, I stepped back on the counter and activates the scrolls inside my inventory since there is a [Activate] function on every inventory.

[Activating 414 Elemental Scrolls..]

[You got 66 Fire Scrolls, 48 Water Scrolls, 54 Wind Scrolls, 78 Earth Scrolls, 42 Light Scrolls, 90 Lightning Scrolls, 12 Dark Scrolls, 12 Sun Scrolls, 5 Moon Scrolls, 6 Space Scrolls, and 1 Time Scroll]

'What?! I got [Time Scroll] which never appeared in the closed beta test?!'

I stared at the [Time Scroll] and inspect it:

[Item Name: Time Scroll (Unknown)

Description: This scroll grants you enlightenment on the time element... And there is a small chance to get the skill [Inferior Time Manipulation] and [Clairvoyance]. If you absorb the magic on this scroll, you will get another major stat, the Arcana stat]

'Heck, this is a god-like item, it is priceless! I won't sell it and use it for myself...'

The scrolls are a very important item for boosting one's power and sometimes, you can also use it as an offensive or defensive magic if you ripped it.

If you rip it, a skill will activate. For example, [Fire Scrolls] will grant you the [Burst Skill] if you rip it and the [Water Barrier] will be activated if you rip a [Water Scroll]

If you absorbed it, it will increase your power. Such as fire's destructive attribute for strength, defense for water, agility for wind, or buff from moon element. All scrolls have the chance of

In this case, this [Time Scroll] didn't appear on the closed beta test so it is not worth it if I rip it. I will definitely absorb this.

[Sage Classes] will give you the ability to have an affinity for all elements. But not knowing about them.

Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind, Light, Dark, Earth are very easy to comprehend because we can already see them every day. But it is kind of weird that the Sun and Moon element is not working even though we can always see the day and night. It seems like there is some lack of information that I have to fill.

Lastly, space and time. Space and time are the most mysterious element out of all elements and no one in the closed beta test ever controlled space nor time.

'I wonder if the [Plane Domain] is the same as the space element? I should check it out if I have time...'

Life and Death element from [Breathe of Life] and [Destruction Affinity] is kind of vague because of lacking information and it can't even be fused.

Plus, the [Arcana Stats]. I have no idea what is that stat for.

Since the comprehension stat can affect the chance of learning the skills on the scroll, I will equip the [Dragon Fang Sword] because based on its description, it grants me infinite comprehension of every single creature. If I am not wrong, it is saying that I have the ability to comprehend the things that the other creatures that can comprehend.

'Is God a creature? I'm not sure... But it is worth a try.'

I collected 3 pieces of scrolls on each element for a boost later... "Am I allowed to get stronger? I am hella stronger than now I have the stats of infinity for six stats. Even though three of them came from an item. If someone is going to have a proper duel with me, I am sure that I will win because of these insane stats..."

Infinite means a never-ending or unknown. At first, my mana is infinite because the amount of mana I have is uncalculatable anymore, and officially titled infinite. But this time, it seems like I have never-ending mana since I have never-ending stats of [Intelligence]

I put a price of 2 silver coins on destructive elements, 1 silver coin on soft elements such as water, wind, and earth. 10 silver coins on rare elements such as light, dark, sun, and moon while I placed 1 gold coin on space scroll.

I also placed the materials such as meats, venoms, bones, and fur. I also decided to sell one of my [Majestic Wolf] with level 25 with 5 gold coins.

The cores are also stored at their normal price, 25 copper coins. [Wild Rabbit Boots], [Yashka's Blueprint], [Skill Book: Charge (Uncommon)], 109 [Skill Book: Berserk (Rare)] are there too.

And in the end, there is a name that I should fill up.

'I should put [Lunar Scythe]' I said to myself as I typed my second name here on this game.

Now, my inventory is like a brand new inventory again with almost no items now that I don't have miscellaneous items like the fangs and meats.

'Now, what should I do for now... I should take my official baron title and activate the plot of land I have...'


"What a long ceremony!" I yell out of frustration because it is too annoying to have those long ceremonies. I am just a baron, the lowest rank but all of them treats me like a king. The king is also acting like that to me.

'Come to think of it, the plot of land is not in the inner division but in the palace... Haah, I wonder what is the deal with them that they treat me that way...'

I lied down as I felt my back aching. The auction will be held later at 10 in the morning...

"Ha?! I entered the game at 12:37, looked for the farming spot for the [Dwarf of Dawn] for 20 minutes, killed them for an hour, traveled for an hour from there to the kingdom, auctioned my items for about 30 minutes, and I am in the palace for four hours?! It is already 07:28!" I frowned as I looked at how much time I spend just to take the plot of land and title of a baron.

'I should log out for a while... It is already 18:28 or 6 pm in the outside world.'

I opened the settings and then looked out for the log-out button and then clicked it.


Back in the real world, I practiced our family's martial arts for three hours without eating and had a bath for half an hour. That is how I take I bath, the time of my bath is reaching to 20 to 30 minutes because I like being in the water.

As I sat down on my bed, I stared at the screen of my phone.

"So, 2 days from now is the end of our vacation, huh?" I sighed inwardly as I stared at the current date. Today is January 04.

January 01 is the official release date of this game, it is also the time I did the platinum quest. On the second day, I joined a party with Rufus to conquer a dungeon, January 03 is the day where we practiced non-stop dancing. Then, the party on January 04 and my third day in the game.

"Hmmm, it seems like the first week of this year has a lot of events occurred for me, huh?" I chuckled as I opened the website of Olympus.

"Wha--" I exclaimed as I stared at my screen. I sighed out of regret and said, "I didn't think that I would make this mess..."

-- FORUM --

[Lunar Scythe auctioned the 'first' Magical technology blueprint on the auction located in the [Orion Kingdom] SEE MORE...]

[Space Scroll of Lunar Scythe reached 15 gold for each scroll!! SEE MORE...]

'I underestimated the people in the game... To think that they already have 45 gold coins and they have just used it to buy 3 [Space Scrolls] that I sold...' I frowned as I continued looking at the article titles.

[Majestic Wolf is auctioned! Player [Kirin] bought it for 50 gold coins! SEE MORE...]

[The [Skill Book: Berserk] is bought by the [Crazy Delusion Guild] for 5 gold coins each! The terrifying amount of money of their guild! SEE MORE...]

Some of the articles are not about me but the people who bought them but I regret that I sold a lot of items.

[[Skill Book: Instant Movement]'s the price from 1 gold to 50 gold each! Since there are only two, these are considered priceless! SEE MORE...]

I frowned once again and feels guilty about this.

"[Instant Movement] is a priceless treasure, then I am a walking treasury?" I sighed as I said that and continued looking at the articles.

I really feel sorry for the people who spend too much on my items...