Chapter 36: Wealth and Scrolls

I entered the game once again. I opened my eyes and I can see the ceiling of the inn I took.

"It is really like waking up in another world if you lie down the bed before logging out. Haha," I chuckled silently as the notification is continuously flashing through my eyes.


[Your [Rabbit Horns] is sold! You received 50 bronze coins] x97

[Your [Rabbit Leather] is sold! You received 20 bronze coins!] x115

[Your [Fire Elemental Core] is sold! You received 3 silver coins!]

[Your [Fire Leather Rabbit] is sold! You received 5 copper coins and 25 bronze coins!] x10

[Your [Skill Book: Instant Movement] got sold! You received 50 gold coins!] x2

[Your [Viper Venom] got sold! You received 25 bronze coins!] X32

[Your [Viper Skin] got sold! You received 5 bronze coins!] x35

[Your [Earth Wild Boar's Fang] got sold! You received 1 copper coin!] x12

[Your [Earth Wild Boar's Leather] got sold! You received 25 bronze coins!] x14

[Your [Earth Wild Boar's Meat] got sold! You received 60 bronze coins!] x 15

[Your [Earth Elemental Core] got sold! You received 1 silver coin!] x15

[1] ...

The series of notifications didn't annoy me but instead, I feel pleasant to it. I calculated every single item and its final price. Since the auction is free to use, with no taxes or such, I received 100% of the price of my items.

The system's backstory of the auction tells that someone from the higher-ups is giving the auction house their needs, that is why they don't profit from the auction but from someone higher than everyone else.

The system also automatically converts the coins if they reached a specific amount. Before the auction, I have 3 Diamonds, 4 Golds, 50 Silvers.

Now, combining with 3 Diamonds, 41 Golds, 81 Silvers, 21 Coppers, 75 Bronze. I now have 6 Diamonds, 46 Golds, 31 Silvers, 21 Coppers, and 75 Bronze.

In real-life currency, it is about $6,493,850 in total.

"My balance is still better than the amount of these coins. In real life, I got $25M..." I sighed as I looked at the number of coins I have.

"Well, for now-- I don't have a plan for the land I got and maybe I should level up my skills first before leveling up to 50 so that the second phase of [Blooming Change] won't affect me, at all. But what are the things that I can use for my skills to level up?"

In my experience of being a closed beta player, I know that there are many ways to increase the proficiency or level of the skills.

First, I know that continuous skills can increase proficiency as long as you keep them activated. Next, the skills can be upgraded using skill points, then, using it against monsters or players can also increase the proficiency of the skills.

There are also some places where a player can level their skills without getting a level such as the [Magic Tower], [Heart of Delfin], [Trials], or [Blessing].

The [Magic Tower] is located near to the [Greed of Dragons, Elzein Kingdom]. It has 100 floors and every single floor won't give you exp but a prize instead. Of course, the prizes are items and materials excluding exp.

The tower has 5 difficulties, similar to the dungeon. Hydro, Terra, Aeria, Pyro, and Lyra.

'I can now handle Lyra's difficulty if I used both [Heroic Sword] and [Dragon Fang Sword]. I don't need the [Majestic Sword] at all. [Elemental Sword] is also a good choice but I want the 1000% damage on skills of the [Heroic Sword]'

On the other side, [Heart of Delfin] is located inside the [Elven Territory] on the west, near the kingdom of [Osirus Kingdom], they called that kingdom the [Delfin's Love].

Unlike the [Dragon Empire], they use the seven virtues while on this empire, they use seven sins.

The [Heart of Delfin] is a place where the ancestors of elves will appear as a ghost and fight with them. The place is like the arena itself. You can't get exp nor coins but skill proficiency and rewards from the elves.

'If I go into the [Heart of Delfin], they will definitely try to take me to their kingdom because of my class, the [Sage Classes]. Only people from the elven and dragon bloodlines are the only players who can get sage classes, after all. I still remember that my friends persuaded the whole elven kingdom for my sake...'

I chuckled inwardly as I continued deciding.

Now, there are also the [Trials] where there is a lot of them. [Trial of Strength], [Trial of Vitality], [Trial of Wisdom], and so on and so forth are some of them. There is a trial of [Trial of Proficiency] located at the [Dragon Den]...

No one goes there but only people with dragon blood in them. On our [Silent Guild], there are only 3 person who has a dragon bloodline: [Fire Dragon Levy], [Holy Dragon Seiya] and [Underworld Dragon, Chris]

I don't know if a dragon person or in short, a Dragonoid is allowed to be there.

Finally, the [Blessing]. [Blessing] is the blessing of a god that grants you the ability to kill every monster within the vicinity. Though, I need some requirements to get the blessing of [Poseidon] who is always watching me... It is an active skill that you can always use once a week.

'Then, what should I choose... [Magic Tower] and the [Heart of Delfin] will bring me benefits. [Trial of Proficiency] and [Blessing] is too annoying to deal with... So I should choose between those two places...'

I pondered as I stare out of the window...

'Come to think of it, the [Magic Tower] is also close from the [Ingracia Territory]. I will check that place sooner. If I go into [Magic Tower], then it is like hitting the two birds with one stone. Since I plan to go into [Ingracia Territory], then I should go to the nearest one already, right?' I asked myself as I smiled widely.

"Then, I should go there now! The [Magic Tower] is the nearest first, then the [Ingracia Territory!] Then the destination is, toward the north!"

I left the inn immediately and ran with the fastest speed I have alongside the trustworthy [Elemental Stealth] that I have.


After two hours of running and avoiding monsters, I reached the borderline that divides the [Orion Kingdom] and the [Elzein Kingdom]. The border is in the form of a forest.

I entered the forest and find a cave where I can absorb the scrolls that I have.

Because of my excitement earlier, I forgot to absorb the scrolls. I equipped the [Dragon Fang Sword] and took all of the scrolls out of my inventory.

I sat down in a lotus position and absorbed the scrolls.

There are three ways to absorb these scrolls. First is the normal way, which is devouring the scroll with your magic power. The second way is to reinforce the magic inside the scroll into you and then comprehend it. And the last one is the meditative state where you will sit down and reinforce your mana inside the scroll and then, you'll hear a voice.

Only crazy people would do the third way because it affects the mental condition of the player if their mental strength is so weak.

In my case, I will do the crazy one because my intelligence is also part of my mental strength, meaning, it is infinite. I can't do anything about infinite stats created by a passive or unknown reason...

I started to comprehend the voice and absorbing it into my mind.

[Absorbing the [Fire Scroll]...]



[100%... You successfully absorbed the [Fire Scroll!]. You received +10% damage of any fire damage skills and +10 on strength and intelligence]

[Congratulations! You comprehended the [First Flame], you will receive the passive skill [Flame Heart]]

'Huh? It is not in the description... I have no idea what is the [Flame Heart]'

-- --

Flame Heart Lv. EX (Legendary)

Description: Only the people with great talent can form the heart of the elements. It grants the person a power of the [Flame God], [Hephaestus]

-- --

[Hepahestus] is a blacksmith and a craftsman. He has the most powerful god who can use the fire freely even inside of the metal.

'I don't need the strength at all. I already have the [Dragon Fang Sword] which bound to me. I already gave up on the idea of having two identities. It is too annoying...'

I took another [Fire Scroll] and absorbed it...

[You successfully absorbed the [Fire Scroll]! You received +5% damage of any fire damage skills and +10 on strength and intelligence]

[Congratulations! You comprehended the [Second Flame], you will receive the active skill [Pyrokinesis]!]

-- --

Pyrokinesis Lv. EX

-The blessing of Hephaestus that grants you to completely control the fire element with precise control and magic power.

Mana: None

Cooldown: None

Note: The fire-type elemental attacks will merge into the skill.

-- --

'Fire-attacks? Then--'

I immediately checked all of my fire attacks but it seems like the [Bursting Beam] and [Fire Stomp] are the only skill that merged into the new skill.

'It seems like the [Fire Dragon's Breathe] or [Fire Dragon's Fist] are still here. It seems like the dragon-type attacks are not considered elemental attacks even though the attacks are using some elements...'

I took out the last [Fire Scroll] and absorbed it again.

[You successfully absorbed the [Fire Scroll]! You received +5% damage of any fire damage skills and +10 on strength and intelligence]

[Congratulations! You comprehended the [Final Flame]! You will receive the passive skill [Divine Fire]]

-- --

Divine Fire Lv. EX (Celestial)

Description: The flame of hope, the flames that ignited on the hope of the gods. It is given to you by [Hephaestus]. All demon-type monsters will have a 30% chance of dying even if the life is full. All of your fire attacks will get the attribute of the hidden element, Divine.

Trigger Effect: Upon using a normal fire attack, you will get an affinity for the divine element.

-- --

'Trigger Effect?'

I raised my hand and faced my palm towards a boulder and said, "[Pyrokinesis]"

A ball of fire created by my will came out of nowhere and attacked the boulder directly, making it explode.

[You got the Divine Affinity!]

[Congratulation! As a sage, you finally got 13 out of 25 affinities. Unlocking the [Affinity Percentage] function]

[Affinity Percentage] (?)

[Fire - Supreme (100%)]

[Water - Supreme (100%)]

[Wind - Supreme (100%)]



[Life - Supreme (10%)]

[Death - Supreme (10%)]

{Divine - Supreme (100%)}

As I looked at the list of my affinity, all of my 10 basic elements including space, time, and lightning, there are 100% next to the word supreme.

I noticed the (?) next to the title and immediately tapped it after thinking that is the information about this function.