Chapter 39: School Scientist Murder Case [SUSPECTION]

"The police said that they will go here immediately." The man said as I stared at the numbers that seem more likely his dying message.

'What are these numbers?' I asked myself as I continued looking around the room. I didn't touch the vase at all but I know that it is bloodied, just by that evidence is convincing that the vase is the murder weapon.

I looked at the whole room and saw the machine that is large, it can probably hold a lion inside of it. Its height is also high, it is 6 feet tall.

It seems like biologists are using these types of things now, huh?

There is also a box in the middle of the room. Alongside some papers and another box.

'These are placed here not long ago, it seems like it is arranged neatly with no dirt or dust at all!'

I stared at the chair and saw some very small fragments below it. But it is not bloodied at all.

I stared at the door and made sure that no one will go in unless the police arrived. I haven't touched anything so there won't be a problem.

'The police will arrive here later, I should check something important first...' I dashed towards Thomas who is also at the door, looking at the crime scene, and asked him, "Can you stay here and make sure that no one enters? Also, don't touch anything!"

He nods as I pulled him from the crowd and leaving the crime scene. Thomas is a trustworthy person so it is alright to let him guard the crime scene.

I ran into the hallway and stared at the corner of the hallway. 'It seems like it recorder what happened.'

One of the important things is the events that happened before, during, and after the murder. And there is a device that can record it. It can also be used as a piece of evidence. The Closed-circuit Television or in short, CCTV.

I dashed towards the room where the CCTV's are being monitored.

During this time, the guards are not doing their duty because this is also the time they go home or take a break.

I know how to use the monitors and watch the CCTV records two to three hours ago. If I fast forward the events, then I can list down the suspects of murder.


"We are currently taking care of a case, another case appeared? Why the hell our departments are all taking care of murder cases?!" The man in the suit complained as he drives the car.

"Well, well, let's just take care of it." The woman with formal clothes said as she smiled at the man next to her.

"Fine, we are here... Kirvin University, right?" The man in the suit took his wallet with ID on it, revealing his identity to the guard. He is Lemuel Miller, the current inspector of the Brookline Police Department or BPD.

Then Lemuel said, "Guide us to the murder scene..."

The guard nods as he started to walk inside the building.

"I am impressed with the exterior image of this school but I am not sure if 'impressive' is the correct word for the interior design of this school," The woman said as she stared at every room.

"Oi, Luca, case first before admiring the place!" Lemuel said with an annoyed tone as he stared at Luca, his partner. She is Luca Clark, the assistant of the inspector.

"Yes, come to think of it, the person who called 911 said that there is a murder scene and he said that it is definitely a murder because someone told him that it is murder. Who is the person who told him that?" Luca asked as she doubts the source of the information that it is a murder.

"It seems so. But by the way of talking of the caller, he is confident or dumb to believe on the source of that information..." Lemuel said coldly as they saw the crowd outside of the room.

There are five people next to the door and one of them seems like a student.

"Excuse us, police here. We'll be taking the case. Are you the one who said that it is a murder?" Luca asked as she approached the student.

"Huh? No, it is Theo. He is also the one who checked the CCTV to find suspects. And because of that, he found out that there are four suspects." Thomas said as he explained what Theo did.

"He is doing what he wants, is he mocking the police?" Lemuel asked as he stared coldly at the four suspects and Thomas.

"N-no, Theo is the one who keeps the crime scene safe and I am just here on his request..." Thomas is pressured by the cold expression of Lemuel.

"Hmmm" Luca hums as she stared at the corpse and said, "I am not familiar with rigor mortis, so I can't estimate the time of death..."

"A-ah, Theo said that it seems like based on the stiffness of the face and neck, he thinks that he died two to three hours ago..." Thomas immediately said as he heard the word "Rigor Mortis"

"Let me see..." Lemuel walks towards the corpse who is facing the computer and noticed that the face is completely stiff and the stiffness already reached its neck.

'It is really 2 to 3 hours ago...' Lemuel said to himself and asked Thomas, "Then? Where is he?"

"It seems like he is at the room of the four suspects. Finding something?" Thomas said with a confused expression that made the police officers including Luca and Lemuel speechless.

"Then, he already knows who killed him?" Luca asked as she stared at Thomas.

"I don't know, he already said that the victim typed the name of the culprit using a code of some sort." Thompson pointed at the monitor of the computer and saw the numbers [27, 19, 16, 14, 32, 16]

"Code? Is it a simple code?" Luca asked as she touched her chin, thinking of the possible ciphers to decipher this code but in the end, she gave up.

"If that is the case, then can you call him?" Lemuel asked as he thought, 'That guy is smart, maybe we can finish this investigation earlier than we expected...'

"No need, I just arrived," Theo said as he entered the room.


'The police finally arrived' I said to myself and sighed inwardly as everyone in the crowd look at me.

"Can you tell us what did you discovered?" The inspector said as he stared at me with keen eyes.

"Victim: Hiroshi Satou, 35 years old, male. A Japanese scientist who became a professor at Kirvin University. A scientist, professor, mathematician, mentor, and businessman. He works as the CEO of the [Polymeister Company] that deals with trading overseas..." I said straightforwardly and continued, "He died by getting hit by a blunder weapon, which is the vase and there are a total of 5 suspects, you should know one of them, Inspector Lemuel."

"How'd you know that my name is Lemuel, we are not acquainted nor someone from your families or friends,.." Lemuel said as I replied with a chuckle, "I have a friend who can gather information faster than anybody else..."

'Well, Master Falcon is my master, not a friend. Plus he is an assassin, not completely an information gatherer...'

"Then? Who are the suspects? And the reason why they are suspects..."

"First suspect: Regarde Campbell, 37 years old, male and an old friend of Hiroshi Satou," I said as I stared at Regarde who is nervous.

"Second suspect: Renalyn Davis, 24 years old, female, and one of the three students of Hiroshi Satou" I stared at the woman with an average look who looks very innocent and she is surprisingly calm but she is not looking at the bloody corpse at all.

"The third suspect: Janet Lopez, 35 years old, female, and one of the old acquaintance of Hiroshi Satou," I looked at the woman who is the one who discovered the body of professor Satou.

"Finally, the last suspect: Alfonso Walker, 24 years old, one of the three students of Hiroshi Satou" The man who looks like a normal student stared at me with a calm expression.

"The reason why they are all a suspect is... They have all entered and met the professor before he died." Everyone immediately understood what I meant.

"Are you sure? Maybe you included all of the people who met him?" Luca said and I chuckled, "Haha, I may be a student but I am not an idiot. There is a total of 12 people that contacted the professor for 8 to 10 hours but I only included the people who met him two to three hours ago. And during that time, there are only four-person and a 'mysterious' person"

"What do you mean?" Lemuel asked.

"Well, there should be 5 suspects in total but the inclusion of that mysterious guy leads me to these four suspects." I said as I smirked and Luca said, "How so?"

"The mysterious guy is wearing a hood and the height is probably 5 to 6 feet," I said as they looked at me with curiosity.

"Then, who is the supposed to be the 5th suspect?" Lemuel said as I walked towards the corpse and I said, "Well, the other person is Levin Krueger, a person who suffers dwarfism, The niece of the victim..."

Everyone went silent and agreed. "Then? Why did you exclude that guy just because the mysterious guy is 5 to 6 feet tall? Is the hooded guy even the murderer? What if that person is an outsider who killed the victim?" Luca consecutively asked as I closed my ears out of annoyance.

"This policewoman is so annoying. Ask one of the time, okay? Hey, Mr. Forensic, if the corpse is standing, how tall is he?" I asked the forensic who is looking for clues and investigating the footprints or fingerprints in the vicinity.

"Huh? Mr. Hiroshi Satou must be 6'5 feet in height... Why?" The forensic asked but I ignored it and asked, "Then, how tall is the corpse when sitting down?"

"This chair is tall high. If he sits here, he will get a 5'5 height..." He said with a confused look at me and continued, "Why do you ask?"

"Investigation. Now, tell me... What is the weight of that vase?" I asked again and he said, "It probably weighs 50 lbs.?"

"And then, the height of Levin is 4'3 with the weight of 43 lbs. Now, you understand that?" I asked Luca which made her confused more. She didn't understand a thing at all.

"How about you, Inspector?" I stared at the inspector and he replied, "It seems like what you said is true. The chance of a person who suffers dwarfism is very plausible..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Luca frustratingly asked.