Chapter 40: School Scientist Murder Case [AIM]

"You honestly didn't get it, Luca?" Lemuel asked.

"For starters, dwarfism is a disease where people won't grow taller as normal humans do. They can only have a height of 4' to 4'7 feet. Of course, their arms and legs are shorter than normal humans, too. The victim's height is 6'5 and usually, when you sit down, he'll get 5'5 feet of height. Meaning, he is already eliminated as a suspect." I said straightforwardly.

"Then, what if he used some kind of stool to--" "No" Lemuel interfered on Luca's question and continued, "Even if he uses a stool, then he wouldn't be able to lift that vase because of the weak foundation of the dwarf people... Even a 25 to 30 lbs of items are already difficult for them to lift..."

"That is why he is eliminated. Regarde's height is 5'6, Ronalyn's height is 5'4, Janet's height is 5'5 and Alfonso's height is 5'6. And they have all possibilities of lifting the vase." I said while sighing.

"Huh? That is true for Regarde because of his good physique but for the rest of them?!" Luca said.

'Is she frustrated with everything that I said? Is it because I am always opposing her? Haha,' I chuckled inwardly.

"Mr. Forensic, let me ask you. There are 3 places that you've searched to find all of the fragments of the vase, right?" I asked as I stared at the forensic person that I asked earlier.

"Huh? Y-yeah, the vase, the place where it hits the victim which is the head and the ground behind the chair" He replied and immediately asked, "Then, there are no signs of blood on the fragments of the vase in that pool, right? If the whole vase is used to hit Hiroshi, then the vase's fragments on the ground should have blood on them... But if I guessed it correctly, there should be no blood on those pieces, right?"

"T-that is true, there is no blood on the fragments on the ground at all. There are some but there is still a lot of fragments without blood on them..." He continued and I continued talking as I stared at both Luca and Lemuel.

"The ground is basically a pool of blood, then tell me, do you know why there are some fragments with no blood on them despite in the middle on that pool of blood?" I asked with a cold laugh.

"They have been placed there after the murder, several minutes before his death..." Lemuel said and I continued, "Then, why do they have to do that?"

"I-I don't know..." Lemuel backed off and I smirked, "It is because the murderer is hiding something."

"What?" Lemuel said and Luca asked, "You haven't answered the question of what if the murderer is an outsider..."

"It is out of our topic miss but I will tell you. Do you know how many students, professors, visitors, and instructors are here on this school?" I asked and she scoffed, "What are you asking--"

"The people here on this school is approximately 400,000. Tell me, there are 400,000 people here and you are telling me that no one saw a hooded man entering the school and exiting after murdering professor Hiroshi?" Luca is silent, she can't argue anymore,

"Now, let's go back to the main topic, It is a big secret where he destroyed the vase first before hitting the victim. To lessen the weight." Everyone understood what I meant. The weight of an object will decrease if the other half is destroyed.

"If I am guessing correct, if this broken vase is whole, then it is more than 50lbs but if it is broken, it must have 30-40lbs of weight. Still making Levin an exclusion and the four suspects have the ability to weigh 30-40 lbs. by using the technique to lift heavy objects using the body's force and weight. You are all scientist, you must know the branch of science called 'Physics'..." I stared at everyone and walked towards Thomas.

"Now, do you want to know what happened before and after the murder happened?" I asked and they simply nodded.

"Then, let's go to the monitoring room and confirm the alibis of the suspects..."


"This took place earlier at 10 am, Regarde entered the room, and then 10 minutes later, the professor arrived. Another 10 minutes later, Janet entered the room as Regarde left the science room." I said as I stared at Regarde.

"Can you tell us what did you do inside the science room?" Lemuel asked as he also stared coldly at Regarde.

"We are talking about our project for chemistry to create a new compound and I have to confirm some things and then, he explained it to me for 10 minutes. After that, when I am leaving, Janet is in the door already" Regarde asked as he stared at Janet next to her.

"Well, Janet is inside the room for 40 minutes, then left at 11 am... Can we ask you what you did during that time?" I asked as I smirked towards Janet to see what she would react.

"Well, I asked him to help me on the theory that we created a long time ago and pointed the wrong things in our theory..." Janet asked as she slightly stutters.

"Next is Ronalyn and Alfonso, they entered together with the room for 30 minutes... You brought note pads so if I am not wrong, you are going to have a lecture with the professor?" I asked as they simply nod and then as I stared at the monitor, the mysterious guy appeared 5 minutes later.

"Now, at 11:42 am, where are you guys?" I asked while looking at the suspects coldly.

"I am at the office that the school temporarily gave us..." Regarde said.

"Is there anyone who can confirm that you are in your room?" He is silent on what I just asked.

"N-none" I smiled as I looked at Janet, signaling that it is her turn.

"I am too, inside my room, working for the theory... No witness"

I stared at one after another and all of them doesn't have an alibi. Every office here is private and the library's camera, where Ronalyn's studies are under maintenance. She doesn't have a witness because she is the librarian herself...

Lastly, Alfonso, went to the warehouse underground to get the material they needed. Of course, there is no CCTV because there are no valuable things there except for materials used for scientific purposes.

"That means, all of you have the possibility to murder the professor."

Then I continued playing the clip.

Janet appeared with the paper in her hands and opened the door after knocking. The light inside is dimmed, the light is out.

"What did you see during that time?" I asked.

"Ah, just Hiroshi." Janet said as I asked immediately, "Are you sure that it is Hiroshi?"

"I am sure that it is Hiroshi since he said that just put the paper in the table, and he'll check my theory later after he finished doing what he is doing..." She replied straightforwardly.

All of us watched the monitor and saw Janet leaving the room without the paper, and then, the mysterious man also left the room..

Then, Alfonso appeared with the materials in his hands. He knocked on the door but no one answered. He just opened the door and left without the materials.

"Hmm? Care to tell us what did you see inside?" Luca asked and then Alfonso said, "It is dark at that time and I can only see the silhouette of my master who is staring at the computer, it seems like he is watching something"

Then we continued watching the events as I fast forwards the events and then Janet came back, opening the lights and seeing the dead body of Hiroshi. It also shows that she didn't enter after opening the door.

The only person who entered the room is...

Me, of course.

I paused the record and said, "Now, let's talk about something. All of you, have the possible reasons to kill Hiroshi, right?"

I asked which made everyone dumbfounded. Even Luca and Lemuel are speechless.

"What makes you say so?" Regarde nervously said as he backed off.

"Don't become so nervous, you murderer. Haha," I said as I stared at him with cold eyes with a laugh that made everyone shuddered in fear.

"No! I didn't kill Hiroshi!" He said as the police officer immediately took their handcuffs and then I interfered, "That is true, he is not the murderer of 'this' case but 'they' are the murderer of the case before the BPD took this case."

Lemuel didn't say anything but he understood what he meant. 3 days ago, two men, killed twenty-five students inside the apartment for some kind of purpose. And up until now, they didn't know who are the murderers. And they are probably thinking now that how did I know those? It is because of my nose.

They have the smell of explosives and gun powder. Both Hiroshi and Regarde have those smells.

"How did you know?!" Regarde asked as he stared at me with the eyes are telling me that it is unbelievable.

"Well, your office is full of explosives, you know? I checked everyone's room for that case..." I said coldly as I continued, "Well, you probably want to keep him shut up because he wanted to confess to the police? Even though he is the kind of person who uses drugs, he still has a very soft side, you know?"

"Janet has the reason to kill Hiroshi too. 20 years ago, isn't it?" I said as I smirked and continued, "He stole your project which made him become popular, and got invited to the top three science academies in the whole world? Plagiarizing your work must be the reason if you killed Hiroshi" She is silent, didn't dare to say anything.

"How about Hiroshi's apprentice?" Lemuel asked.

"Hey, Inspector Lemuel, how many apprentice do professor Hiroshi has?" I asked as I smiled widely.

"Three, isn't it?" He replied and I continued, "Then..."

"...Where is she?" Everyone is dumbfounded.

"Wh-what do you mean?!" Ronalyn asked immediately. "Ronalyn, you know about that! Your best friend, Shina, is also one of the twenty-five victims of Regarde and Hiroshi" I said coldly that made both of them go mad.

"Wh-what?!..." She fell to her knees as she continued, "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Why the hell did you kill those girls?!" Ronalyn asked as the tears that came from her eyes flow through her face.

"Why?!" When Ronalyn is about to attack Regarde who is being handcuffed, Alfonso stopped her.