Chapter 42: News and New Title?

"You definitely made us shock, student Theo... If there are some cases like these, I hope you continue doing the right thing before the police come but please..." Lemuel praised as he stared at me and continued, "Don't do anything without a police, okay?" Lemuel's smile is dark.

"It is our duty, not yours. By the way, can you give me your contact info?" He said as he took his police notebook and then his pen.

I took it without saying anything and written down my contact info while the notebook is opened upwards. The police officers are listing down the information this way.

After that, I handed over my contact information and realized that I didn't use my fake name at this school.

"Xeros? Not Xerion? Wait-- Xeros are--" Lemuel said slowly as I immediately interrupted him from saying anything more.

"Don't say anything else here, please!" He immediately understood what I meant that made Luca confused.


"Hey, what is the matter when you saw Xeros?" Luca asked Lemuel as he drives slowly on the road.

"Xeros? You don't know?" Lemuel is speechless, he thought that no one in the whole state of Massachusetts would not know about Theo's family.

"Xeros family is the family who handles the Hugo Company, they are the family of prodigies. It seems like Theo is the one the people called the [Prodigy of the Century] because he solved several things such as the ball of lightning that is forming naturally, Voynich Manuscript, the manuscript about some plants, and a lot more things... We are lucky to meet him and get his contact information..." Lemuel stated as he stared at the speechless reaction of Luca.

"I see, it is really a big opportunity for us to have someone from big families to have their contacts!" Luca said happily.

"But something is bothering me..." Lemuel muttered and then Luca immediately replied, "Even if he is from the big family, how the hell did he get all of their information and their historical backgrounds without the police noticing? That is what you are bothered of, right?"

"Yeah, it is simply too intriguing... But thanks to him, I can rest earlier..." Lemuel said as he yawns while driving.


I followed the policemen to the nearest police station and gave them my report that reached an hour of questioning.

The police inspector Lemuel also came back to me to give me a medal. Everyone seemed very curious about am and they talked to me for another hour...

'Haah, my stupidity hits me and I wrote my real surname...' I said to myself as I looked at the screen of my phone and noticed the time.

It is currently 5 in the afternoon, it is also the last lecture. When I am about to enter the room, the voice through the speakers all around the school announced: "The last subjects are canceled because of the case that took happen earlier at our science laboratory. Since there are no more classes, students may now go home..."

Everyone immediately took their respective bags as everyone heard the announcement and then left their rooms happily.

'I never thought that I finished gathering clues for an hour because of those late police officers! And then, some paperwork... Why do I have to make the report? Not the police? Are the police so lazy these days?'

I stared at the empty room where the only thing inside is my bag.

'Well, this case will also become a bothersome situation for the reputation of the school... I hope they can resolve it as soon as possible, this week will become a busy week for teachers, Haha.' I chuckled awkwardly as I took my bag and left the room.


After that, I entered my car and went back home.

"I am so tired!" I sat down in the living room without changing my clothes and then Rafaela saw me.

"You are home, brother!" Rafaela rushed towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Yeah, it is a very tiring day..." I complained as I sighed.

Rafaela took the remote and opened the television.

"Why?" She asked curiously and then I simply said, "You don't have to know about it, don't worry!"

I stared at the screen at the television and saw the news...

"...' I didn't say anything about what the reporter just reported. Rafaela is speechless too.

Suddenly, Rafaela stood up and shouts, "Mom! Dad! Brother!"

She shouts as loud as she could and before I noticed it, three of them are already on the door of the living room.

"Did something happen?!" Father said and Rafaela replied, "Yes, there is!"

As she smiles, they stared at the television and saw the report about the case in our school alongside my face.

"Based on the police, he is just a high school student who solved two cases on this case. Three days ago, there is a case where two people placed an explosive and engulfed the whole apartment in a fire. These two suspects are also part of the case on the Kirvin University's high school building where the science laboratory is located. The statement that the police said is that the student named [Theo Xerion] solved the case in an hour before the police arrived. He exposed the trick and the suspect in front of the police.

The people on the internet are talking about this high school student. The netizens are all impressed with this student and every single post about this student on the internet has the hashtag #Birth_of_the_eastern_highschool_detective. He became a good model for every youth and motivated some detectives.

Now that he solved it alone, the police gave him their thanks a lot of times on the internet and gave him a medal of honor for helping the police solving these two cases.

JR Rosario, reporting..." The report ended as everyone in the room is speechless.

"Are you serious? You solved two cases in one go?" Gaius said with the face telling me that it is unbelievable.

"Y-yeah, it is quite hard though. I have to gather information alone, you know? The police are late too. I thought they will go into the crime scene 30 minutes after it is reported but I didn't think that they arrived so late, 20 to 30 minutes of my unexpected time... That is why I asked one of my connections and searched for the suspect's background..." I said as I sighed and said to myself, 'It is definitely thanks to Falcon who gave me their full information alongside their connection and background. He also told me the police's action...'

"It is worth celebrating! Theo, the eastern high school detective, Haha!" Father said as he laughed followed by the chuckled of the rest.

"S-stop calling me that!" I complained as my face flushed in embarrassment.


After that commotion, we really did celebrate without sister Lily because she is doing some important business and it is already 6 in the evening.

I changed my clothes and rest down in my bed as I looked at the website of Olympus.

"It seems like, a lot of things happened, huh?" I said to myself as I stared at the forum.

The forum is talking about the mysterious guild that is located in the [Ingracia Territory] and their members. The people in the forums are all talking about how powerful they are. They said that all of them are unofficial rankers.

By the time I saw the word "Rankers", I immediately went to the page of rankings and saw that every top player is now level 1000 to 1,500.

'I got--left behind! Why the f**k did I stuck on the coma state, after all?!' I cursed as I continued, 'Well, I am now convinced that the one who bought the territory is our guild but they are all definitely rankers now, how can I show them my face while my level is still level 47?'

I scrolled down and saw my alias name on the rank 1 mysterious player up until now.

"This player is definitely a ranker now!"

"But we haven't received any news about him in this past month!"

"Shut up, he is still probably incognito or even part of that mysterious guild who doesn't even wanted to expose their guild name!"

"Yeah, that is true, he is..."

I am speechless that they are arguing because of me.

"Well, should I go inside again? Even though I still feel that there is something going on with this capsule because of these lingering orbs inside it?" I asked myself as I walked towards it.

"Well, they are just probably enchantments that aren't harming one's body so it is probably alright!" I smiled widely as I entered the capsule and said, [Immersed Diving Start!]

'I am going back! But first, I am going to maximize all of my skills!' I said to myself as I hear the mechanical woman voice of the system.



[Welcome back to the world of Olympus...]

I woke up in the same cave and then a lot of notifications appeared after me.

[Welcome back! You've been offline for 157 days, 23 hours, 15 minutes, and 20 seconds. The reward for the [Comeback] will be received!]
