Chapter 43: Infinity Stats and Upgrading Skills

[You received [100 Free Gacha Spins], [100 Free Golden Gacha Spins] and [1000 Free Diamond Gacha Spins] that is only for you]

[The God of Luck is happy that you received it...]

[Your physique changed significantly!]

[You obtained the [Supreme God's Body]!]

[Your strength reached the mortal's limit!]

[Your strength reached the level of the gods!]

[Your vitality and defense reached the mortal's limit]

[Your vitality and defense reached the level of the gods!]

[Your comprehension reached the mortal's limit!]



[Your affinity reached the god's requirement!]

[You will be evolved to [Dragon God]]

[Your stats are all infinity, you received [Infinity Holder] title!]

[Your prowess reached the power of the gods! You can now unlock the first scenario of the first phase, the Underworld!]

[The God of Luck is fond of you...]

[The God of Talent is envious of you...]

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After the series of notifications about the updates and god's feelings towards me, I immediately checked the title and became happy with what I saw.

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Title: Infinity Holder

Description: Your stats are not for mortals, you belong to the level of the gods. You've been recognized by the universe.

Effect: Permanent Skill Proficiency gain x10, Permanent EXP gain x10, Permanent Active Skill [Item Booster]

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After I saw the [Item Booster] skill, I checked it because I became curious just by looking at the skill's name

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[A] Item Booster Lv. EX

-It grants you to bless any weapons and upgrade their ranks based on your level.

Mana: 1,000,000,000,000

Cooldown: None

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"O-one trillion?" I am shocked at what I saw, the cooldown is already good but I am not confident about the mana. I am not sure if I can handle that much mana to reinforce on an object.

If I failed to do so or the amount of mana is lacking or too much can destroy the weapon, that is what I think.

I also looked at the [Gacha Ticket] which bothers me... 'What the hell is this? Gacha is not part of the system's function or it never appeared in the beta test so I am not familiar with it...'

I stood up and asked inwardly, '[Gacha]'

It is similar to the gacha we know of and there are a lot of items inside. It seems like the celestial rank items and skills are introduced to the public because on this gacha, there are celestial, mythic, and legendary rank items.

Though, it is divided into three gacha: normal, golden, and diamond.

On top of that, I got 1000 diamond gacha spins that are probably a gift from the god of luck.

'Why are the gods are so good to me?'

God of Luck, God of Talent, God of Manipulation, Elementa God, Fire God, Poseidon, and a lot more gods are all watching me.

'Please, don't punish me if I got into a messy situation...'

"I should check my stats..." I said as I ordered, [Full Status]

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Name: Theo

Level: 47

Race: Dragon God [Humanized]

Class: Sea God [Locked], Sage Classes (Unlocked): Sage Swordsman, Sage Assassin, Hidden Class: Dual Wielder Sage and Assassin King.

Job: God, Entity [Locked], All-Round Genius

Titles: Beta Tester, Successor of Poseidon, Hero I, Sage Genius, Baron of the Orion Kingdom, High Figure, 100 Level Gap Killer, Impossible Achiever, Creator, Contributor, Dungeon Conqueror, Assassin King, Infinity Holder

Health: Infinity

Mana: Infinity

Strength: Infinity

Intelligence: Infinity

Agility: Infinity

Dexterity: Infinity

Defense: Infinity

Awareness: Infinity

Luck: Infinity

Charm: Infinity

Comprehension: Infinity

Arcana: Supreme God (Infinity)

Fame: 6150

Wealth: 6 Diamonds, 46 Golds, 31 Silvers, 21 Coppers, and 75 Bronze.

EXP gain: x17 Permanent (x5 permanent from the World Announcement + x2 from Twilight Daggers + x10 from Infinity Holder)

Skill Proficiency gain: x10 Permanent (x10 from Infinity Holder)

Contribution gain: x2 Permanent

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'I became a god... But the class, [Sea God] is unlocked... What should I do? I sound very good too...'

[God of the Seven Seas is telling you to find it yourself...]

'Huh? The gods are answering now and on top of that, they can hear my voice?' I panic as I started to get more shocked.

This didn't happen in the beta test after all.

[Several gods are giggling because of you]

"What?! They are making fun of me!" I angrily said as I walked out of the cave.

'Well, it didn't feel like I was asleep for five months...' I said to myself as I immediately remembered what I should do next.

"[Blooming Changes]'s the second phase will initiate if I level up to level 50, I should upgrade all of my one-hundred or two hundred skills because of these dragon skills..." I smiled as I started to dash towards the north.

'I feel as light as a feather! It seems like I am too fast... So, I think, from now on, control all of my stats...'

When I reached there, I stared at the tallest tower in the whole Olympus. This tower has 100 floors after all. There are also a lot of players outside the tower, forming parties and immediately hid my stats using [Status Concealer].

Now, they can't see any of my stats or information because I only placed "?" on every single one of them. They will only think that I am one of the unofficial rankers.

I walked casually inside and noticed that the notification immediately ringed.


[Are you going to participate? Y/N]


[Party or Solo? P/S]


[Select Difficulty]

[Hydro, Terra, Aeria, Pyro, Lyra]


'It is better to level up my skills faster this way... Plus, I can definitely handle all of them...'

[Good Luck! Entering the first floor!]

My body engulfed by the light and then the next thing I knew, I am already on the first floor.


Five days have passed, I logged out and logged in five times to reach floor 25, it is still far away from the 100th floor but half of my skills are upgraded and at the same time, I also fused them so that the [Skill Fusion] would level up.

The result of the combinations for the dragon trees are:

Dream Dragon Tree

Holy-Shadow Dragon Tree

Space-Time Dragon Tree

Catastrophe Dragon Tree

Which is still I have to wait for 4 days to completely fuse them all.

The most powerful dragon skill, for now, is the [Dream Dragon's Eternal Sleep] and [Supreme Dragon's Judgement] that I unlocked as I continued killing non-stop on every floor.

I also got a lot of elemental skills and obviously, they merged with the [Mystic Manipulation] skill.

Using these skills, I can control any basic element freely. Time can also be manipulated but for now, I can only manipulate time in certain areas with lacking control.

"It seems like the time element is the hardest element out of all elements," I muttered to myself as I sat down casually on the ground of the 25th floor, and suddenly, the [Elemental God] interferes.

[Elemental God said that you are wrong, there are a lot of elements that is harder than time such as b*^&(Q7 element]

The name of the element is vague, but if the [Elemental God] says so, then it is.

"It seems like practice is the only way?" I said to the gods and the system said, "[All of the gods nodded in satisfaction]"

I sighed inwardly as I stared at my skills.

I didn't think that the x10 permanent skill proficiency gain is great.

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Slash Lv.EX

Elemental Backstab Lv.EX

Elemental Dance Lv.EX

Elemental Stealth Lv.EX

Elemental Sword Technique

- Star Burst Lv.EX

- Link Lv.EX

- Kill Lv.EX

- Downpour Lv.EX

- Deduction Lv.EX

- Descend Lv.EX

Elemental Drop Lv.EX

Elemental Inflict Lv.EX

Elemental Recreation Lv.EX

Holy Charge (Legendary) Lv.EX

Mystic Manipulation Lv.EX

Supreme Dragon Tree (Celestial)

Infinity Booster Lv.EX

[A-Dragons (Hidden)]

Dream Dragon Tree

Holy-Shadow Dragon Tree

Space-Time Dragon Tree

Catastrophe Dragon Tree

[A- Guardians (Hidden)]

Forest Guardian Tree

Volcanic Guardian Tree

Desert Guardian Tree

Snow Guardian Tree

Sea Guardian Tree


Poison Aura (Legendary)

Artificial Sense (Hidden)

Leap (Rare)

Underwater Breathing (Myth)

Sea God's Might (Celestial)

Ultra Instincts (Myth)

Body of Earth (Earth)

Breathe of Life (Legendary)

Destruction Affinity (Legendary)

Elemental Step

Dragon Language

Ancient Language

Flame Heart

Divine Arcane

God's Heart



Skill Fusion (Myth)

Elemental Strike

Blessing of the Sea God

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I am really happy that the [Elemental Strike] and [Blessing of the Sea God]'s mana and cooldown reached 0, and they have the potential to become passive. It can definitely help me significantly in battles.

But the [Appraisal] and [Identify] are annoying me because every time I look closely at an item, NPC, or player, I can see their stats without activating it.

A lot of my skills such as [Instant Movement] have now their shortest cooldown. [Instant Movement] have 5 seconds cooldown and the [Elemental Recreation] has no cooldown at all! But it needs 1,000 mana to activate which doesn't really a big deal for me as my mana is infinite.

Now that even if I wear my newbie set, no one can still defeat me. I am a god on this game, after all.


I left the tower and looked at the time.

In the outside world, the time is already 9 in the evening exactly.

'I still have a lot of time, maybe I should buy the inventory that you can put items there infinitely?' I asked myself as I remembered the gacha.

"That is right! Gacha!" I immediately rushed towards the peak of the mountain with my fastest speed that is faster than light and of course, I hid with stealth first because I don't know what will they think about me.

I opened the gacha system and looked at the prices in the normal gacha.

--Normal Gacha Prizes--