Chapter 54: Guild and Strict

The quest is finished and Julius stayed here because he liked the energy here.

[Level: 1,716 -> 1,756]

[Charisma +100]

'So the rewards are only two? No-- is it possible that the [Mount] that I just got is the other reward alongside a new [Summon]'

"Ah! Do you have different [Elemental Cores] or any kind of cores with elements on them?" I asked as we stroll down the town made out of ice. The [Ice Giant], [Ice Elves], and the [Ice Dragons] are helping each other to rebuild their town.

"[Elemental Core], master? Hmm... I have a lot of different [Elemental Cores], of course!" Sophia replied.

I want to promote my classes into [1] tier V for a big upgrade for my skills! Every time you promote your class, you'll get a lot of [Class-Related Skills] and the skills that are also part of your class will improve significantly. That is why I want new skills that are related to dual swords and assassination.

I am not expecting much for the [Sage] because I already have [Divine Heart], [Divine Arcane], and [Essence Manipulation] which is now far superior to the normal sages' skills.

"Then, how did you get a lot of them? Are you traveling and killing other dragons too?" I sneered as I stared at her human form.

She is a beautiful Dragonoid woman with icy blue hair and eyes. Her body is slim, a perfect slim body.

"No, several hundred thousand years ago, there is a war between dragons, humans, and demons. I am one of the rulers of the dragons so it is obvious that I will take care of the cores of the deceased dragons from my group. The [Elemental Core] I had are all now considered [Ancient Elemental Core] or [Ancient Dragon Core]" She explained as I feel surprised by what she said.

To promote one's class, there are different requirements for promoting a class.

For sage classes, there are no rituals or complicated promotions. I only need to absorb the [Elemental Orbs] that I have. So far, I only have the [Hybrid Core] and the [Wind Core] that I got from the fourth phase of the quests earlier.

But there is also an alternative way to promote [Sage Classes]. Those are using [Demon Cores], [Divine Cores], [Dragon Cores], [God Cores], and lastly, the [Ancient Cores] in place of [Elemental Cores]

The skills that you will get will be based on the core you absorbed. If I absorb the [Ancient Dragon Cores], I will only get the core's skill because the only thing that the [Dragon Core] gives is probably [Dragon Skill Trees] and your class will evolve into something else

[Dragon Skills] can't only be an individual skill. All of the skills related to dragons are [Trees] or you can say that it is also called [Set] of skills.

Even if it dropped or it is awakened to your class, you will get a set of skills.

'That will be amazing!' I said to myself excitedly.

"Then, can I have 30 of them?" I asked politely and she replied, "You can have them all master"

"No! Don't just give me some cores! It is important to humans! If humans would know that I have so many [Ancient Dragon Cores] they will do all their best to snatch it from me!" I said as I chuckled inwardly.

'That is a half-lie, the people will really try to snatch those cores from me. But that's if--they can snatch it from me...'

"Understood, master..." Sophia immediately turned into a dragon and she asked me to follow her.

"Ashton, let's follow her!" Ashton who is silent on my shoulder immediately transformed into his dragon form and then I rode him, following Sophia.


"Here it is master..." Sophia handed 30 cores with different elements. It seems like she picked them randomly.

"Thank you, I will go back to the human's kingdom now, I will visit frequently! I like this place, after all!" I shout as I immediately hopped into Ashton who is still in his dragon form after storing the different cores from different dragons.

"I will be waiting, master..." She smiled as she watched us go.

Levy and Fiona already left and immediately used their [Guild Teleportation Scroll] that I still don't have.

Then suddenly, the [Guild Chat] function ringed and appeared in front of me.

-- GUILD --

Guild Leader ~ Flame Emperor (Xavier): Who is the one who achieved this?

Member ~ Justified Nox (Jacob): We don't know!

Vice Leader ~ Undying Poirot (Chase): Wait, didn't we have an agreement that once the beta testers are united then we will announce it to the world? Who broke the rule?

Vice Leader ~ Flower Goddess (Fiona): That is us, brothers!

Guild Leader ~ Flame Emperor (Xavier): Why did you do that! We are impressed but you break out the guild's agreement!

Vice Leader ~ Fire Dragon (Levy): Because we didn't break the agreement!

Vice Leader ~ Undying Poirot (Chase): What do you mean?!

Vice Leader ~ Ice Prince (Theo): Because I am back. Haha

Guild Leader ~ Flame Emperor (Xavier): ...

Vice Leader ~ Undying Poirot (Chase): ... Welcome Back! You're an idiot! Where are you! I want to smack you!

Guild Leader ~ Flame Emperor (Xavier): It seems like our only prince is back!

Members: Welcome back, prince!

Vice Leader ~ Ice Prince (Theo): Thank you, brothers!

Guild Leader ~ Flame Emperor (Xavier): When are you going here to our base?

Vice Leader ~ Ice Prince (Theo): Later, I have to go to my school. :(

Vice Leader ~ Space King (Shawn): Well, just go. Let's have a celebration later!

Vice Leader ~ Ice Prince (Theo): Sure!

-- --

I closed the guild chat box and then we landed on a nearby mountain next to the [Ancient Kingdom of Zeus].

"I am going to go for a while, you can do what you want! Wait for me in the afternoon!" Ashton nods obediently as I opened the settings and chose [Log Out]

[Logging Out...]

I opened my eyes as the game capsule opened.

"Haah! I don't want to go to school..." I sighed as I remembered the reporters, student who wants autograph as if he is a celebrity, and the seniors who are frequently asking a question that is so hard that I easily solved.

For 8 days after the [Magic Tower], leveling, walking towards the ancient kingdom, and completing the quest for the 8th day, I became a celebrity that they started calling me [Eastern Detective] everywhere.

The [Western Detective] in LA is also famous but not like in my case. "Is this because of my "Charming Effect"?!" I sighed as I took my towel and enter the bathroom for taking a shower.


May 16, 2030, ~ Wednesday ~ Kirvin High School...

Just like my usual day, everyone is talking about three things here at our school.

The first one is me, it is because of my popularity as the one who solved a case very easily, everyone still can't forget about that day. Combining with my charm, everyone's attention is always towards mine.

The second one is the Olympus game, it is obviously a topic here at school because it is very popular on the whole globe. Our school also created their own guilds where the student here are free to join there.

Many players in the game are still weak with weak stats and equipment. That is why our school created a guild for them to improve their gaming experience. It benefits both the school and the members because it is the most usual cycle in the guilds.

Then lastly, homework... We are about to finish this year's grade and the 4th year high school students are graduating next week. That is why all of our incomplete homework, projects, or presentation, we have to comply before the weekends.

I already finished all of them during weekends. So I have nothing to worry about it. In our school, we still have to attend activities or updates on our grades. Also, the 3rd and 4th semester that I personally took last Saturday is being graded today and they will now post the official list of students from 3rd year to get promoted for the 4th year.

If they failed, they are going to repeat the year, or if they have broken a lot of rules during the school year, they might get expelled.

Despite being luxurious, the systematic grading system and the requirement of this school are too strict. When I ranked up from 1st year, half of our class repeated the year. While in my 2nd year, there are more than 35 students out of 50 students who got expelled because they went to a party and got drunk. They got reported by a teacher who is only passing by the area.

This school has a lot of delinquents and gangsters which the school didn't prohibit because their family background is higher than theirs.

One time, when they tried to snatch the money that I earned to buy a $100,000 game capsule of Olympus, I have beaten them down to gulp. I also threatened them to not talk about anything that happened there and never show their faces to me.

Ever since that day, they really didn't show their faces and the only thing I knew is that the group of people who tried to snatch my money left the school.

It also seemed like they warned the other delinquents not to mess with me.

I chuckled inwardly as I remembered all of that.

'It is quite funny...'

Now, this year, I don't know how many would get expelled or going to repeat the year. But based on my observation, probably more than half of this year's students will pass.