Chapter 55: Search and War

"Yo! It seems like you are not busy! You finished all the tasks that you missed?" Thomas asked as he walked towards me.

"Yeah, I already finished them all last weekend, come to think of it, why are you not present yesterday?" I remembered yesterday that he is not present, so I am kind of bored and left school early.

"Umm, my father got into an accident and my mother is still in Russia. She can't come home because there is a lot of important things that she has to do there, so I missed the class yesterday to check on my dad every time... Today, mom got arrived, so I can come to school again, why? Are you lonely yesterday?" He asked straightforwardly as I replied, "Kind of... There is no noisy friend beside me after all." I sneered with a chuckle.

"Ah! Do you know Olympus?" He immediately asked.

"What do you think of me? A person who lives in an isolated place? Of course, I know that!" I irritatingly answered, and he continued, "Well, everyone thought that you are not interested in this game, you know?"

"Huh?" I am speechless.

'Does everyone think I am not a teenager?' I sighed inwardly and Thomas continued with a smile, "But--are you even interested in that game?"

"Yeah, I am even playing that game..." I took my phone and open it as I answer him.

"You are playing Olympus?!" He raised his voice out of shock which made everyone in the classroom staring in our direction.

"Don't joke with me, you are not interested in games at all!" I stared at him coldly and said, "Do you think I am joking?"

"Eh? You--are not?" He nervously replied as I stared at the screen of my phone. I am checking the forums and saw how many people and guilds are trying to find more information about our guild.

I smiled as I stared at the forum.

XDubious_9240: Just what the hell is that [Silent Guild]?

FlameAsura-0931: They are so mysterious! Can anyone tell me some information about them?

FastCheerah_4256: They said that it is...


"Huh? Olympus website?" Thomas said as his face is next to me, staring at my phone.

"Ah! [Silent Guild]! The mysterious guild, huh?" Thomas muttered as he removed his head away from my head and stood up, "Well, there is an update soon for another [Guild Function]. There will be a [Search] function that will be going to be injected today but the time that it will inject into the game is unknown... The update said that once you searched the guilds that existed, you will know the information of their guild including the number of players and their level range... But it won't let you see the names of the members..."

"Update? I haven't checked the official news of the website because I am focused on the forum and ranking..." I said slowly as I immediately tapped [News] in the top left corner and showed a lot of news from the game.

[INJECTION UPDATE NOTICE [MAY 16, 2020 ~ TBD]: We finished creating a new system function in the [Guild] function that can search the name of the existing guild alongside their general information but for the confidentiality of the guild, the name of the members will be hidden alongside their personal information.

Plus, another event will be added!

Thank you for playing the Olympus!

~Virtue of Courage]

'Virtue of Courage? Come to think of it, the name of the developers of this game are called the Seven Virtues... What a cringy name...'

I stared at it and started to think at the whole point of this injection update. I can see that it can help you search the existing guild that you want to join, or you want to spy into, but it feels kinda fishy...

"We are lucky that the names of the members are hidden..." I muttered with my lowest voice as I sigh in relief.

"Then? What is your name you're using in the game?" Thomas asked excitedly as I replied, "My name is still the same, my appearance too..."

"Why didn't you change your appearance!" He asked with a sigh of disappointment.

"So that my friends would recognize me even in the real world. Why? You really want my hair to be changed, huh?" I sneered as I continued scrolling down the news. Seeing that nothing else is important in the news, I pressed the forum and continued watching the entertaining comments of the players.


[Immersed Diving Start]



[Welcome Back to Olympus]

I opened my eyes back at the mountain where I logged out last time.

Ashton is already here, sleeping while on his dragon form.

"Wake up you sleepyhead" I moved his head slightly, waking him, and then he licked me immediately.

"Welcome back, master!" He said excitedly said as he stood up.

"Let's go to the [Ingracia Territory] now!" I said as I hopped into his neck.

'Ahh-- from here, there will be a lot of players traveling... I should hide Ashton too...'

[Holy Dragon's Light Interference]

Using this magic, not just my body will go completely invisible in front of the others but also the things that I contacted with.

That is why my invisibility is also applied to Ashton.

He spreads his wings and flapping them. "Which direction is it again, master?"

"The small territory in the east... You can see the territory because of its altitude..." I answered as he stares at me and embarrassingly asked, "What is altitude, master?"



After a series of questions, we finally flew towards the east.

[Ingracia Territory] is a territory on top of the mountains with a very high peak mountain that reaches the height of the clouds.

There is no road to the territory. Once you've reached the peak of the [Gricius Mountain], there will be a bridge that is connected to the other peak of the mountains.

Then, when you traveled several bridges, you would reach the territory.

It is like a kingdom on the peak of the mountain above the clouds. A fantasy setting.

The scenery in the kingdom is very satisfying to watch. The price of land there is probably worth a diamond.

There are a lot of NPC residents there with the race called [Angelion], a human with angel wings, and the kingdom is larger than the [Orion Kingdom], probably 5 times larger.

Below the territory is a vast forest and a mountain range.

The [Orion Kingdom] or [Elzein Kingdom] didn't dare to subdue or monopolize the territory because the [Ingracia Territory] has a legendary guardian that protects the whole forest below and the kingdom up in the clouds.

The only way is to take the quest to become the king of the kingdom who can own the [Ingracia Kingdom] up in the clouds and the [Ingracia Territory] from below.

Only the [Flame Emperor Xavier] would know what hidden quest should take, and he probably did the quest in the early stage because the quest difficulty is easier if the quest is taken at the lower level.

Now, we arrived at the [Gricius Mountain]. We can't enter there carelessly because the guardian might attack us, thinking that we are enemies.

I remembered that the guardian attacked Levy because he used his fire dragon to enter the territory... He died miserably, the guardian is not a simple guardian after all.

The guardian is an incarnation of a god, we don't know whose god exactly but based on the [Angelion]'s story, the god died a long time ago at the kingdom's peak and then reborn as an eastern jade dragon.

It obviously has the power of God, so it can't be underestimated.

"When I look down the bridge, it is still kind of dangerous!" I said as I dashed towards another peak of a mountain.

"Why?" Ashton with his baby form said innocently as he licks his arms on my shoulder.

"Well, look at the bridge, it is so shaky!" I explained as I continued walking towards the [Ingracia Kingdom].

"Well, we can just fly!" He replied with a chuckled which made me sigh.

"Then, what is the use of foot? Even [Angelion] doesn't use their wings recklessly because the rule set by the guardian must not be violated! And one of the rules is not using wings or else, he will consider the one who used wings as an enemy!" I created an excused as I continued walking to the second bridge.

"Then why not kill the guardian?" I am speechless... That is true that I might kill it if I have 100% of my power, but it is too reckless. I might destroy the whole territory...

"Don't kill guardians who protect the other race, okay?" I sighed as I looked at him.

"Don't just kill anyone you want, okay?" I pat his head as we continued walking through several bridges. As far as I know, there are 17 bridges here and the 9th bridge is the longest.


When we are finally here at the 15th bridge, a notification suddenly ringed and appeared in front of me.

[The [Search] function is now unlocked.]

[Another weekly event is added! The [Guild Wars] is now accessible through [Guild Information]!]

[You are part of a guild, the [Sigil] will be placed randomly on your body...]

My right shoulder got itchy all of a sudden and felt a bit of a burning sensation.