Chapter 57: Four-Guild War Battle and Silent Guild - Part 1

'Responsible? It seems like it is not prohibited to stole or get the drops of the killed players...' I said to myself as I asked Xavier, "What is our first move?"

"Scatter" He immediately replied as he smirks.

"Roger!" All six of us said without hesitation and then I ran towards the northeast direction.

The immediate decision of Xavier meant two things: locating the location of different guilds and destroying their foundation and reduce their number of participants.

As far as I remember, the [Sword Maniac Guild] has more than seven hundred members. As for [Solar Sword]'s possible guild, the [Sky High Guild] has more than a thousand members, and finally, the [Hugo Guild], I know whose guild is that...

It is our family's guild with more than a thousand members too, just like [Sky High Guild]

'I hope I encounter the [Sky High Guild], I am interested in the [Solar Sword], I want to fight with him, the second hero of the first plot! I also want to see his legendary pet...'

[Pet] are somehow similar to [Summons] but you can't summon it if your pet is far away from you. Pets are the monsters that followed you without taming them. If you accepted the monster, it will become your pet.

I dashed in a straight direction and with my [Awareness] stat is infinite, I can feel two players ahead.

I didn't stop because they are pretty weak for being a level 1,300 player.

My steps are unheard of in the ears of the players using [Elemental Cloak]. I also used the ice element to reinforce the cloak, creating every single step of mine frozen.

[Fire Cloak] can make my strength increase, [Water Cloak] would give me intelligence, earth for defense and wind for agility. But if I used their subsidiary elements, then I would get an active effect.

Magma element of fire element will let me melt all of the things that my hands get in contact and the sound element of wind element will let me hear everything in the vicinity.

For this reinforcement, I used ice elements that give me the ability to freeze everything I touch and step.

As I continued dashing, the players ahead of me finally noticed me due to the fact that everything I step on will get frozen, they would definitely notice the abnormalities in nature alongside the change in temperature. They readied the man's sword as the woman prepared to shoot towards me.

'Long-range attacks won't hit me...'

When I watched the woman released his arrow filled with the fire element, I only dashed forward as I used the movement skill from the dragon skill tree.

[Nightmare Dragon's Illusion Steps]

When the arrow almost hits me, I stepped sideways leaving my afterimage.

The woman immediately used an arrow skill which discharges a rain of arrows after releasing it into the air. It is one of the popular skills for grinding levels and farming items.

"No use..." I smirked inwardly as I continued dashing without a hindrance.

When the woman releases the rain of arrow 10 meters away from them. I am still 18 meters away from them but it seems like they plan to slow me down but it will only work if I am still a human here at this game.

When I reached the rain of arrows located, I dodged every single one of them using the activated step from earlier.

"Wh-what? Why can't my arrows hit him? Jackson!" The woman ordered as the man named Jackson ran towards me.

I didn't unsheath my sword at all. I don't plan to block his sword skill that looks like a [Meteor Impact] of Anselmo but instead, I raised my head towards him which made both the man and woman confused.

When the sword is about to hit me, the sword instantly frozen and the frost effect affected Jackson, making his health decrease every single second.

Then when his body touched the ground that you can't even say that it is ground because it is completely changed into ice, he instantly stopped moving and he is now trapped inside the boulder of ice.

Every step and touch of mine is an instant freeze effect. You would look like a boulder made out of ice if you got touched by my hands and the ground that is completely changed.

After freezing Jackson, I turned my head towards the woman and used [Instant Movement] to teleport behind her.

I touched her head which immediately killed her because it is considered fatal damage or in simple terms, a critical hit.

[[Sword Maniac Guild] Jackson is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Ice Prince]!]

[[Sword Maniac Guild] Natalie is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Ice Prince]!]

[The God of War is very interested in the war!]

[The Norse God of Thunder is impressed on an instant win!]

'Hmm? I thought my name will be exposed but it seems like it is hidden... Is there such a function? Plus, why is [Thor] or [Norse Gods] is here?'

[Note: Your name is not known to the world. The system automatically changed your name into the name that the system interprets as your [Title Names]...]

[Title Names: Ice Demon, Ice Prince, Ice Dragon Prince, Assassin King, Lunar Scythe]

'Wait, how did the system know about the [Ice Demon] and [Ice Dragon Prince]? Did the system saved our [Title Names]' I frowned as I remembered the first time they entitled me as the [Ice Demon]...


"Amazing! He killed them instantly! Maybe the [Silent Guild] is really a guild for monsters!'

"True! But it is kind of unfair because we know the level of the [Sword Maniac Guild]'s representative but we don't know anything about the other party!"

"Who can blame them? They prefer incognito, you know?"

"That is true..."

Ain who is watching the live stream of the [Guild War] said, "It seems like they are really powerful, it the [Ice Prince], Theo? His cloak is definitely his!" As he lies down on the couch.

Rufus who is sitting next to him heard Ain about Theo said, "Huh? It is really his!"

"Brother, you have your own phone! Use it! I am watching how powerful is he inside the game!!" Ain kicked Rufus' face as he took his phone from his hands.

Ain who is completely recovered can control the demon skills freely now. Ever since Theo got comatose, both Ain and Rufus visited him several times and they planned to visit him sooner or later.

"Well, I am thankful that the cause of his comatose is the immediate changes on his body as he broke through four times. I am envious of his talent..." Rufus said as he took his phone to watch the live stream.

"Yeah, he is the youngest aura manipulator who broke through four times instantly from body reinforcement to evolution stage... He is only one step away to become the so-we-called god..." Ain said as he continued watching the live stream on his phone.

"Hmm? No one knows what is above the evolution stage, you know? Plus even if he is already in the evolution stage, it is not easy to break through on that stage. If it is that easy, then the aura manipulators must have thousands of gods already..." Rufus said as he taps his phone.

"True..." Ain said as he watched immensely in the live stream of the guild war in the middle of the night.


'It seems like the system has a function to change one's name if we are not known to the public, huh?' I said as I continued rushing towards the north because my [Enemy Radar] said that there is an enemy from the very center of this forest.

"The others are okay but Levy seemed to have an enemy, I hope he would be alright," I muttered and stared at the radar.

[Enemy Radar] is one of my [Fire Lancer] class-related skills that let me see the location of my friends and the location of the enemies that are near them.

If they found the base one guild, I would see it clearly through this skill.

"Who?!" I looked behind as I sensed an assassin's presence.

No one answered but I sense mana on the ground.

'Is it coming from the ground?--No! This is [Shadow Assassin]'s skill!'

I immediately reinforced the fire element to my spear, lighting up the area.

"Sh*t!" The assassin said as I dashed towards him.

[Flame Spear Surge]

I slashed upwards as the flame started to form a wall of fire surrounding him.

"Now, you have no escape from here..." I said with a cold voice which made the enemy shuddered in fear,

"You are a ranker but it seems like you are a coward and you don't know what to do if you are trapped..." I frowned and continued, "You are nothing but a coward ranker..."

"You--! How about you die!" He roars angrily as he took the bait of making him angry for reckless attacks.

This kind of assassin is not worthy to be called an assassin at all!