Chapter 59: Four-Guild War Battle and Silent Guild - Part 3

'It seems like he noticed me...' I immediately used [Supreme Dragon's Sensory Radar] and saw him coming towards the enemies without even bothering to ask me what am I doing here.

He is the kind of lazy person who doesn't want the problems to become more complicated.

He is kind of cold to others too, that is why he doesn't have many friends in the guild except for Levy and me.

Even though he is like that, he is rank 6 in our guild as the most powerful member of the [Silent Guild]

[Flame Emperor], [Space King], [Ice Prince], [Flower Goddess], [Fire Dragon], [Sword Saint], [Undying Poirot], [Ghost Assassin], [Asura Tyrant], and [Jade Emperor] are the rank 1 to rank 10 respectively.

It is base on the rank that the [Undying Poirot] and [Night Detective] create.

To be honest, I think that Tyler is more powerful than Levy and Fiona... I watched his fight every time and I already know how powerful is he. He can fight with me fairly.

Even though if we fight, I will win because I also know real swordsmanship in real life.

'Well, he didn't change at all!' I chuckled inwardly as I leap to another tree's branch for a better view of him, destroying this many players.

The players are approximately more than two to three thousand. The guild of theirs probably divided the members into two or three... They don't understand the correct idea of this game.

"Enemy!" A man shouts from nearby. As I watch them readied their weapons, Tyler's silhouette from the forest is walking casually with cold eyes.

'[Prey Intimindation], huh?' I smiled as I saw the faces of the players.

When he surfaced to the light, you can slightly notice his white hair similar to mine and his cold golden eyes. But you can't see his full face because of the cloak and mask that he uses.

"Who are you?!" A member of the [Sword Maniac Guild] yells towards him. Tyler didn't answer obviously and only stared at them with killing intent.

'Are they an idiot? He is already gazing at your guild members with killing intent, you should try not lowering your guard and ask a lot of silly questions.' I frowned as I saw the guild's knowledge about individual, team, group, or guild battles...

Tyles closed his eyes and then he vanished as the time he is about to open his eyes.

'There it is! [Saint Movement],'

[Saint Movement] is a [Sword Saint] class-related skill that makes your agility infinite, just like all of my stats...

But this skill needs a continuous drain in the mana.


[Tyler Lv. 1,642

Health: 7,500,000/7,500,000

Mana: 4,536,631/5,500,000]

The drain on the mana is insane!

It is like 100,000 per second! He just activated his skill more than 10 seconds ago!

'But even if it drains that much... For 10 seconds, he defeated this much,' I chuckled as I stared at the mountain or corpses of the players he just killed.

He probably killed more than 1,000 players and he just deactivated his movement. His mana already consumed 1 million of his mana...

'Did he leveled up his skills when reaching more than 50 or 100?' I asked myself as I stared at his mana consumption.

'But this battle is so satisfying to watch...'

I continued watching Tyler kill a lot of them brutally and coldly. No attacks hindered him nor hits him. He is pretty much invincible but he still has a weakness.

'Magic... Binding magic is his weakness. Once his sword or body is bound, the effects of his passive called [Raging Saint] where every slash, it increases the attack power significantly. He already slashed more than a thousand times, his attack power must be already at ten thousand...'

By the time I said that inwardly, the wizards, mages, or any magic-type classes such as [Elementalists] or [Puppeteer] to attack.

If it is the weakness of the [Sword Saint], [Puppeteer] will be his toughest opponent because it controls the corpse of the dead, body of a monster or player.

If he is controlled by the [Puppeteer] or he got bound by the binding skills, I will jump in and help him.

I said as I stared at the rear part of the group where the long-range magic-type classes are located, they are already casting different kinds of skills. While the most troublesome enemy for [Sword Saint], the [Puppeteers] are already preparing their skills. The casting speed of the controlling skills for their class is so long, after all.

Due to that, the melee fighters and some long-range class users are defending more than 20 [Puppeteer] players.

Tyler immediately notice them and rushed towards them.

He knew his weakness, he knew his disadvantage of being bound and you can't move.

This is the reason why he is ranked 7, he can't defeat us because all rank 1 to rank 6 use magic and all of us have binding magic where we are aware that it is his weakness.

[1] My weakness in the past is my health due to the fact that I am focused on attacking and I have trusted my party members that they will protect me. But now, I can't see my weakness for now.

As he dashed towards the [Puppeteers], the melee fighters that are defending the [Puppeteers] attacked Tyler but they obviously missed and they got their instant death.

But as time he continued dashing, a wall of earth blocked him. He didn't hesitate on what to do and instantly shattered the wall of earth in front of them, smashing it into many pieces.

He rushed towards the [Puppeteers] and killed them one by one.

One, two, five, seven, ten, fifteen...

He just ignored anything else and continued killing the [Puppeteers] merciless.

But when he is about to kill a [Puppeteer], a plant-type binding skill grabbed his sword and pressed it into the ground.

'Now, that is not good...' I said as I leaped to the sky.

As I saw the bird's eye view of the whole battlefield, I saw their crystal is protected by three people.

I also saw Tyler who panicked as he saw his sword being pressed to the ground.

When several melee fighter and long-range attacks are about to hit him, I used an instant skill.

[Ice Dragon's Reinforcing Crystal Skin]

I immediately cast the skill that I usually use when a party member of ours is getting a fatal or heavy attack.

His skin turned into paler white and when the attack hits him, it backfired towards the enemy.

"You are just watching from the forest but you aren't helping me at all, but finally, you made a move... [Ice Prince]" Tyler said with an irritated tone.

"Well, since I know that the [Sword Saint] is taking care of this direction, I thought that I shouldn't get on his way but I didn't imagine that you will become like that..." I scoffed as I stood behind him.

Now, we are currently getting surrounded by the [Sword Maniac Guild]


"Wooah! The person called [Ice Prince] appeared again and gave [Sword Saint] a hand!" The announcer of the game said in the live stream.

"What do you think will happen in this battle against the representatives of [Silent Guild] and members of [Sword Maniac Guild]?" He said to the other announcer who is silently watching the live stream immensely.

"Honestly, based on the number, I am confident on [Sword Maniac Guild] but remember, [Silent Guild] is still hiding their true strength. Even the [Sword Saint] didn't use many skills. It will only get worse because the [Ice Prince] appeared. I think that this is the end to the [Sword Maniac Guild]" He said as he watched carefully every detail of the war.

"But didn't we already know what is their power? Based on their nicknames alone, [Ice Prince] probably only uses ice-type magic while the [Sword Saint] uses holy sword techniques? Then, they probably can counter their specialties if they used their weakness element such as ice is weak to fire, isn't it?" The first announcer stated but the second announcer chuckled.

"Do you think it is that simple? Even the [Flame Emperor] from earlier only played with a top ranker assassin and only used one or two skills. [Ice Prince] against the two rankers only used a movement-type skill without any offensive skills at all. The freezing effect is probably from his hooded cloak, it instantly turned into icy blue color when he saw his enemies, after all... Do you think that they only use one type of magic? Who would buy that? If I am correct [Ice Prince] is either a wizard or a melee fighter who uses magic at the same time..."

"What a monster!" The first announcer understood his point as he continued watching the live stream while being an MC for it.

"Also, his movement skill from earlier is kind of confusing..." The second announcer said as he scratched his chin.

"What do you mean?" The first announcer replied.

"The movement skills can only help you evade and dodge all attacks but in his case, he even dodged every arrow from the [Arrow Rain] and he is leaving an after-image... His movement skill is probably ranked legendary or myth..." The second announces chuckled as he saw the reaction of the first announcer.

"Seriously?" The first announcer said as he watched the live stream where both Theo and Tyler is in the middle of the battle against the [Sword Maniac Guild]