Chapter 60: Four-Guild War Battle and Silent Guild - Part 4

"You are surrounded! Kill yourself before all of you will get killed by us" A woman with a manly voice yells as she stared at us with an intimidating gaze but it will only work for normal players.

"Haha, don't get ahead of yourself... Hey [Sword Saint], how about you all of the melees? I will take the magic-physical type classes and the rest of the members?" I asked him as he said with a hmph.

"Do what you want..." He said as he immediately dashed towards an enemy.

When he said to do what I want, I immediately opened my [Dragon Wings] and flew over the rear area, and raised my hands.

"Then, this is a challenge! How about defending yourself against this?" I provoked as I immediately lowered my hand.

[Ice Dragon's Meteorical Fall]

A rain of sharp and pointy icicles appeared in the sky which looks like they are raindrops on a rain.

"Use a [Fire Magic Shield]!" A man ordered as he raised his hands to defend against the raining icicles.

"He probably can't move after using this skill because he is controlling it!" He continued as I chuckled inside.

'Idiot, its duration time is 10 seconds and I don't have to control it, the elements will do it. They don't know a thing on the [Dragon Skills]' I frowned and sighed inwardly as I watched them use their shields and magic to block my icicles but it is no use.

It penetrates armor even it is made out of [Mithril] or [Orichalcum]...

Then I rushed towards them, making them surprised. They thought that I am controlling this skill because this skill obviously needs a lot of concentration to make. But I am a dragon, a friend with the elements like the elves.

Every skill of mine is the will of the elements themselves, I only have to use a skill and let the elements take care of it.

I dashed towards them and immediately opened my inventory and took my [Crystal Ice Sword].

I slashed their torso, splitting their body in half and killing several mages in one attack.

"It is only a basic attack but I already killed more than 20 mages? So if I used a skill, then I already killed a lot of them..." I said as I stared at them coldly with my demonic--no, draconic eyes.

"Then, how about this? It is too boring if you die very easily, let's make this battle longer... I am not having fun ever since I sealed a god so I probably missed the feeling to my triumph..." I said as I purposely exposed that I am the one who sealed the [Shinto God of Thunder, Raijin].

I want them to know the strength of our guild so that everyone won't underestimate our guild...

"What?" Everyone is speechless except for [Sword Saint], he knew about it because Levy and Fiona are bragging about it every time.

"Hey, [Sword Saint]! Why are you saying it?!" Tyler shouts towards me as I smirked and looked in his direction. I smirked and said, "Why? Isn't it better to expose it? So that this guild won't fu***ng underestimate our guild?"

"Ah--" he didn't say anything. Even though he is cold outside, he is also frustrated with the humiliation of the woman from earlier who said that we better kill ourselves.

"Who wouldn't be angry when you said that we kill ourselves while our comrades are fighting?" I said as I used [[1] Supreme Dragon's Intimidation]

My red eyes glowed very brightly as my face became darker than usual.

"Wha--" The members of the guild are being oppressed just by my intimidation.

"That is why I want to play... All of us must only use offensive magic, if you used defensive magic, you will die instantly..." I said as I saw them smirk slightly.

"You guys are thinking that buff and reinforcement skills are not noticeable? It is not if I only use my eyes. I should use my magic..." My fingertip glowed and written a lot of words differently. Such as rules, offensive, prohibit, and so on and so forth.

[2] My [Rune Magic] is only close to rose its level to level four but I already know a technique of how to use a complicated [Rune Magic]... Use one symbol at a time and form a comprehensible sentence without those wa, ni, ga or no in the sentence.

[You [Rune Magic] rose a level] x2

[You created your own runic domain. Please name it of your choice.]

[Offensive-Only Domain]

'I can't think of a name for this domain except for that name...' I frowned inwardly as I continued staring at the enemies coldly.

They noticed that there is some sort of barrier surrounding the whole area.

This is the effect of domains in the [Rune Magic], once you are inside, you can't exit unless the user authorized you or you are exempted in the rule inside the domain.

Of course, I excluded Tyler so that he can still use defensive skills such as [Holy Shield] or [Barrier]

"Then, the domain is--completed... Everyone who uses defensive skills must die and you can only use offensive attacks... Can someone try using one, please?" I asked as I smiled very coldly.

A man immediately used reinforcement magic that strengthens the skin and then, his body just exploded instantly after casting it.

"What?!" All of them shuddered in fear as I smirked at the courageous man who used defensive magic on my domain.

Tyler is also surprised because he didn't know this skill. Even Fiona nor Levy because I didn't use this skill at all in the palace.

"You have this kind of skill?" He asked as he walked towards me,

"Yeah, I got lucky while doing a quest..." I said nervously as I continued talking towards the crowd of enemies.

"Now, the offensive-only match will begin!" I said as I closed my wings and it disappeared in my back. Tyler walked beside me and then he said, "Am I included in the effects of this domain?"

"Of course..." I said as I stopped a little bit. I saw him frown and continued, "...not"

"You are an ally, of course, I would exclude you on the effects..." I said as I sneered at him.

He sighed in relief as I chuckled inwardly.

"Then, should we start this massacre?" I smirked and he immediately replied a nod with a smirk.

Both of us dashed towards the enemy and I immediately equipped my [Crystal Ice Sword] and [Elemental Sword]. Of course, I reinforced it with an ice element so that it would look like a piece of ice-type equipment. I also reinforced my cloak with it and used a sword technique that I know.

[Daille's Sword Secret Form: Hydra's Seventh Head!]

A spiral slash hits everyone on its way, killing more than twenty for one skill.

[Xeros Dual Moon Style: Tidal Wave]

A wave of sound ringed through everyone's ears and made their ears explode with the aid of amplifying the skill with the sound element.

"Hey, [Sword Saint] can you show me one of your moves?" I asked him as I saw him fighting the enemies with a smirk.

"Sure, what type of move do you want?" He asked as he stared at me from away.

"Hmm? How about your powerful move?" I sneered at him as I stared at the scared enemies in front of me. They can't make a move because they are shuttered in fear.

"Okay..." He just did what I asked without knowing what can I do with his techniques.

He used his feet to remove the balance of the enemies which is similar to the [Wings of the Vermillion Bird] but he didn't use his whole feet to stomp to the ground. It is as if he only slides his feet and then stomped in the ground without leaving his feet to the ground. Then, he continued the move with an upward slash where there is a sharp gust of wind produced by the move.

"[Miller Sword Style: Gust of Flow]"

It killed more than 300 of the enemies in a straight direction. It is similar to a breath but it is a sword style or technique.

"Oh! That is the sword technique version of the [Wind Dragon's Breathe], isn't it?" I asked and he simply replied with a nod.

"Then..." I stared at the enemies in front of me and continued, "...I will do every single process you did and..."

I slide my feet and stomped to the ground. After that, it created a small earthquake in which they lose their balance, and then when I am about to slash upward...

"...amplify it with [Storm Dragon's Wind]!" I exclaimed as I reinforced the [Storm Dragon's Wind]

When I completely slashed upwards, it created not one gust of sharp winds but it created three of them on three different locations.

"Huh?" Tyler is speechless on what I just did.

"Do you know where I can get a [Storm Dragon Tree] so that I can use the skill like that too..." He sighed in envy and I replied, "Buy it or let the [Wind Dragon] teach you these skills..."