Chapter 61: Four-Guild War Battle and Silent Guild - Part 5

I stared at the speechless crowd of enemies where they got an insane amount of casualties.

Earlier, there are more than two to three thousand enemies here but now, their numbers reduced significantly to more or less than 100 members left.

"Let's go to the crystal now..." I said as I walked away after seeing their pitiful faces. Their faces are showing fear with no chance of hope.

"... They can't fight anymore, just look at their faces... They are not on their correct mind, there is only fear on them," I said as Tyler immediately replied, "Well, so we will leave them?"

"Yeah, after the crystal is destroyed, the whole guild will get eliminated after all... I am also excited about who is the guild leader of this guild," I stretched my hand as if I am doing the morning stretches.

"Well, let's go?" Tyler said as his cold eyes changed into a very dangerous gaze. It is his habit that when he gets excited too much, his eyes will become more intimidating. It is probably his innate talent.

"Yeah, but there are three enemies there, who will handle the other two?" I asked curiously.

"..." He stared at me with a smirk which gives me creeps.

"Fine, you handle the other two but I will handle the leader..." I sneered.

"You? ... ... Fine. I only want to play..." He agreed which surprised me because he always wanted to fight stronger than him but he is not an idiot to just attack recklessly. He might be cold and looked like an idiot if you saw him spacing out, but when it comes to battle, his brain is solid metal.

"Is it because you are probably tired already?" I immediately stared at him for five seconds and then, the [Appraisal] activated.

[Tyler Lv. 1642

Condition: Fatigue/tired]

"Wha-- no!" His face flushed as he heard my question.

"Don't lie in front of my [Appraisal], okay?" I smiled as I walked towards the east to kill the three people in the crystal or they are probably three of the seven representatives.

Plus, he can't lie to me because of the skill that I got from the universe itself, the [Sage's Eye]

I used the [Supreme Dragon's Sensory Radar] and [Supreme Dragon's Supreme Instinct] so that I can know if it is dangerous for me to move forward.

I sensed nothing much and immediately knew that they are probably as weak as the first two representatives that I froze earlier.

'Wait, there are four players guarding the crystal now!'

"Well, it seems like we have two enemies each now... Are you ready?" I smirked at him as he smirks back at me.

"Of course..." He replied to me with burning passion in his eyes.

"Then, let's go!" As I said that, both of us dashed at the same time with the same speed. I don't want to use my full speed in front of Tyler.


We arrived near the crystal and they still haven't noticed us. Tyler's presence is well-hidden while I sneak in the forest casually without making any footstep noise.

The four players are guarding the crystal as they raised their gods as they receive the notice that their connectors or the people with [Brain Magic] that can telepath with anybody.

They probably noticed that something is wrong and the one who is not earlier came back then helped to guard the crystal.

The one who came back looks like the leader and the rest are rankers...

I signaled Tyler to go to the other side so that they can fight two people each.

He only nods as he silently went inside the forest while his aura is suppressed.

I am too far away from them to see their status but it seems like the most powerful out of four of them is the leader which I am targeting purposely.

When I saw Tyler on the other side already, I signaled him to jump as the countdown in my hand becomes zero.




After counting from three to zero, both of us jumped out of the bush we are hiding on both sides of the crystal.

They didn't notice at first but when they noticed our presence too late, we already smacked all of their faces.

"Wha--?!" The man with teal hair and black eyes exclaimed.

"Wh-who are you?" He continued as he touched his swollen face where I punched him hard. Well, it is not that hard because if I currently use my 1% of power, his head might explode. I don't want to expose my strength too much...

"You don't have to know..." I smirked as I intimidate the one who looks like the leader with my cold red eyes accompanied by killing intent.

[The Gods feels sorry for him...]

I denied it as I didn't say anything and I am looking at him very carefully what reaction he will make.

"I am too disappointed..." I frowned as I touched my temple to massage it. We are very frustrated that this guild is very weak. I continued asking myself, 'How the hell did this guild become a top topic in the forum or news?'

I stared at Tyler who also sighed in disappointment and looked back at me.

I asked, "Kill them?" then he simply replied with a nod alongside the sound of hmph.

I took my [Crystal Ice Sword] and [Elemenal Sword] that is coated with ice element from the inventory and pointed it towards the neck of the leader and the other representative I handled.

"N-no! Please I beg you!" I stared at his pitiful state and I scoffed, "You? you tried to spy on us, right?" I said coldly as I remembered the forum message that I read. They are the start of the rumors about that.

Well, I am only acting angry to create a reason for killing him.

"T-that is..." He instantly changed and his face started to get a cold sweat.

[Xeros Dual Moon Style: Two Links]

I slashed both of my swords horizontally in a dual-style attack, slashing both of their necks.

Beheading or anything that can instantly kill any person in the real world is considered fatality or critical in this game that can normally kill any player instantly.

Both the representative and the leader of the [Sword Maniac Guild] died miserably in our hands.

After that, we slashed the crystal even though we know that they are completely eliminated now.

[[Sword Maniac Guild] Gianni is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Sword Saint]]

[[Sword Maniac Guild] Morgan is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Ice Prince]]

[[Sword Maniac Guild] Alvin is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Sword Saint]]

[[Sword Maniac Guild] leader, Demetrius is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Ice Prince]]

[The Seven Representatives of the [Sword Maniac Guild] are eliminated!]

[The crystal got destroyed! Adding additional punishment towards the losing team]

Tyler and I are speechless on what the system just announced.

We didn't know that there is another punishment when the first two rules took place.


After that battle, we separate ways and I went in another direction, west. As far as I know, the one who went that direction is Chase, the [Undying Poirot]

Tyler went southeast where Fiona went into.

I didn't get any enemies in the way and felt that it is kind of boring with only running in the forest. I immediately got an idea of where I can have fun.

Furthermore, I will use the [Supreme Dragon's Sensory Radar] to locate the other guilds...

A radar appeared in front of me and quickly zoomed it out.

"North, South, East, and West are the location of the guilds, huh? We are summoned near the center of the radar too..." I frowned as I saw the location of the four guilds.

'What the hell it is! I thought it is too hard, so we thought that the system placed their locations randomly!'

I sighed again as I count the numbers of the troops in the west...

"Oh, it is the guild of my brother... Should I watch them?" I said as I continued looking for the enemies on the radar.

In the end, the other representatives are with the crystal and the [Silent Guild] are the only ones fighting offensively. The other representatives beside me also got together.

The three players are probably Fiona who went south, Carter who went southeast, and Tyler who just finished destroying the [Sword Maniac Guild] beside me. The leader is alone, and he probably can handle it alone because I know how powerful is he. He can wipe out half of the enemy guild's troops in the blink of an eye.

Lastly, Chase and Levy already united in the west, probably fighting with the [Hugo Guild] already.

[[Sky High Guild] Alexis is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Flame Emperor]]

[[Sky High Guild] Lane is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Flame Emperor]]

[[Sky High Guild] Scott is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Flame Emperor]]

[[Sky High Guild] Reginald is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Flame Emperor]]

[[Sky High Guild] Neil is eliminated by [Silent Guild] [Flame Emperor]]

The leader finally made a move.